NW Completed *NEC Tuesday / Friday Linebattles* [EVENT HAS RETURNED TO NAPOLEONIC WARS]

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WhiteFox said:
1stSPG will no longer be participating in the Tuesday and Friday events.

Noted. Sorry to see you go.

Updated: You've been added back to Friday's event per your request.

A NOTICE TO ALL REGIMENTS Within the next week or two I will be publishing a list of regiments that have not shown up to the NECTFL for some time.  If your regiment is on this list and you still intend to remain active within the event please PM me so that I do not remove your regiment from the roster.  This is to clean up the roster and make organizing the event easier. By no means should you view this as an attempt to single out your regiment.  Like I said just message me so I know NOT to take your regiment off the list otherwise you will be removed within a week of the list being published.
Regiment name: 9. Leib-Infanterie Regiment
Regiment Class (LI, Arty, Cav, Etc.): Line Infantry
Predicted Attendance: 6 and over.
Leader's Steam link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027361636
How often do you plan on attending? What days?: Mostly weekends Saturday and Sundays, and Fridays.
Regiment name: 60th 'Royal American' Regiment of Foot
Regiment Class (LI, Arty, Cav, Etc.): Line & Skirms (It really depends on attendance, but I know how to apply for specialist positions)
Predicted Attendance: 10-20
Leader's Steam link: Cop
How often do you plan on attending? What days?: Tuesday and Friday

I hope you still have room for us.
1thecop said:
Regiment name: 60th 'Royal American' Regiment of Foot
Regiment Class (LI, Arty, Cav, Etc.): Line & Skirms (It really depends on attendance, but I know how to apply for specialist positions)
Predicted Attendance: 10-20
Leader's Steam link: Cop
How often do you plan on attending? What days?: Tuesday and Friday

I hope you still have room for us.

Accepted, and welcome to the lb Cop!
Regiment name: 95th Kolberg Regiment
Regiment Class (LI, Arty, Cav, Etc.): Line
Predicted Attendance: 10-15
Leader's Steam link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065329441/
How often do you plan on attending? What days?: Tuesday/Friday
95KB_LtCol_Sloppy said:
Regiment name: 95th Kolberg Regiment
Regiment Class (LI, Arty, Cav, Etc.): Line
Predicted Attendance: 10-15
Leader's Steam link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065329441/
How often do you plan on attending? What days?: Tuesday/Friday

BAM! Accepted and welcome :smile:
Regiment name: 98Inf
Regiment Class (LI, Arty, Cav, Etc.): Line Infantry
Predicted Attendance:6-11
Leader's Steam link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197988145684
How often do you plan on attending? What days?: Teusdays
At this point in time we are going to close applications for now while we get situated with the new influx of regiments. We will see where the numbers stand over the next few weeks and go from there.

Any application after this point will be put on the waiting list.

Thanks everyone.

P.S. The special units for 11/13/2012 have been updated. Check spoiler in OP to see whats available and who is getting what.
Regiment Name: 15th York
Role desired: Artillary
Date you're applying for: 11/13/12
How many people for this role: 4-5
TO ALL REGIMENTS If your name is on the list below you will be removed from the attendees list within the next week due to inactivity.  If you wish to remain active in the NECTFL events and your name is on this list please reply promptly and I will not remove you. Thank you.

1a Svka (Tuesday/Friday) 15
Brunswick Uhlans (Tuesday) 10
IHA (Tuesday) 10
Munster (Tuesday) 10
Chasseurs Britanniques (Tuesday/Friday) 10
26th Mountmellick (Tuesday/Friday 15
Garde Fuss (Tuesday/Friday) 15
Nr11 (Tuesday/Friday) 15
78e Napoleons Guard (Tuesday/Friday) 10
98e régiment (Tuesday/Friday) 15

Regiment Name:98e Regiment D'Infanterie de Ligne
Regiment Class:Line Infantry
Predicted Attendence:8-12 people
Leader's Steam Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/cman0123
How often do you plan on attending? What Days?We plan on attending Tuesday and Fridays
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