Natural Threats, and/or like a 3rd 'team' at battlefield

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By natural treats as a 3rd team I mean like a pack of wolves or hyenas (think on that, lotsa hyenas doing their horrible sounds could be scary :grin:) that may attack both our units or our foe ones.

They could spawn in the middle of map or at both remaining corners.

They could be: wolves, bears, snakes, lions, tigers, crocodiles etc.

Instead of a 'team' they could also spawn randomly on the map, like waiting to get angered by someone and only then attack.
For ex. the tiger could spawn on a tree and jump over whoever passes below it.
The bear could wait on a cave for someone passes in front of it and so on :smile:.

As natural threats, also falling rocks, or a thunder on a raining day would be very fun also.
The powerfull warrior on his full plate with 2handed sword gets blasted by a thunder as you can safely stop running from him :grin:.
A leather armour wearer could care less on such matter :smile:.
And such warrior should have avoided open areas, see what I mean :smile:.
remember the movie that said "snakes are more afraid of humans then you of them" part?
now, give THEM reason good enough to attack an utterly tasteless human...
You almost smash a snake with your feet and then it tries desperately to save its own life by going around your leg and trying to crush it.

Then you can say 'how to fight it?', just point down your view and hit hard til it releases your leg or dies.
And if you dont do it, you take damage, poison damage and can only move at 1/4 of speed etc etc :smile:
Oooh, I just watched a pack of hyenas on the National Geographic channel and they are deadly predators. I thought they were only scavengers. By the way I also watched a full grown grizzly bear run down a deer and break its back with a mighty swipe of its paw. And then it just tore into that deer like it was a dish of ice cream. The bear just jumped into a whole herd and picked one out and deer were much faster but they tired out and that bear had stamina, it was awesome. On TV, I wasn't there.
Yeah, but animals attacking humans, large groups of them especially, is very unlikely.
There may be a quest about it maybe. Wolf packs in winter may attack villages becoue of food shortage. It happens. But animals going on "war" is not so realistic i guess.

Maybe you can use tracking to find animal tracks for hunting and if you are hunting predators or some aggresive animals they'd fight back?
Worbah said
Yeah, but animals attacking humans, large groups of them especially, is very unlikely.

Ho ho. Not when its mating season or mother with its cubs. I saw on a documentary people being savaged by bears. And its only a sun bear and not a grizzly. The bear swiped the guy's face and half his face fell off. Maybe we can have a herd of wild buffalos to trample people? Or we can have a jungle setting and have wild boars.
No name said:
Worbah said
Yeah, but animals attacking humans, large groups of them especially, is very unlikely.

Ho ho. Not when its mating season or mother with its cubs. I saw on a documentary people being savaged by bears. And its only a sun bear and not a grizzly. The bear swiped the guy's face and half his face fell off. Maybe we can have a herd of wild buffalos to trample people? Or we can have a jungle setting and have wild boars.

What I meant is that they aren't that aggressive. Sure if you go near a cub the mother bear goes ape****, but a bear doesn't attack 40-50 men unprovoked. And a herd of buffaloes trampling people? Sure, if you went to their path, but still, very unlikely.
I think the difference is that it is not like 10 men going against one or 3 bears (or 10 bears...).

But more like 10 men going against 10 men foes, and one or two of them be attacked in the middle of the battle zone or one of the corners if they seem to enrage such animals by simply approaching.

If such unlucky men manage to flee a bit from those animals area, the animals stop chasing and get back to their position, unless they receive a ranged attack of course.

I think it would be interesting to have to pay attention to perceive camouflaged green snakes on ground to not smash them :grin:. They could even be catch up with a proper skill and a pole weapon, and be used against men foes (ok this may sound a bit complex but not less fun :smile:).

Btw, hey let perilous animals be a danger, I mean they can be a danger for any reason, even the war cries, or a wound w/e, or for no reason like those beast pitbull dogs that kill ppl for no reason :sad: *sob*...
Im pretty sure a pack of wolves, or any animal that you may find in the wild would do its best to avoid a roaming band of armed and hungry mercenaries bent on destroying everything in their path. Unless of course they all somehow contracted rabies at once.

Although if you wanted to fight a wild bear(s) or other vicious animals, the arena would be the best place to find them, as well as the most realistic. This may even open up new quests to capture such animals and bring them to the arena for their eventual slaughter.
Natural threats.. nah, hyenas/bears etc would be more afraid of a mounted troop of men...

Now if we went more magical/mythical....
Ogres/Trolls/Dragons :razz:
I'm sure that in the mods that will eventually be made for this game, you may find yourself fighting packs of mad or enchanted wolves, trolls, dragons, or what have you. It'd probably be pretty cool, too. But considering how much work it would be to make the models and animations, let alone the changes that allow units to have bite/claw attacks and so on, I think we probably shouldn't beg too hard to have it in the main game.
ok, now animals dont attack humans.. how about insects?
ever seen the 'killer bees'? they killed some cuple of hundreds in america in 70s or something...
those thingys could be added.. like you swing your axe, and on the three you hit a beehive, so the bees get pissed off and start (you know what)
or youre on one side of river, and enemy on other.. and on nearby tree you see a beehive, you get your bow and shoot an arrow at it, it falls and bees think it was the poor river pirates so they get nailed.
that would be sweet!!!!
African bees are still killing people in the U.S. it's just boring now. I love animals and don't like it when they get wiped out and extinct but why would a pack of wolves chase deer when they can get some easy meat from a flock of sheep, or baby cows from a farm? That is why predators get hit with the shotgun. Naturalists on those TV shows always try to say that lions don't attack and eat people unless they have a toothache or a sprained ankle but that is B.S. When a healthy lion is hungry it will eat anything made out of meat. And I just love it when they say that a shark only attacks swimming humans because it is mistaking you for a wounded seal, small consolation when your leg is ripped off at the hip. I don't want people to kill sharks I want people to avoid swimming in the ocean unless the boat is sinking.
This thread hurts my brain. Most animals will not attack humans unless provoked. It doesn't matter if the animal is alone or in a herd, because the whole herd is afraid of this strange bipedal creature they see. When they are provoked however, they will attack viciously. The problem is, animals will run before attacking. You'll never find a bear or a wolf or any of these other animals on a battlefield. You might find bees, but there is now way they can be added to the game because there would be way too many units. Plus they would have the strangest weapon ever. Animals are unrealistic and impractical.
Nests of stinging insects may not be such a bad idea, albite their presence should be rare. They should probably not be lethal and be more of a nuisance. A random arrow or swing cutting a large nest in two would certainly make a soldier think twice about remaining where he is, even in the worst of battle. The comical value of this could also be refreshing every now and then. Although I wouldn't shed many tears if they didn't make an appearance in the game either.
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