SP Native Native Mod Compilation - NMC 1.153 beta2 released

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Great news ! Waited so long and finally  :grin:
Started new game and what i see... billions(eh, ~40) of new overpowered and well equipped npc's, without any backstory and dialogues, just soulles bots :sad: :sad:
Very sorry for harsh words and negative attitude, but what reason was to add this ridiculous and imbalanced guys ? 16 of base npc's is more then enough. Always possible have 3 pairs + 1 neutral in party, enough to appointing to the role of doctor, surgeon, scout, engineer, tactic etc... , enough noble npc's for granting them fiefs. 3-4 trained noble npc's - that's good boost for starting new kingdom. Epic win - persuade renowned good-natured or upstanding lord to join ur kingdom. And thats all npc's looks like easy way to win, without most part of diplomacy, hard survival, raising armies. Bunch of supermans for real...
Eh, one more pardon for this post, i boiled of this new feature... I'm ready to get a minuses - good then we haven't reputation system here.
One question - it is possible to release alternate version w/o this npc pack ?  :oops:
TehGanker said:
One question - it is possible to release version w/o this npc pack ?  :oops:
That's the "lots of new companions" submod you're talking about. Some people want more companions - both specialists and NPCs that can be immediately converted into good lords instead of training the weak standard NPCs. However, I am aware of the fact that this submod does have quite some flaws and is rather unbalanced. Well, it's a beta version after all.
Right now, I am thinking about creating a reasonable (not more than 10) amount of new, balanced and unique companions. Maybe some of them should only show up if you have your own kingdom. They're either idealists inspired by the player's brave actions or simply ambitious and hope to gain power/status by serving the player.
My idea for new companions (names were created by a name generator):
In order to recruit these strong lords, you need to have your own kingdom. Besides, they want some "spending money".
- Thays, a Swadian style lord
- Rakmos, a Vaegir style lord
- Naban, a Khergit style lord
- Raeld, a Nord style lord
- Denum, a Rhodok style lord
- Samat, a Sarranid style lord

Those can be hired if you have your own kingdom. The constable would be the perfect recruiter.
- Orest, an infantry commander
- Darll, a cavalry commander
- Belunt, a ranged commander
- Cadyn, a ranged cavalry commander

As a Suikoden fan, I just had to add him:
- Mathiu (Suikoden 1), a strategist
He only joins you if you have your own kingdom.
It might be possible to add prerequisites like a certain renown/honor value. Perhaps a duel? Well, I'll see what's possible.

Any errors so far in the beta version?
gona test it asap.

Praise the lord for this release :grin:

ps: if its releases with the source files you can manually delete the companions pretty easily :wink:

If you need help with this I can explain you how. Or I'l even send you the edited files if you ask nicely :p
The game keeps throwing out this message "array GC". What is that? It really just spams there for no reason. And I don't really understand the purpose of messages "lord x has garrisoned x troops in x castle"... another message log spammer. Other than that, great work updating!
Enjoying this so far! Thank you!

Was also curious about the "array GC" message.

Occasionally gives me a date rather than a lord name during the "lord has been captured/defeated" messages.

Lastly, not to rush you or anything but any idea what sort of time frame we're looking at to get tactics/pbod running?
Larmantine said:
The game keeps throwing out this message "array GC". What is that?
I have forgot to mention that I have added Caba'drin's mod "Merchant's Trade Ledger". It depends on sphere's arrays so that might be the one producing these messages.

MoreDin said:
Lastly, not to rush you or anything but any idea what sort of time frame we're looking at to get tactics/pbod running?
Not in the near future. PBOD is released as modmerger kit and not as source code. This creates problems due to the fact that my files are heavily modded and getting them to cooperate with each other is a big challenge.

Larmantine said:
Would it be hard to add it on my own?
Yes, it is far from easy. You'd need to change several constants and other stuff to get it to work.
Bismarck said:
Not in the near future. PBOD is released as modmerger kit and not as source code. This creates problems due to the fact that my files are heavily modded and getting them to cooperate with each other is a big challenge.

I had figured that. I was at least able to get motomataru's Formations and AI (not yet tested against lords/ big battles but Ranks/Shieldwall look like they're working) in with modmerger. While not ideal, it should satiate me for a while.

I haven't had as much time to play as I would hope but I'll list a couple of other very minor annoyances that I've noticed:
- Auto-sell doesn't seem to work.
- During tournaments, after knocking out any enemy (no matter how many remain) it repeatedly gives a message that the battle is won and to press tab to exit. Which of course, would be forfeiting the tournament.
- The multiples of some companions in the taverns, as Crille has mentioned.

That's all I have off the top of my head. Hopefully I can play some more soon. 

Edit: Good news is I got PBOD loaded pretty easily (thank you win merge!). Unfortunately it's a bit bugged. The in-battle menus (when using F4-F9) immediately disappear. Other than that, when I formed ranks my troops did so but started walking off... somewhere. But hey, it's a start.
MoreDin said:
Bismarck said:
Not in the near future. PBOD is released as modmerger kit and not as source code. This creates problems due to the fact that my files are heavily modded and getting them to cooperate with each other is a big challenge.

I had figured that. I was at least able to get motomataru's Formations and AI (not yet tested against lords/ big battles but Ranks/Shieldwall look like they're working) in with modmerger. While not ideal, it should satiate me for a while.

I haven't had as much time to play as I would hope but I'll list a couple of other very minor annoyances that I've noticed:
- Auto-sell doesn't seem to work.
- During tournaments, after knocking out any enemy (no matter how many remain) it repeatedly gives a message that the battle is won and to press tab to exit. Which of course, would be forfeiting the tournament.
- The multiples of some companions in the taverns, as Crille has mentioned.

That's all I have off the top of my head. Hopefully I can play some more soon. 

Edit: Good news is I got PBOD loaded pretty easily (thank you win merge!). Unfortunately it's a bit bugged. The in-battle menus (when using F4-F9) immediately disappear. Other than that, when I formed ranks my troops did so but started walking off... somewhere. But hey, it's a start.

Thats really strange because auto-sell and tournament thing you mentioned, that problem I don't have.
Regarding the auto-sell, you know thats for if your companions have items in their inventory, right?

Will have to recheck the tournament thing so I'm not mistaken.
This mod pack, although I loved it a few years ago, I can't stand. The spam in it is UNBEARABLE. If someone could let me know if there is any way to turn the "This guy got dead" and"Oh look at my arrays" and the "GUYS! I TOOK TROOPS" spam off, I would be VERY thankful.
The clock is not showing anymore in the right down corner, only the period of the day. I noticed the arrayGC message appears every ingame hours (maybe GC = Game Clock?), probably the problem is somewhere there with the clock.
Another thing I noticed when companions want to leave and you offer money to stay in your party the button say if 15 denars would be enough but depending on the companion it takes a lot more money, I had once a companion who wanted over 8000. It's a bit much I think... :smile:
Crille said:
It also have multiplied some companions by x2 in the taverns. e.g. windich.
That's a CC error. Floris was able to fix it and I found the location in the Floris source code.

KnightRaven0 said:
This mod pack, although I loved it a few years ago, I can't stand. The spam in it is UNBEARABLE. If someone could let me know if there is any way to turn the "This guy got dead" and"Oh look at my arrays" and the "GUYS! I TOOK TROOPS" spam off, I would be VERY thankful.
The problem with the arrayGC message has been solved.

KnightRaven0 said:
This mod pack, although I loved it a few years ago, I can't stand. The spam in it is UNBEARABLE. If someone could let me know if there is any way to turn the "This guy got dead" and"Oh look at my arrays" and the "GUYS! I TOOK TROOPS" spam off, I would be VERY thankful.
I guess CC is producing these unnecessary messages. I'll find them sooner or later.

jtommy said:
Another thing I noticed when companions want to leave and you offer money to stay in your party the button say if 15 denars would be enough but depending on the companion it takes a lot more money, I had once a companion who wanted over 8000. It's a bit much I think... :smile:
That's a companion from the companion submod. I have just deleted them. In the near future, I will create new NPC companions that are more reasonable.
I've noticed another glitch/bug.
If you enable cheats in custom commander (mod options) and then click reports on the map you get stuck with no option to return to the map, so only thing you can do is to shut game down and restart it.


EDIT: Just like Arczx said. (Saw his reply after post)
I think I should post this here for the sake of completeness (copy from nexusmods):

[quote author=Me]I found some bugs in the new beta version (for 1.153):
1. Like some users said on the taleworlds forum many (all?) companions are appearing in pairs if you visit a tavern (be it "new" companions or the ones from native).
2. array GC messages are spamming a lot (probably a forgotten debug flag in one of the mods as GC probably means "garbage collector")
3. Financial Report is broken (scrolling results in tearing texts and there is a big white X in the background - also there is a red error message saying "get_object_companion_overview" or something like that)
4. Shariz is generating money (650 per week). It is collectable by visiting the landowner option in the city. (invisible acres of land owned? Financial Report shows the amount - broken but "viewable" - but no owned acres of land)
5. No Diplomacy "collect all" option for loot but the one to let the remaining loot be collected by your companions. But I would like to fill my normal inventary first.
6. The upgrading paths are not complete (missing sword sister part etc.) and sometimes have wrong/missing paths but correct units
7. party moral and size report (the combined one): Nice addition but "recent events" gets more and more negative and does not represent your actual "recent events" moral count (viewable in the party moral report). Resulting moral is correct.
8. In combination with 7. it would be nice to remove "party size report" and "party moral report" from the report menu as it is not needed to have both.

I think there were a few more bugs but I can't remember them atm. I am posting on nexusmods because my forum account isn't activated yet (never received an activation mail - not even in my "spam" folder) and taleworlds isn't replying on my mail I send two days ago.



9. While attacking Ichmar my troops could not find the ladder (or the enemys at all...) - i had to run up myself and "hold position" or "follow" them. The troops would have been stuck on the wall under the ladder otherwise. [/quote]

[quote author=Bismarck]1. Double companions is a CC bug and has been fixed.
2. Array GC was commented out.
3. Financial Report has been fixed. The mesh shown in the example doesn't exist, so I had to change it.
4. Strange. Let's see if I can take care of that.
5. I'm using CC's autoloot feature.
6. In the game or in the view troops window?
7. I'll see what I can do.
8. Fixed.
9. Ichamur? I'll try to reproduce it. [/quote]

[quote author=Me]4. encountered it for a few other towns but with less fixed values (tihr and i think yalen). Something seems to be broken with the internal handling as i never bought/sold any land (balance and land owned is wrong sometimes too). Only debt is working like intended (can't say anything about increased intereset as i pay my debts back in less than a game week).
6. the camp menu for troop trees ("View upgrade trees").

10. "View all items" lists some items more than once (exactly same stats&look!
11. As Companions now have "Equipment" and "Inventory" it would be nice to have that choice one dialog earlier. Choosing "Let my look at your equiment" and then "Equipment" or "Inventory" makes transfering items slower than needed...if space is a problem "We need to seperate" could be a sub menu to "I would like to ask something" (as it's needed way less often)
11b. It seems that the party inventory is exactly the inventory of your companions...am i right? if that is the case it would not be needed to have "inventory" in each companions dialog options at all (found that out right this moment...would have made some things way easier if i had known that earlier...)
12. What is the difference between Equipment and Inventory for Troops? Both show the same and it's not possible to change anything (except for custom troops i think? never had any...)
13. Change color of factions and import/export npc should be under "mod options" in my opinion

Info about my game (if needed):
1.153 (downloaded from the games site) used with a steam key and no mods in the native folder [/quote]

It seems like the "random money" with the landowner option is directly caused by the mod it is based on as "tocan's calradia" has the same problem (been playing tocan's calradia atm as I am waiting for a new version of this one). The cities also don't stop to produce gold once they started.
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