Native: Europe Slaughter (download release)

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Hi, guys,
I've just finished working on my little mod and I'm so happy that I cannot share it with you )
Have no idea of what to do with that but if anyone would like to try it I will upload it somewhere. Is it ok?

A few words about.
I can't say it's a major mod. I find M&B to be almost genius game so I'm just another one who tries to add some depth of field to Native. The other reason for not going far from Native is the attempt to minimize the possible errors amount (and the third reason is non-coding me) )

Title: Native: Europe Slaughter

Concept: Native on the medieval Europe map (so damn unique! but I like it))

- brand new Europe map. It looks to be close to real though there are some certain mistakes in it. So some fiefs importance can be differed (like city is a village etc.), some fiefs can be misplaced (at least I had to give some distance among them) and next to HRE territory is (surprise!) Russ territory, it's no more than artist's caprice )

- heroes and fiefs names. All of them were rewritten according to geographical and historical sources. So we got Richard in England, Barbarossa in HRE, sir Gawain aka Alayen, etc. Again, there are some mistakes and  few fiction names, but I leave it as it is for that does not make me feel bad ).
- so are the dialogs, menus and so on.

- Kingdoms of England, Castile, Franks, Holy Roman Empire and Principalities of Russ as major factions.

- New minor factions. Looters and Army Deserters (everywhere), small parties of Portugal Maradeurs (in Castile), medium parties of Denmark Raiders (HRE, Russ) and Sicily Brothers (HRE) and large parties of Mongol Raiders (Russ), Almohads (Castile), Poland Rebels (HRE) and Scot Rebels (England). Every rebel faction has it's small (comparely to kingdoms) troop tree. Only France remain some safe place to travel.

- big troop trees for every nation. Now the faction armies are not so dramatically different as they were though you will find some unique units and weaponry profiles in every faction, like more archers for England, more heavy infantry and pikes for HRE, more horse archers for Russ (you know Vaegirs), etc. Like in real every lord's squad includes cannon meat of poor villagers, medium and heavy infantry/light cavalry of higher levels villagers and townsmen and knights of noble citizens.

- historical mercenaries troops. Like famous Brabant spearmen, Gascoigne crossbowmen, etc.

- close to real troops layout. Poor people - poor armory and vice versa. Villagers with sticks and stones, knights with lances and swords. The same about armor, helmets and weapons types (again - not mistake-safe)

- easier faction troops recognition. Every faction has some 6-9 banners within one color scheme (HRE is black/white/yellow, etc.) Some minor factions and mercs use unique colors too.

- lots of new weapons and items. Mostly from locked M&B stuff and OSP packs, some were retextured to give more clear look

- minor gameplay tweaks.
*Like ransom prise based on troop class (now you don't have to loot villages to survive),
*cattle behaviour,
*bigger prize for conquered castles, etc.
*All the troops were given extra strenght and weapon proficiency and they are heavier armored now, so rushing forward by your own now is completely suicide tactic until you got looters.
*The battles now seem to last a bit longer.
*Player can enter the battle between two lords neutral to him.
*Two-handed weapons mostly can't be used in saddle.
*Charging horse and couched lance hit multipliers decreased slightly
*Troop wages increased
*Troops experience growth decreased so you won't be able to run a pack of top-knights after two weeks ingame

*Though the biggest bug remains - Frank architecture looks a bit Khergit ) Actually it is Khergit but I got neither strenghth nor will to change the scenes globally. Whatever )

- something minor I can't remember right now.

Here are some screens. A few of them for I've just started a new game
Most noticeable additions to inventory:

Piece of map:

Map close-up:

English guys are tired but happy after killing some German guys:

More Englishes:

My small merc familia:

Casual wear but brand new horse:

Dangerous bodies - German, Frank, Russ:

Castile Troop Tree:

Credits and thanks:
dariel for extra smooth set of Indo-Persian stuff, used it to set up Almohads troops
DaBlade for engraved plate armor;
Septa Scarabae for Great Helm add-on;
Luigi for some weapons from OSP pack;
Luigi, Njiekovic, Ursca, Ubberdorc, Mirathei, Raz, The Pope, TRC, Dindi for some helmets from OSP pack;
wildhorse for nice horse skins;
Runico for swords;
mrs. jik, Darwin and lot of guys for wasting their time answering again and again same questions from us rookies )

*my fault - I've found somewhere a pack of viking shields but I cannot remember where did I get it. This guy is likely to be russian. If anyone has the idea of what am I talking about please let me know and I'll fix it

Some new screens on page 3

Download Repository
File size is 50 Mb (140 Mb un-archived) It already contains all the bug-fixes from NES MinorPatch v1
Just add the folder with mod to the Modules folder and then choose it from the mods menu, hope everything will be ok.

MinorPatch v1
This is a small patch to fix some minor errors. Please download it from (Repository) and follow instructions included

What's added:
- bug with rare rebel shields been unusable fixed;
- bug with Frank horse unit unable to use his weapon fixed;
- Denmark troops renamed to Dane
- Russ Rich Helmet texture improved
- sand texture improved, not so eye-killingwhile battling on the shore
- English Battle Axe animation fixed (thrust hit added)

Welcome any thoughts, comments, critics and bug report. Also would be cool to show some screenshots if any of you feel like a war photoreporter inside. It's just fun to watch em no matter what mod is.
Thank you for cooperation.

Things I'd like to see in next version Please discuss and suggest, it helps a lot
- new major factions: Poland, Hungary, Almohads, Byzantium, Denmark, some Italy kingdom (and Liethuania maybe)
- ability to ransom himself to a captured Lord (like in PoP 2)
- extended armory and treasury available to Lords
- tournaments extended. More authentic tournaments to every faction + additional knight tournaments like lance along-a-barrier fights, sword duels and target shooting
- more dramatic ladies relation. As for now they may admire you and... nothing ) More medieval drama.
- again, some woman troops just for war party morale improvement
- something like you can be attack by drunken company as you enter a tavern
- new scenes for some existing and new locations
- something like a fort - a lighter castle version to help defend from enemy parties, maybe in some important points on map, maybe not owned by any faction and no instant troops inside - just free to use for everyone
- the ability to make gifts (maybe)
- the ability to bribe outlaws and peaceful parties from map
- new quests and new guilds (maybe)
- new map icons
- troop tree improvement
- report of your relations with everyone
- religion factor (if it's possible) as the additional reason for Kingdoms/Lords to love/hate each other. Some neutral big town center with papal service, quests, blessings and so
- some farming (maybe) or some horse cattle

So it's still Native but with a lot of additional features.
Any help is much appreciated. Especially if you're good in coding, 3d texturing and scene creating. Any help with troop/era research and quest/story ideas are welcomed too. Let's expand this )
Do not look here said:
Wow! Superb. Another mod with European map with...


instead of Kingdom of Poland.

no, man, it ain't no black hole, it's Russ Principalities instead of Kingdom of Poland ))
I know Poland was a power in medieval Europe, but I'm from Russia, so i did it the easiest way, sorry )
Poland will be in forecoming Rus. XIII mod exactly
smokindog said:
Do not look here said:
Wow! Superb. Another mod with European map with...


instead of Kingdom of Poland.

no, man, it ain't no black hole, it's Russ Principalities instead of Kingdom of Poland ))
I know Poland was a power in medieval Europe, but I'm from Russia, so i did it the easiest way, sorry )
Poland will be in forecoming Rus. XIII mod exactly

Kingdom of Poland in Russ Principalities?
You know, that if you were not from Russia, I would have to kill ya? But you are, so okay :grin: Just make sure you will at least make some Polish mercenaries for Russia...
Sushiman70 said:
Read the mother ****in thread!!! 1 or 2 days!

He was being a smart arse. Learn the meaning of sarcasm.

It kinda blows that Poland won't be in (not saying the mod will suck). I think their Hussars look great, plus they were a powerful group around this time.
butscrew said:
Sushiman70 said:
Read the mother ****in thread!!! 1 or 2 days!

He was being a smart arse. Learn the meaning of sarcasm.

It kinda blows that Poland won't be in (not saying the mod will suck). I think their Hussars look great, plus they were a powerful group around this time.

:roll: little hint:

Winged Hussars -> very late XVI-XVII century

It's not like polish army had consisted only of Hussars, since Mieszko I made Polish Kingdom :neutral:
Well... maybe you could think about making this mod less historically acurate and change Russ kingdom into Eastern Union? Then you can add some Lithuanian and Polish troops. Just a suggestion.
Do not look here said:
butscrew said:
Sushiman70 said:
Read the mother ****in thread!!! 1 or 2 days!

He was being a smart arse. Learn the meaning of sarcasm.

It kinda blows that Poland won't be in (not saying the mod will suck). I think their Hussars look great, plus they were a powerful group around this time.

:roll: little hint:

Winged Hussars -> very late XVI-XVII century

It's not like polish army had consisted only of Hussars, since Mieszko I made Polish Kingdom :neutral:
Well... maybe you could think about making this mod less historically acurate and change Russ kingdom into Eastern Union? Then you can add some Lithuanian and Polish troops. Just a suggestion.

I know jack about Polish history. Still think Hussars look pretty sweet so  :razz:

Also I think your suggestion is awesome but its up to the mod maker after all.
oh, guys! ) I understand your feel about countries but the main idea was not to step far away from native, so I've just changed everything I could handle inside the game but added nothing new (except for meshes/textures). When I was looking through the old maps it've been the first idea to place Kingdom of Poland. But this would leave too much empty space on map since we are running only five factions. And the second queston was "then what about Hungary?" And pretty powerful Denmark? Byzantium? Italian Kingdoms? Lithuania? So I've just replaced this all with the biggest land that appears semi-historical and semi-fantasy (you will see on map) )

And of course I'm more into Russ history then any other east-european state. So here it is )
At least you left Portugal  :grin: .
Can we hire portuguese troops? Maybe you could implement naval battles if you get permission from other modders. That would be cool.
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