Native Adapted--(a mod that will be started if I get some help)

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Hi, I am trying to start a new mod based on the original Native, but improve it along different lines then Improved/Expanded/Enhanced did. Hopefully we will make a mod that is deep, realistic and enjoyable to play. Here are the 5 things I would like to impliment in Native Adapted

1. Bigger Kingdoms-- The native map seemed really good, but i was always struck how small each kingdom was. Adding more villages, lords, castles, and towns would be a priority

a. Renown for all lords and characters increased so lords ahve 2-5 k and kings 10k

2. Bigger Troop Trees--I was shocked the first time my troops leveled to the max level after 1 week. I was equally shocked when I realized that 30 swadian knights could beat almost everything in the game in the field.  Our first priority would be to increase the number of units in the troop tree (i will elaborate later if you have any questions) by creating different levels of the troop first: swadian recruit->sawdian recruit'->sawadian recruit", second: expand the number of possibilites for troops and include paths for specialty weapons that fit with the factions style (nords-large things that hurt, rhodoks- spears...etc)

I just drew out the troop trees a bit here is a basic rendition of the nords one (the /'/" tell you how many ranks of that certain kind of troop there would be, as that would make it really hard to get the professional armies you can get in a week of native), ask if you have any question based on names

nord recruit/'->nord footman/'->nord trained footman/'/"->nord warrior/'/"/*->nord veteren/'/"/*->nord huscral/'/"/*/^
                                          ->nord axeman(2handed axe)/'/"->nord axe-warrior/'/"/*/^->nord breserker/'/"/*/^
                    ->nord huntsman/'->nord archer/'/"->nord veteren archer/'/"/*->nord elite archer/'/"/*/^
                                                ->nord slinger/'/"->nord axe thrower'/"/*->nord veteren axe thrower/'/"/*/^

Yeah, each rank /'/"/*/^ would increase the level by 1 and skills by 1 or two and also put the equipment up (like rusty axe-chipped axe-axe-reinforced axe) for the elite units the */^ would give them extra equipment, like the huscrals would get throwing axes (cutting) besides their axe, shield, and javelins (piercing) or maybe even a different type of one handed weapon besides their axe (something like a lordly nordic sword or even a shortened falx)

3. Formations--I know its been done, but it would be interesting to see how much depth we could put into that system (phalanx????)

4. Campaigns--Have actually widespread advances by a number of lords, no longer the lets have 2000 troops running around with marshall doing nothing

Idea so far-- 1.Multiple marshalls for certain groups of lords
                  2. mercenary parties (no fiefs) acting as scouts and small battle groups (30-90) for the lords (130-190) and marshalls  (200-225)

5. Character/Unit Traits-- Put some realism into it and balance it. The swadian knight always wins, have each kind of character have its advantages and disadvantages

6. Weapon Wear--Swords/shields get rusty/chipped/break and they need replacing--A metal warhammer will break anything it smashes basically. The tiny arming sword is not gonna block it.

Maybe use the same system for shield health on weapons and replace them with a broken version(or nonexistant version) once the battle ends: rusty- over time  chipped- random as you block or hit a blocked weapon  cracked- if the shield breaks

7. More Quests?/Guildmaster doesnt give annoying quests.--pretty self explanitory

8. Factions really diverse
Vaegirs-Pagan with lots of specialty units and insane weapons (falxes, hooks, slings, chains, bows,spiked clubs, flamberges, voulges, bardiches, tridents,etc.)
Khergits- 100% mounted light cavalry (leather armor) everyone has ranegd weapons
Rhodoks- long spears, large shields, tight formations, slingers and crossbowmen
Nords- Heavy heavy heavy infantry, with archers holding long bows
Swadians-master of heavy cavarly a diverse troop tree with cavarly (medium and heavy, slower movement heavy charge) infantry (not really that effective but able to hold units in combat, crossbowmen can't compare to rhodocks

So, if you are interested in helping post on this and lets see what happens. I really hope that this idea comes into fruition.

Also, I can't texture well (i tried it was downright painful to look at) and do advanced coding, but I have orked my way through the tutorials
I was going to make it myself/prob with some help texturing or coding not that much of a

I was more judging the level of intrest and seeing if anyone wanted something like this.
There's good news and there's bad news.  The bad news is that you say this:
lukaszirn said:
1st: I can't mod and I would love to have some help on this project
Which is almost assuredly to bring the wrath of many people upon you.  You'd do a lot better to say "I can't mod yet but I'm trying to learn X".  Otherwise, such messages are not well received here (though I see that you've already sort of addressed this).

The good news is that I don't think your ideas are terrible, but some of them are going to be on the difficult side.  Good luck, do your homework, and feel free to ask questions in the Forge.
Ooh sorry that fgirst line killed about everybodys interest in this thread... sorry

By the way this mod... isn't very creative anyway, it sounds like the mod my brother plays, Dalmascan sword or somthing like that... Either way this mod has the same idea as.... almost EVERY other mod out there, but they have an extra theme.

About the breaking sword thing, I don't think it's really possible, you might beable to mess with the systom that makes horses go lame over time.... but a weapon being broken by another... doesn't seem possible.
I was thinking about implimenting the broken shield thing in battle, and make or change a script that removes it from your inventory after the battle (much like the lords take money and prisoners for missions)
Well, its a interesting concept, to be sure. Probably a good way to start modding, but you may wan't to cut back on some of the more difficult things.
Also, I try to aim high--I hope that all of what I said would be in the final product but for the .2 or so releases I would only have the basic stuff in.
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