Nations Cup 2011: List of Servers

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Team Norway

Name of The Server: IG_Enpl/IG_duel    [ Not sure what name that would be in use during the mathces
Location: France [Paris]
Number of Slots : 40

Team Swiss/Austria

Name of The Server: Deutschritter_Clanserver (it's already in use, i know  :wink:)
Number of Slots:40

Name of The Server:Kreuzritter_Clanserver
Number of Slots:64
France want to add this server to their official server

Name of Server: FR_RDB_Clanserver
Location: France
Number of Slots: 26
Our server Imperium Lusitanum its down, im hosting it at my own home till it gets back. It make take awhile so dont count with him.
Best regards
France wants to substitute their actual servers by this one :
Location : Paris
Slots : 64
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