OSP Medieval 3D Art Narf's Transitional Armour Pack (Updated 07/19/10)

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CounterPoint391 said:
This guy got it to work...so it is possible. Although it would be nice if Narf implemented the tableau at least for the 'Early Transitional Armor' :grin:

Here's an example of the corrazina with heraldic colors (click to enlarge):

and here the same with the transitionnal armor...

It is not very difficult to do, the more difficult for me was to edit the texture and the material, but yo have to use the Python files in order to do that.

I came.
Von Krieglitz said:
It is not very difficult to do, the more difficult for me was to edit the texture and the material, but yo have to use the Python files in order to do that.
NOT difficult? :shock: Could I then, perhaps, ask you to do the same with some other armours? :razz:
You can do it for any armor, you just have to get the texture transparency (alpha) correctly, then align the banner textures with the armor's tableau texture in the module system. Otherwise the banner would just cover up all the details on the armor.
Personally, I can't do alpha maps worth a damn, and I haven't found time to get it aligned properly yet.
Here's my attempt at the Corrazine anyways
FrisianDude said:
NOT difficult? :shock: Could I then, perhaps, ask you to do the same with some other armours? :razz:
In fact I have already done some anothers.
I have to thanks Rucchi who have released the source code of his excellent mod Turn in Inferno, his code has allowed me to learn to do these heraldic armors.
Examples :
Milanese from Narf:


Mail and plate: (retextured by Rucchi)

Cuir bouilli:


Banded Armor:

Light Mail And Plate (also retextured by Rucchi):

And a transitionnal armor of Archangel2k :

I get a bo_winery error.

How do you add each piece individually, since I tried to overwrite it like you're supposed to and it didn't work out..
The item_kinds in this pack was for 1.113.  I haven't checked out 1.125 yet, but it looks like they've added some items.  You'll have to copy the items added on to the end of the item_kinds from this download to the end of the one from native, then adjust the number of items on line 1 to compensate for the number of items added.

*at the risk of sounding like an ********  Bah! Goddam ******** speach filter  :evil:

For anyone having difficulty adding these items to their game in the future, please try using the search function on this forum before asking for help.  There are countless posts, most of them easy to understand, on how to add new items to your game.  This is not intended to be a mod, but more of a resource pack.  I would rather spend my very limited spare time making models than doing tech support, at which I am no more proficient than any other person with access to the Taleworlds Forum search box.
Add lines:

load_module_resource = Narf's_Transitional_Armour_Pack to module.ini after all the load_resource ones

add the these lines to the end of your item_kinds file

itm_corrazina_red Corrazina Corrazina 1  corrazina_red 0  16842765 0 3828 704643238 30.000000 100 0 54 16 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_corrazina_green Corrazina Corrazina 1  corrazina_green 0  16842765 0 3828 704643238 30.000000 100 0 54 16 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_wisby_gauntlets_black Splinted_Leather_Gauntlets Splinted_Leather_Gauntlets 1  wisby_gauntlets_black_L 134217728  65551 0 860 704643236 1.500000 100 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_wisby_gauntlets_red Splinted_Leather_Gauntlets Splinted_Leather_Gauntlets 1  wisby_gauntlets_red_L 134217728  65551 0 860 704643236 1.500000 100 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_hounskull Hounskull_Bascinet Hounskull_Bascinet 1  hounskull 0  2147549196 0 1180 704643238 2.750000 100 55 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_sugarloaf Sugarloaf_Greathelm Sugarloaf_Greathelm 1  sugarloaf 0  2147549196 0 850 704643238 3.250000 100 54 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_gambeson Padded_Jack Padded_Jack 1  gambeson 0  553713677 0 275 123731968 5.000000 100 0 28 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_early_transitional_white Early_Transitional_Armour Early_Transitional_Armour 1  early_transitional_white 0  16842765 0 3828 704643238 30.000000 100 0 52 16 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_early_transitional_blue Early_Transitional_Armour Early_Transitional_Armour 1  early_transitional_blue 0  16842765 0 3828 704643238 30.000000 100 0 52 16 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_early_transitional_orange Early_Transitional_Armour Early_Transitional_Armour 1  early_transitional_orange 0  16842765 0 3828 704643238 30.000000 100 0 52 16 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_mail_gauntlets Mail_Gauntlets Mail_Gauntlets 1  mail_gauntlets_L 134217728  65551 0 490 704643236 0.500000 100 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_splinted_greaves_spurs Splinted_Greaves_with_Spurs Splinted_Greaves_with_Spurs 1  splinted_greaves_spurs 0  69390 0 960 704643236 3.000000 100 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_shynbaulds Shynbaulds Shynbaulds 1  shynbaulds 0  69390 0 1320 704643236 3.000000 100 0 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_steel_greaves Cased_Greaves Cased_Greaves 1  steel_greaves 0  69390 0 1890 704643236 3.500000 100 0 0 34 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_corrazina_grey Corrazina Corrazina 1  corrazina_grey 0  16842765 0 3828 704643238 30.000000 100 0 54 16 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

and increase the first number at top by 15......

If you screw it up try the search function.
i had this error before when i installed 1.125 WB version
but now can`t really say what exactly i did to remove it

i think it is problem with your module.ini file

how to fix that
get native module.ini (after you installed 1.125VB version)
then enter one after
load_resource = materials_face_gen

load_mod_resource = narf's_transitional_armour_pack
and save it

nice armors, thinking about adding it to my campaign. But im playing a female char( not so easy to marry btw), and my doubt is if you have made female models.
Dunno if you already did the female versions of the armor yet or not, but I did my own. Maybe it can save you some work, and hopefully I did not butcher your models too badly :grin: They can be found here. Please steal them.

Here are a few pics....






CounterPoint391, thanks for doing those female meshes.  I was really not feeling like getting around to it, and now I won't have to  :grin:

Here's a preview of the wip 'churburg 13' armour:





Still needs tweaking, but it's mostly done.

A couple of the reference images (a HUGE thank you to fedeita for sending me a ton of his reference images):



A version with brass trim will also be done.  And hopefully some proper hourglass gauntlets. 
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