OSP Medieval 3D Art Narf's Plate Armour Pack (UPDATED FOR WARBAND, 06/11/10)

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Update- 06/14/10-  fixed the bugs in the original Warband version release

Update- 06/11/10:

Narf's Plate Armour Pack finally comes to Warband!

-tweaked meshes to work with warband models- no more clipping knees!
-added normal maps; did these in a bit of a rush, so they may be garbage 
-added more lod support
-Narf no longer feeling despondent about previously released OSP, possibly prepared to fix potential bugs discovered by you, the user
-added item_kinds, module.ini, etc; this pack can now be pasted into the Native folder, and you don't have to do any thinking at all!

I haven't actually tested this much in-game, so if you feel like something really needs to be fixed up, let me know.  I may eventually do something about it.

Original post:

Seeing as I've had quite a few requests to use these over the last few months, I figured I might as well pack them up and make them accessible to all.  They're not my best work, to be sure, being my first handful of models.  Nor do I intend to improve them any further, despite how many issues they have (would take too long- I'd rather move on to new projects).  But people still seem to want them, so here they are.

Download For Mount and Blade 1.011

Download For Warband

Pack includes Milanese armour, Gothic armour, plate gauntlets, and 3 salet helms.





Updated April 4,2010

3/4 black and white pikeman's armour, 2 variations.
gauntlets in the same style as the black and white armour
a couple of combed morions
bear-paw shoes
plate mittens
flamberge zweihander


MnB 1.011 installation:
In your 'Native' folder, open the module.ini file and add the line : 'load_mod_resource = Narf's_Plate_Armour' after the line that says 'load_resource = materials_face_gen'

then open the file called 'item_kinds', and add these lines at the end:
 itm_combed_morion_blued Blued_Combed_Morion Blued_Combed_Morion 1  combed_morion_blued 0  65548 0 538 704643238 2.750000 232 48 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 itm_combed_morion Combed_Morion Combed_Morion 1  combed_morion 0  65548 0 538 704643238 2.750000 100 48 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 itm_plate_mittens Plate_Mittens Plate_Mittens 1  plate_mittens_L 134217728  65551 0 1940 704643236 1.500000 100 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 itm_flamberge Flamberge_Zweihander Flamberge_Zweihander 1  flamberge 0  6365188 4222129415393024 1123 155668 3.750000 100 0 0 0 11 51200 77 0 125 0 284 50
 itm_visored_sallet Visored_Sallet Visored_Sallet 1  visored_sallet 0  65548 0 638 704643238 2.000000 100 48 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 itm_visored_sallet_coif Visored_Sallet_with_Coif Visored_Sallet_with_Coif 1  visored_sallet_coif 0  65548 0 738 704643238 2.250000 100 52 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 itm_open_sallet Open_Sallet Open_Sallet 1  open_sallet 0  65548 0 538 704643238 1.750000 100 46 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 itm_kettlehat Kettle_Hat Kettle_Hat 1  kettlehat 0  65548 0 293 704643238 1.500000 100 40 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 itm_open_sallet_coif Open_Sallet_with_Coif Open_Sallet_with_Coif 1  open_sallet_coif 0  12 0 638 704643238 2.000000 100 48 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 itm_milanese_gauntlets Milanese_Gauntlets Milanese_Gauntlets 1  milanese_gauntlet_L 134217728  65551 0 2140 704643236 1.500000 100 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 itm_bnw_gauntlets Black_and_White_Gauntlets Black_and_White_Gauntlets 1  bnw_gauntlet_R 134217728  65551 0 2240 704643236 1.750000 100 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 itm_bnw_armour_stripes Black_and_White_Armour Black_and_White_Armour 1  bnw_armour_stripes 0  16842765 0 3696 704643238 19.000000 100 0 50 18 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 itm_bnw_armour_slashed Black_and_White_Armour Black_and_White_Armour 1  bnw_armour_slashed 0  16842765 0 3696 704643238 19.000000 100 0 48 18 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 itm_milanese_plate Milanese_Plate Milanese_Plate 1  milanese_plate 0  16842765 0 9496 704643238 30.000000 100 0 62 22 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 itm_gothic_plate Gothic_Plate Gothic_Plate 1  gothic_plate 0  16842765 0 9996 704643238 24.000000 100 8 58 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 itm_bear_paw_shoes Bear_Paw_Shoes Bear_Paw_Shoes 1  bear_paw_shoes 0  536940302 0 150 123731968 1.000000 232 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Also, at the very top of the item_kinds file, there's a number entry on line 2.  The unmodified native one is something like 495, I don't remember exactly.  That number specifies the total number of items in the game.  You have to increase this number by the total number of items you add to your game.

If you want to tweak the properties of these items, you can use the item editor (also found on this forum) to do so very easily. 

Warband installation:
1. Open Module.ini file in the mod folder you're adding these to.
  [ctrl-f] to find this entry: load_resource = materials_face_gen
  just below that, add:
load_mod_resource = narf's_plate_armour_pack_WB

2. Copy the included Resource file and Textures into your mod directory.

3. Open the item_kinds1 file.  Increase the number on the second line by 15.  Then open the included file named 'item_kinds1_entries', and copy-paste these lines onto the very bottom of the item_kinds1 file, just before the very last line, which starts with 'itm_items_end':

 itm_milanese_armour Milanese_Armour Milanese_Plate 1  milanese_armour 0  16842765 0 9496 704643238 30.000000 100 0 62 22 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_gothic_armour Gothic_Plate Gothic_Armour 1  gothic_armour 0  16842765 0 9996 704643238 24.000000 100 8 58 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_bnw_armour Black_and_White_Armour Black_and_White_Armour 1  bnw_armour_slashed 0  16842765 0 3696 704643238 19.000000 100 0 48 18 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_bnw_armour Black_and_White_Armour Black_and_White_Armour 1  bnw_armour_stripes 0  16842765 0 3696 704643238 19.000000 100 0 48 18 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_bnw_gauntlets Black_and_White_Gauntlets Black_and_White_Gauntlets 1  bnw_gauntlet_L 134217728  65551 0 2240 704643236 1.750000 100 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_plate_mittens Plate_Mittens Plate_Mittens 1  plate_mittens_L 134217728  65551 0 1940 704643236 1.500000 100 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_chapel-de-fer Chapel-de-Fer Chapel-de-Fer 1  chapel-de-fer 0  65548 0 293 704643238 1.500000 100 40 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_visored_salet Visored_Salet Visored_Salet 1  visored_salet 0  65548 0 638 704643238 2.000000 100 48 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_visored_salet_coif Visored_Salet_with_Coif Visored_Salet_with_Coif 1  visored_salet_coif 0  65548 0 738 704643238 2.250000 100 52 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_open_salet Open_Salet Open_Salet 1  open_salet 0  65548 0 538 704643238 1.750000 100 46 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_open_salet_coif Open_Salet_with_Coif Open_Salet_with_Coif 1  open_salet_coif 0  12 0 638 704643238 2.000000 100 48 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_combed_morion Combed_Morion Combed_Morion 1  combed_morion 0  65548 0 538 704643238 2.750000 100 46 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_combed_morion_blued Blued_Combed_Morion Blued_Combed_Morion 1  combed_morion_blued 0  65548 0 538 704643238 2.750000 232 46 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 itm_flamberge Flamberge_Zweihander Flamberge_Zweihander 1  flamberge 0  6365188 4222129415393024 1123 155668 3.750000 100 0 0 0 11 51200 77 0 125 0 284 50

 itm_bear_paw_shoes Bear_Paw_Shoes Bear_Paw_Shoes 1  bear_paw_shoes 0  536940302 0 150 123731968 1.000000 232 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Do whatever you want with them, so long as you give credit. 
Not your best work ? I can't imagine what is your best work ! Because those plate and sallet look awesome !
I actually dropped my pen when I saw the title. Awesome work. :grin:

Tell me, when are you interested in making some lighter, earlier, somewhat middle-easternish armours? :razz:
Downloaded, and I've got an idea for the milanese armour. Minor question though, would it need re-rigging if I removed the armpit plates? As they don't entirely fit with my idea. :smile: 
FrisianDude said:
Downloaded, and I've got an idea for the milanese armour. Minor question though, would it need re-rigging if I removed the armpit plates? As they don't entirely fit with my idea. :smile:
If you use the copy rig function of OpenBRF, probably not.

Anyways, very nice pack!
Arch3r said:
FrisianDude said:
Downloaded, and I've got an idea for the milanese armour. Minor question though, would it need re-rigging if I removed the armpit plates? As they don't entirely fit with my idea. :smile:
If you use the copy rig function of OpenBRF, probably not.

Anyways, very nice pack!
To get the thread back on track, I'll pm you on that. :razz:

Actually, never mind. I think I understand already. :grin:
Well it's very nice from him to give that to the community. And i can't wait to see your other armour in Italy and Crumbs !
FrisianDude said:
Downloaded, and I've got an idea for the milanese armour. Minor question though, would it need re-rigging if I removed the armpit plates? As they don't entirely fit with my idea. :smile: 

If you can't get it to work, pm me, and I can separate it and re-rig it.

Rath0s said:
So you finally got it uploaded.  :wink:

Good work.

Yep.  Anyone who has this stuff already in their mod will probably want to download this, as there have been some updates over the months. 

Glad you're all enjoying this so far.  Well, the ones who replied are, at least.

Hell-frigging-YES! :grin:

Dude, you're my new hero. Will add this to the OSP list.

FrisianDude said:
I actually dropped my pen when I saw the title. Awesome work. :grin:

Tell me, when are you interested in making some lighter, earlier, somewhat middle-easternish armours? :razz:
Just some transitional please.  :grin:
Llew2 said:
Hell-frigging-YES! :grin:

Dude, you're my new hero. Will add this to the OSP list.

FrisianDude said:
I actually dropped my pen when I saw the title. Awesome work. :grin:

Tell me, when are you interested in making some lighter, earlier, somewhat middle-easternish armours? :razz:
Just some transitional please.  :grin:

In time...
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