Naming your mount?

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So, does anybody name their mount? It's something I hadn't considered before, since I always trade my horses in for better ones as soon as possible, but does anybody actually sit in front of their 'pooters shouting "Run, Flicka, run faster from those Dark Knights?!?"

I think I'm going to name my next horse 'Mandarb'. Anybody who has read the Wheel of Time series will get this. :razz:
Haven't bothered naming my mounts so far, but now that I've bought me that nice spirited charger I'm trying to come up with a name, as I doubt I'm gonna change mount again anytime soon.
Heh, maybe I should go with 'Aldieb'. :p
Pretty sure I saw armagan post something about naming your horse in a future version. At least that it was on the potential feature list.

Not only do I not name my horses but I like to jump them off the highest cliffs I can find. Guess Im sick.
Ability to name your mount would be great.

And that's a terrible thing to do, your horse could get crippled or die! And what happens if you're wandering the map, run out of food, and need to eat your horse? You'll have no horse to eat!
Morbo said:
Haven't bothered naming my mounts so far, but now that I've bought me that nice spirited charger I'm trying to come up with a name, as I doubt I'm gonna change mount again anytime soon.
Heh, maybe I should go with 'Aldieb'. :p

Pharaoh Llandy said:
Ability to name your mount would be great.

And that's a terrible thing to do, your horse could get crippled or die! And what happens if you're wandering the map, run out of food, and need to eat your horse? You'll have no horse to eat!
And that's why we should be able to eat our prisoners instead of just selling for them for a measly 100 denars. Those river pirates look very tasty!
Oh and getting your horse crippled makes me sad, it happens to me just about every day. Maybe I should be more careful or something.
Pharaoh Llandy said:
So, does anybody name their mount? It's something I hadn't considered before, since I always trade my horses in for better ones as soon as possible, but does anybody actually sit in front of their 'pooters shouting "Run, Flicka, run faster from those Dark Knights?!?"

I think I'm going to name my next horse 'Mandarb'. Anybody who has read the Wheel of Time series will get this. :razz:

I've read the books, but it's been years, and I don't recall.
Andre the Stallion.
Picasso the Lame.
Ben Stein the Spirited.
Bush the Ass (What a stubborn donkey. :razz:)

And of course,

Elmers Glue-To-Be.
I would name mine "Your Mom".

Haha... get it..... get it.... your mom.... I'm riding your mom... yeah you get it now right... yeah.... funny isn't it.
I'll call mine "saddle horse". Original, ain't it? :razz: As soon as I have the full version though, I'll buy me a spirited coarser. I'll call him "spirited coarser". :grin:
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