Well, i have just modified the text file ''troops'' (where the name of the lords and troops are stored. Didn't use special letters. I modified text file ''parties'' (all are stored in ''Mount & Blade/modules/native/...'') where the names of towns and villages have been stored, that worked, then ''factions'', that also worked and changed the names of troops in ''troops'' file (Vaegir Marksman/Serbian Marksman, Swadian Knight/French Knight...) that also worked, but when I did that for lords it acts like it has made a double. I can see the faction screen, It says Ottoman Empire, bellow is ''ruled by Sanjar-khan'' and then the towns names and then the old (not modified) lord's names. But bellow all of that it says ''other pages that link here'' and there is a lot of question marks, weird letters and stuff, which you can click and it will show you one of the lords. For instance. When I click on the Ottoman (khergit) king it says in description: ''Sanjar-khan is the king of Ottoman empire... and stuff like that''. But on the top of that page there is his edited name (which I edited, Sultan Murat).
I know this was a confusing answer from me, but it would be easier for me if I knew how to post a picture or a text file that I edited so that you could SEE the problem...