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I have changed a lot of things (in text files) like names of Towns, Factions and others, but when i changed the names of some lords and kings I got a weird  bug. When i want to view all lords of one faction it shows all the names and a lot of question marks and different letters bellow all information. Any clues of what to do, or how can I change the lord's names in a different way?
The game can't handle some characters, especially those who aren't part of the ASCII code. If you put thinks like 'é' 'à' 'á' 'è' 'ù' etc.. well the game can't take it.
Well, i have just modified the text file ''troops'' (where the name of the lords and troops are stored. Didn't use special letters. I modified text file ''parties'' (all are stored in ''Mount & Blade/modules/native/...'') where the names of towns and villages have been stored, that worked, then ''factions'', that also worked and changed the names of troops in ''troops'' file (Vaegir Marksman/Serbian Marksman, Swadian Knight/French Knight...) that also worked, but when I did that for lords it acts like it has made a double. I can see the faction screen, It says Ottoman Empire, bellow is ''ruled by Sanjar-khan'' and then the towns names and then the old (not modified) lord's names. But bellow all of that it says ''other pages that link here'' and there is a lot of question marks, weird letters and stuff, which you can click and it will show you one of the lords. For instance. When I click on the Ottoman (khergit) king it says in description: ''Sanjar-khan is the king of Ottoman empire... and stuff like that''. But on the top of that page there is his edited name (which I edited, Sultan Murat).
I know this was a confusing answer from me, but it would be easier for me if I knew how to post a picture or a text file that I edited so that you could SEE the problem...
Did you try to start a new game?

Also to post a screen shot, press 'insert' I think, it's M&B's default button, or you can press printscreen and paste it in paint, save, upload.
No, no, mate, I know how to take a picture, but dont know how to post it to this post. I see no option for that.
Yes, tried the new game. Nothing.
upload it on a hosting site, like HostingPics, google it, then copy one of the proposed links which includes the
Well I am using Photobuckets. (IT'S THE BEST) and after downloading it you just mouse over the photo and select the
Mount&Blade etc. (or what ever it's saved)
It's a basic error, but did you change the other two names in each troop? There's a trp_troophere, a Troophere, and a Troophere(plural)
Thanks, didn't know i must upload it to the internet first.

I have changed from this:

trp_rhodok_tribesman Rhodok_Tribesman Rhodok_Tribesmen 3145728 0 0 18 86 90

to this:

trp_rhodok_tribesman Castilian_Tribesman Castilian_Tribesmen 3145728 0 0 18 86 90

and it works great, without any problems, same for dactions and towns but, when I change:

trp_knight_2_1 Lord_Vuldrat knight_2_1 16 0 0 15 0 0
trp_knight_2_1 Lord_Toplica knight_2_1 16 0 0 15 0 0

Then i get that bug.
Fixed it, sorry i bothered you, the problem was that I didnt put _ between the names. (King_Richard). Bah, sorry. But thanks for the tips.
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