Name Undecided [WIP] for v1.011 (Stopping development.)

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Taking things in a whole new direction. I wasn't quite satisfied with my ideas so im taking it in a whole new direction. Plus I can't work on it right now since I am pretty busy these days. Final examinations are coming up.

Mod Details:


The mods aim is to add some of the style from M2TW but not straying too far from the Calradia setting. I was about to change the year where plate armors where prevalent but I had to focus on the other things. Note that this mod is extremely not historically accurate on equipment as I just made it out of the blues because I was bored and didn't research period accurate equipment, armors, etc.


1. Formations and Morale. (Tested and working though formations has some drawbacks. I don't know if i did something wrong or the ai doesn't really utilize it properly.)

2. New Armors. (Some concepts was taken from M&B Men-at-Arms and M2TW.)

3. A completely new map.

4. Garnier's recruitment script. (Tested and working.)

5. Troops will be limited by upkeep and not player abilities including prisoners.

6. Dark and Gritty HDR settings. (Optional but it's up to you to include it or not.)

7. Replaced Khergits with a new spanish like faction. (I want to focus on head-on combat so I removed the hit and runners.)

8. Hi-res campaign map.

Future Plans:

1. Change tournaments and arenas.

2. More variations for helmets, weapons, armor and horses.

3. Tweak textures especially the cloth ones. (Wish I hadn't used that burlap texturizer.)

4. Unique armors for lords. (Quite tedious as there are almost 50+ lords ingame.)

5. Improve the sieges including the scenes.

7. More troop trees. (Temporary and might not be implemented.)

8. Order knights as mercenaries. (But fictionalized in style with calradia. Don't want the real thing walking around a fictional world.)

9. A lot of balancing.

10. New banners.

What I won't do:

1. Custom music and sounds. (There are great one's out there and are very easy to implement in this mod.)



Garnier's Recruitment Script


And another...


And another one...


Swadian Units


Swadia versus the Vaegirs...


Emperor Harlaus


Vaegir Archer


New map

Feedback, suggestions, violent reactions and rants is welcome. No offense taken for the last two as it will completely have no effect in my entire life whatsoever.

Eisenhouer and M2TW - Inspiration
Garnier - Recruitment script and troop capacity concept
Chel - Morale script
Mirathei - Formations
Dindi and OSP contributors - OSP Helmets
Bismark and OSP contributors - OSP Weapons
Couched & youhou - Helms and the swadian eagle heraldry from Knights mod.
punkt - Hi-res campaign map
Looks like a fun mod. If you by any chance need any testers I would be glad to help. p.m. me if your interested peace.
By the way, how about "Blood and Dirt" as a name?

Maybe... But names can come later.

Looks like a fun mod. If you by any chance need any testers I would be glad to help. p.m. me if your interested peace.

I need to confirm the stuff im using from other mods first then ill release beta testing. What I do need is a banner maker and scripter or a guide on how to implement some of the scripts I intend to put or I could just find code snippets from the forge.
-Gritty- said:
By the way, how about "Blood and Dirt" as a name?

Maybe... But names can come later.

Looks like a fun mod. If you by any chance need any testers I would be glad to help. p.m. me if your interested peace.

I need to confirm the stuff im using from other mods first then ill release beta testing. What I do need is a banner maker and scripter or a guide on how to implement some of the scripts I intend to put or I could just find code snippets from the forge.
Would love to help but I'm not good at those mainly a testing.
Since i just used the leather gloves in M&B Men-at-Arms I just decided to make my own. Beta will be up after I am able to upload in the repository.
Hey. I think at this point in time, Native expansions are something we have in abundance. It already looks great, but I think what a lot of people are asking is, 'what makes this unique?'. Answer it, and the heavens will kneel down to serve you.

Also, it'll probably get more people to download this. Why not aim for a Medieval Europe setting? Or even a completely new world (to go along with your map) featuring new factions?
I think at this point in time, Native expansions are something we have in abundance.

True. But there are also a lot of mods set in the historical setting.

It already looks great, but I think what a lot of people are asking is, 'what makes this unique?'. Answer it, and the heavens will kneel down to serve you.

Well not much uniqueness in it just a europeanized version of the factions. Swadia equivalent to HRE, Rhodoks to French, Nords to Denmark/England Hybrid(Huscarls + Longbowmen), Vaegirs to Kievan Rus, Khergits changed to a spanish like faction and some other features. Though I will not be straying too far from the calradia setting i've just added some european flavor to it.

Lastly, the heavens wouldn't dare kneel before me and serve me or else I would give the hot smexy angels some spankin'.

It looks good. (Welcome to Taleworlds  :wink: )

This looks great, especially the new map with the high graphics... I'm gonna try it out.  :grin:

the armour and lance are the best i have seen well done on them i would recommend that the breast plate could be made to look much nicer if you put the actual plate on there chest and make it stick out a little at the top to make it look like plate and not plastered to the belly. but overall a very good mod for a starting one i hope to see more of this but in historical theme i think you could make a very good one
flavius brutus said:
the armour and lance are the best i have seen well done on them i would recommend that the breast plate could be made to look much nicer if you put the actual plate on there chest and make it stick out a little at the top to make it look like plate and not plastered to the belly. but overall a very good mod for a starting one i hope to see more of this but in historical theme i think you could make a very good one

Yea I just made the breastplate through some photoshop effects rather than use a realistic breastplate reference. Ill release tweaked textures in the full version.
Hello. I really like your mod, but have one complaint. I have found it impossible to play on the western edges of the map (i.e. around the Santigans and the Rhodokians) due to the fact that the camera can not move far enough over there. My party can walk to those places but I can not the camera does not follow it nor can I zoom it over there. This is not a terrible problem as the game mod is still playable and really fun, but it just made me not want to and so not venture over into those territories.
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