'Nailing' arrows...

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Sergeant Knight
Been a while since I actually made a post, but here goes, this one regarding arrows ::smile: (And I'm relatively sure I haven't seen this being suggested anywhere so hopefully no doublt-posts)

Suggestion is relatively simple, using arrows as long ranged 'nails' on your enemy. For instance, you can shoot an arrow into an enemy's foot, and the arrow would go through it and into the ground, making the enemy immobile, and screaming in agony trying to extract the arrow from the ground and his foot. (I would mention the fact that somebody with an arrow through their foot would not be able to walk much, but damage by body parts has already been discussed so I won't bother ::razz: )
This would basically stop the enemy on the spot for a set ammount of time, while he extracts the arrow from the ground (and foot) before they can move again. The time could depend on the enemy's strength against the shooter's power draw. (Obviously different grounds would have different soil etc, but that would be too hard to code)

Same could apply, when the enemy is knocked onto the ground, you can 'nail' an arrow through their leg, and into the ground under them, rendering them immobile for a while, nail 3 more arrows into the other leg and hands, and the enemy would not be able to move at all (since 4 arrows x power draw of say 4, would be 16, and the enemy's STR rarely equals that. I won't start talking bout power draw 5 and higher ::grin:)

Exactly same could apply to mounted units, the arrow would go through their legs, into their horses, and they would be 'nailed' to the horse, so if the horse falls they can't jump to safety and would be trapped underneath.

Lastly, objects such as trees or water on the map, could be of more use as well. You would be able to just as effectively stick somebody to a tree, or wait for them to fall under-water, then use an arrow to nail them into the sea-bed, and watch the drown ::smile:

Any case, personally I would think that this would broaden the combat, create more enjoyment for players, and would cause archers to aim VERY carefully in order to not just inflict damage, but also have some fun with their prey. Just imagine, a river pirate crucified between two trees, and you charging in between those trees on your horse ::grin: (Think ill even create an 'example' w/ photoshop ::razz:)
I haven't seen any bad ideas since i registered here. Or then i don't remember any :razz: . But with archers, we should think about that 100% frontal coverage if shield is up. And for melees, maybe you could crouch behind the shield, and be able to move it?

But i like your idea very much Volkier, since i am myself foot archer in M&B :smile:
I REEEEEEEAAAAALYYYYYY like this idea! This could lead to being able to knock enemys unconcious by shooting their legs out from under them too(Recently tried this on some river pirates and killed one by shooting his feet, Poor bugger died from having his little toe shot off :lol: )!

Regardless, i wouldn't mind crucifying a couple of river pirates my self!
It doesn't make sense to me. I think such a weird thing is nearly impossible in real life. It doesn't worth Armagan's time considering there must be tons of better suggestions waiting in to do list.
I did suggest this a couple of months ago, and I still think it would be a nice addition
I like the idea, but it should only be a very small chance. From a realism point of view, if an arrow hit you in the arm theres a decent chance it would be deflected by your armor. If it wasn't, then there's a chance it wouldn't penetrate too deep. If it did however go deep, there is also a very good chance it would hit a bone, and not travel all the way through. Then, even if it did break through armor, muscle, and bone, it is very unlikely it would have enough power to sink into the object behind.

From a gameplay point of view, if it happened frequently it would probably get old quickly and seem silly after a while. Granted, it would look cool, but all things in moderation. So i don't think it should happen frequently enough for you to be able to actually plan it. Just a small chance for it to occur to add to the flavor of combat. So i really like the idea, just with a fairly small probability of it occuring.
barbaros said:
It doesn't make sense to me. I think such a weird thing is nearly impossible in real life. It doesn't worth Armagan's time considering there must be tons of better suggestions waiting in to do list.
Hear hear.
I'm not sure how difficult it is to remove a slender wooden object from... dirt. Why would an arrow through your leg keep you nailed down? More likely it'd send you into shock and possibly cripple you.
Well, considering that currently if you shoot an arrow into the ground, (or a dead body) more than 70% of the arrow goes INTO the ground. If its a hard ground, that would be pretty hard to remove. Having it stuck in your leg, would kind of hurt you REALLY bad if you try to lift your leg out, so not only physical strenght is present ::smile:
Like I mentioned in the initial post, different ground (like dirt / hardened soil etc) would require different penetration / strength to remove it etc. However, that would take too much time to code in. And what about the wooden wall in arena? I'm sure that if you get 'crucified' to that, it would be hard to remove. (or the trees, or just very hard ground ::razz:)
Its more of a 'fun' suggestion though, nothing too nessesary, but something interesting which could be looked into if its easy to impliment.

Realism wise, feel free to test this by sticking arrows through yourself or/and friends and into the ground. Then try different ground conditions and post the results ::grin:

(Ok that was a joke btw, but I would try to test it as soon as possible, without the human part, unless somebody wants to volunteer ::grin: Won't have arrows, but I'm sure I can find something of similar shape.. Best example I can think of are tent-picks, those little metal rods for holding a tent up. In some cases, those are already a pain to extract, and imagine a hardened clay + arrow head + arrows are soo much longer ::razz:)

And yeah, react to pain in several places, like limping around screaming if you have an arrow through your foot, would make the game more realistic, but I think this has been / is being discussed in a different thread (something like damage by body parts, *remembers the groin shot thread* ) so won't bring it up although I support the idea ::smile:

Ok I know my art skillz suck, hence why I didn't bother drawing the actual horse ::razz:




::grin: Something like that anyways[/img]
I have feeling that guys in this forum think that arrow shot from bow is has åuber low power... I think that over half of those guys haven't ever seen real bow. For example, with English longbow they could shoot arrow throught a oak which was thicker than their body.

Well, not through but so deep that the arrow head came out from the other side

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Well, I could expect this kind of thing from a larger bow, but something that is cracked or just a hunting bow, not so much. If this gets implemented there should be a larger chance for this to work with brabed arrows. An incentive to not use bodkin.
I have feeling that guys in this forum think that arrow shot from bow is has åuber low power... I think that over half of those guys haven't ever seen real bow.
The problem here is not whether an arrow can pierce through human body and sink a tree behind him. For this event to happen (especially like Volkier's drawing)
1. You need to catch the moment an enemy is very close to a tree.
2. You and enemy and tree must be aligned on a line.
3. He must be lightly armored and you must have a good bow and high archery skill.
4. You must have time to hit him multiple times with extreme precision to nail him.

Then even after this, what's the point?. I can easily send an arrow to his head and kill him in one shot. Sure one can do this just for fun a few times but this has no real use. Don't get me wrong I also want this game have every feature existing in this world, but Armagan has limited time and manpower.
barbaros said:
It doesn't make sense to me. I think such a weird thing is nearly impossible in real life. It doesn't worth Armagan's time considering there must be tons of better suggestions waiting in to do list.

Rollipeikko said:
I have feeling that guys in this forum think that arrow shot from bow is has åuber low power... I think that over half of those guys haven't ever seen real bow. For example, with English longbow they could shoot arrow throught a oak which was thicker than their body.

Well, not through but so deep that the arrow head came out from the other side

Niin että imekää sitä keimot!

I've fired one of these modern bows, and the arrow does sink quite a bit. we used these bales of hay covered in white plastic (the Finns know what I'm talkin about, I'm not sure whether or not they are used elsewhere) to strap the paper targets on, and the arrow sunk a good 40 cm or so. I'm not sure about nailing people into trees, but with some luck it is probably possible to nail someone to their horse. Or nail their foot to the ground.
Yeah, the thing is, that's hay you're talking about. People are meat, and the odds are good you'll hit a bone. while an arrow can break a bone, that's gonna slow it down a lot. Even going through just meat it'll be slowed down.

Also, bokins would be better for nailing, they're just a spike really. Barbed arrows would catch and tear, bodkins would punch right through.
i first saw this in action in Painkiller. the stakegun was one of the things that kept me playing. could this happen in real life? don't know, and frankly don't care.

if it would work as well as it worked in Painkiller, heck i wouldn't mind fighting demon-vaegirs :smile:
I think this is a really bad idea.
Firstly, if you got nailed to a tree or any other object, wouldn't you just snap the shaft and pull your limb off, rather than trying to pull an arrow out of the tree?
And secondly, I think this would be really hard to code, the only way I can see it working is by using ragdoll physics like in half life 2, having a different animation for every possible arrow combination would work, but it would also be very static and waste a lot of space.
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