NAFNGIFT – get a period name

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Here you are  this is  about alt combination ,but  he wants to know how to use it in game  and actually me either. :cool:
I'm not sure we're allowed to disclose that information. It's super secret.
I am pretty sure you can change the language of your computer to Icelandic, and get all the fancy letters. Not sure though. Greedy Fyrninga should share their wisdom, not hide it like old women!
It's so stupid M&B doesn't allow fancy letters but you can still stick them in with a hex editor. Icelandic keyboard ain't much help  :???:
Biggus Dickus said:
It's so stupid M&B doesn't allow fancy letters but you can still stick them in with a hex editor. Icelandic keyboard ain't much help  :???:
I tried to make Polish letters in nick with hex editor and it didn't work :/

Please, could someone help poor brother(s) of war in this matter? I just spent more an hour to gain nothing, instead of playing that mod...
Haresus said:
I am pretty sure you can change the language of your computer to Icelandic, and get all the fancy letters. Not sure though. Greedy Fyrninga should share their wisdom, not hide it like old women!


English woman says no​

Vǫrsa means 'of the men of Vǫrs' (modern day Voss, Norway), right?

But wouldn't it rather be Grímr than Grim?
Sounds more like "Fossegrim" to me. Fossegrim were water spirits that could transform into people and animals in Norwegian mythology. Or so I think, right Kalle?
Yes, eadric... Vǫrsa is Men of Vǫrs. if it's the modern day Voss, i dont know.. and Grímr would berhaps suit better. Was thinking about using Karl instead aswell.
By some twisted etymological turns "Grim" actually means ugly in Danish now - although I think the Old Norse name is more related to the modern Swedish "Grym" meaning wicked...
Dansk viking said:
By some twisted etymological turns "Grim" actually means ugly in Danish now - although I think the Old Norse name is more related to the modern Swedish "Grym" meaning wicked...

Is'nt grim old norse for a valkyrie? or grim reaper? or is that just a modern version?
They're unrelated!

Old norse grímr (in names) is a variant of Old Norse gríma 'hood', which along with cognates in other Germanic language comes from Old Germanic *grīmōn 'helmet, head covering'.

Danish grim 'ugly' comes from Old Norse grimmr 'grim, stern, horrible, dire, sore', which along with English grim (Old English grim), German grimm (Old High German grim) and Dutch grim, is from Old Germanic *grimmaz.
With the help of mighty Éadríc, i have now switched name from Mekatataku to Hörða-Karl :grin: i recommend everyone else to do it aswell!
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