(NA) Vikingr Event 3/2/12

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Omg! How dare you split the community like this! Who do you think you are?! :O

Joke. Good luck with this, my good North Americans! :smile:
Barabas said:
When unsure, check this website (set to the correct time/date for the event by me).

Takeda_Shingen said:
I don't think any Europeans will be coming to this, and it is not just about the Ping.

The time the event starts, it will be about 1 am GMT for the British people so this will be for the rest of the Europeans 2am GMT+1 (CET)

Its on a Friday though, so maybe there are some die-hard Vikingr players  :grin:

I'm a die hard Vikingr player but I'm not going to play at 1 am till god knows when  :eek:
I'm a big fan of this mod, and wish it has a strong NA community. However, I think this is a bit bad timing simply because its at the same time as the M&M Friday linebattles (there are 2 linebattles on Friday now, due to how many people want to play.) A lot of public players will be in that linebattle. At a different time, you might get a lot more public players and also some other clans/regiments to join the event.
lazerBAR said:
Just came back from playing, event was awesome.
Some showed up.. Even Cora. But a few weren't listening that they had to be on TS3 or Ventrilo in order to play.

We had a 20 vs 20 I think. Not enough GKs showed up for it.  :roll:

But it was a blast. We played Random Grasslands, Dartford Moor, Hudwaite, Viking Homeport (Night), and Viking Fort.

We played a Best of Three Rounds the first time on Battle maps and 1 Round 1 win if we replayed. Raids were played for 10 minutes. Sieges were if you captured the flag, you win the game; and it played for about 10 minutes in total.

The Vikings lost. We won our first Siege, and lost to the second time.

There were quite a bit of trees and vegetation in the way twice on Random Grasslands. There were enough vegetation to be considered a forest on those.

Dartford Moor was fun, we kept fighting on the road and it proved a little challenging to keep close to one another . Those side-of-the-road hills made it tough.

Hudwaite was fun since we were able to see everyone in the vicinity and we had a close knit fight between the two shield walls. Both sides thought to take the hills first round, but later spotted the river we had to cross..  :lol:

Viking Homeport (Night) is a classic. We had a struggle as the defenders when we quickly lost the first 3 houses, but we grouped together at the last house and kept it safe till near the end of the round. The final house burnt down in the last 3 minutes; but the brave, invaded, and shaken Viking Townsfolk made a last stand to protect the loot from the evil, ravaging, bloodthirsty, Christian Engles.

Viking Fort was really cool. It had balance, but sometimes it was hard to reach and defend the walls from the attackers. Viking Fort is a beautiful map, but the spikes didn't seem too appropriate because you can sometimes get yourself stuck/glitched upon them.

Fun event. We were hoping more pubs would show up. I think one of the GKs present there recorded the event. I'll make a post for it if it ever reaches Youtube.
ahhhh, i wanted to join :[ but it were 2pm here and just got home 1pm from my freinds and were pretty tired...

But me and JómsVíkingar will probably play the next event for sure!  :mrgreen:

btw...Great to se that the event were a succses! really hope too se more NA player on vikingr
I wish I would've known about this sooner, but this timing was in conflict of another event from a different mod... Anyways, I wish you the best of luck in organizing more events; there is a need for a stronger NA presence in this lovely mod.
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