Native Completed NA Medium Speed Dueling Tournament, FINAL SCORE: Oodle 9-8 Magerick

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North American Medium Speed Dueling Tournament
[size=24pt]A Tale of Change...

By John & Sean

This is basically a standard dueling tournament, however there are some slight variations.

Medium combat speed servers must be used.
All equipment is permitted except the following: Shields, ranged weapons and weapons that can crush through blocks.
Duels will be fought in a first to 9 format. Having extra chances because its Single Elim.
Only default armor is permitted.
The server you choose to duel on is agreed upon by you and your opponent (keep in mind you must duel on a medium combat speed server).
If an agreement cannot be made by opponents which server they use, it will be chosen from NA by the admin team
Single elimination.

Message an admin if you have any disputes or questions.


Round 2 deadline: 5/31 Sunday

Bracket Link

The Duelists

John the Burrito Wrappist
Moric the Flying Spaghetti Monster
Manry the Sourest and Creamiest
Rallix the Lance Lawd
ACanadianPolarMoose the real president of Ontario
Matthew the Steak King
Oodle the deadliest mother fuqin noodle you ever saw
Rake, a true death machine.
Aporta aporta
Arys Supreme commandur of the 5 armies
Ruth the purple zerg guy
Vorn the eater of Mandingo
Magerick of ragerick
Danate MLG rice eater
Glitterball the most baller of ball's balls
Blacktide the King of Europe
Cru the Spaniard
Surkan the level 8 Firemage
Goldradir the nose picker
Vitus the mitius
Mrmoomoo the cow that no one knows
Guacamoleboy the stuff we dip our chips in
Tallie the haxor
SouL the Bloody Warrior
Sigismund of Biggymoose Town
Joshua the LeBronz
Beansacks the sexiest
Froi the Rabid Raccoon called Gerald
Ulberecht the Sword
Garde the Guard
BjornEriksson of Greenland (actually Sweden)
Cradoc, better than Hani
Mooiboy, part boy part cow? No one knows...
Fietta, closely related to feta cheese
DeathAngel of Deathly Hallows
Nevino, the best cav NA, cousin of Roxhard, brother of Hani, Son of Rhade
Vegan of Veganism
Wert the pervert (lol)
Lagstro, Father of Oodle, Husband of Achilles, Grandpa to Cradoc
Asmond Derik Hallburn
Forsaken, but not forgotten
Jeffrey and then some numbers representing the date the world ends
Belendor of Door brought the total to 44
Gibby Wibby
Bluewolf of wolfdom blueness
Troubadour, sometimes known as Major Tom
Priestess Aura of Painted Meadows
EagleSupreme, the Supreme Lord of Eagles



There will be a prize of unknown origin

Signups end when we get around 40 people

Terrible_Swordsman said:
Name: Rake
Taleworlds: Terrible_Swordsman

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