Myanmar to be 'muted'

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While the Myanmar government keeps spreading anti-BBC propaghanda, the news firm has been annouced it will have its funding cut by 1/4 next year and they might shut down their broadcasts in Burma.

1/4 adult people in Myanmar listen to BBC radio and it is the only news network that is not directly censored by the government.
Oh well, what a pity, who cares?

Learn 2 revolution you lazy Burmese.
In western countries, people enjoy broadcasting how dumb and ignorant they are in public...  saying stuff like ''we dont give a **** about ''Myanmar'''' or ''go and protest about it!''

People of Burma deserve this news network more than you, over-protected kids.
Deloused said:
In western countries, people enjoy broadcasting how dumb and ignorant they are in public...  saying stuff like ''we dont give a **** about ''Myanmar'''' or ''go and protest about it!''

People of Burma deserve this news network more than you, over-protected kids.


If only Bush was still around and Myanmar had oil.
Deloused said:
In western countries, people enjoy broadcasting how dumb and ignorant they are in public...  saying stuff like ''we dont give a **** about ''Myanmar'''' or ''go and protest about it!''

People of Burma deserve this news network more than you, over-protected kids.

I'm not from a Western country, and I was joking. So was FrisianDude. You need to lighten up a bit my son, because nothing is really taken that seriously in the OT.
Deloused said:
In western countries, people enjoy broadcasting how dumb and ignorant they are in public...  saying stuff like ''we dont give a **** about ''Myanmar'''' or ''go and protest about it!''

People of Burma deserve this news network more than you, over-protected kids.
You are absolutely hilarious :lol:
Deloused said:
In western countries, people enjoy broadcasting how dumb and ignorant they are in public...  saying stuff like ''we dont give a **** about ''Myanmar'''' or ''go and protest about it!''

People of Burma deserve this news network more than you, over-protected kids.

Maybe if you stopped posting every goddamn two-bit piece of crap about how an authoritarian regime is oppressing its citizens with your usual dose of RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATIONTM, people might actually give a **** every now and then. I know better than you do about what the people of Burma deserve. My parents grew up there and I still have a ****ton of relatives in Burma.

The fact is that the junta is far too bloody powerful for change to be effected without half the bloody nation taking to the streets, and many of the people really don't give that much of a **** any more. They just want to get by with whatever they can since simple survival in Burma is already getting pretty difficult. The idea is to keep them busy procuring basic necessities so they don't have spare time to plot nefarious anti-junta activities. Also, in case you didn't notice, dissidents in Burma tend to run into fists, knees, boots and bullets quite a lot. Must be simple coincidence, eh? Forget ****ing 'international pressure', the only real way for the global community to attack the junta is to attack their wallets, and they're unwilling to do that. Money is money.
Deloused, you do realize you have no audience for your views here, right? Everyone either a) doesn't give a flying **** or is b) opposed to it. So the question is; why do you continue wasting your time here, when you could say, go to a forum with people of similar views and backgrounds?
Like night-ninja said, those of the international community are not doing what they can to help and instead are kinda approaching it the wrong way round. As a person who comes from the third world part of a developing country, I have to say **** you deloused. You and your kind can rot in hell for your self branded useless justice that actually causes more pain and misery to the people you supposedly helped.

Tiberius Decimus Maximus said:
Deloused, you do realize you have no audience for your views here, right? Everyone either a) doesn't give a flying **** or is b) opposed to it. So the question is; why do you continue wasting your time here, when you could say, go to a forum with people of similar views and backgrounds?
In the Hokkien dialect of the Chinese, we have a saying for people who can only feels comfortable expressing their views when strongly backed by people with similar views. Translated to English, it says lifting each other's penises. And for that, I respect Deloused for going against the currents of the forum for his beliefs.
Tiberius Decimus Maximus said:
Deloused, you do realize you have no audience for your views here, right? Everyone either a) doesn't give a flying **** or is b) opposed to it. So the question is; why do you continue wasting your time here, when you could say, go to a forum with people of similar views and backgrounds?

maybe so... but now you do have an opinion about something you even cared less about 3 days ago, at least you know it happens.

thank you very much to care about my time management and reputation, thing is, I have no time to manage and I have no reputation to lose.
while i should lighten up (even tho i greeted the advice with anti-authoritarian smack, i stored it in my brain) you should step down your high horses, some people do care and they would decently discuss the matter if the threads were not spammed by anti-deloused BS...

You seem to think taleworlds is the only place i post stuff.... you should check our website:

Cookie Eating Huskarl said:
I have to say **** you deloused. You and your kind can rot in hell for your self branded useless justice that actually causes more pain and misery to the people you supposedly helped.

Shame on our governments and their spineless citizens, I can only hope that one day, people will feel responsible for the actions their governments take. I accept your insult and i will carry it to many people.

Believe me there is nothing i'd want more than to work the land in some remote third world country than to be part of this plastic society... I dont even have the right to do so, i cant even leave my province.

Che Guevara said: ''you north amerikans are very lucky, you live in the middle of the beast, you are fighting the most important fight of all, in the center of the battle. If i had my wish, i would go back with you to north amerika to fight there, I envy you''
Sure, I do care what places relevant to me. Like Europe, China, USA...not Myanmar, for example. But no matter what world event it is, we always joke about it here. War, genocide, name it, we'll take a spin at it. Because it's relaxing. And because this is the Internet.
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