my wishes for the future...

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the mod is great ...

but some small up´s i wish:
- more heros
- Bandits and vikings must be able to siege
- more formationes for the troops line, box, angle ( for more tak gameplay)
- Battle moral 
- maybe Engenieers for bulild "cheval de frise" (spanische Reiter) or something like that.
- A better castle Defence (hot oel , stones ).
- ambush and attack on resting Groups
- Built own Castle or Villages and upgrade for this .
- !!!! The Duell ...  with bet´s (mayby a castle  :lol: )
- Selling Castle or Villages
- Standart Bearer (on foot and Mount ... for the moral
- Pikes and horses with the owner banner
- Upgrades for Castle (blacksmith) and for Villages (horsefarm)

thats what i wish...

-Casern to Train Troops (Animated in City) Upgrades in time Units Garrisoned in City
-Adviser for Citys
-more Traderoute Options
-more Diplomacy Options
-more Individual Options to Design the Player Empire (History, Race, Banner, Colour, Design of Citys (Gothic Style, Arabic Style, Eastern Style, etc.))
-No Heroes, only Advisers in Citys
-titles to reach like, Baron, Lord, King, Imperator
-Spezial Abilitys the Player Character become he reach titles and more Kingdom options he reach High titles
-Special Units for the Player (Guards, a Noble Man have Guards to Protekt him) he go with the Player in Citys, Castles, Taverns, Villages, etc...
-Special Items for the Player like a Crown, self maked Weapons and Armors
No offense guys, but most of that stuff would need to be implemented at a higher level. It all sounds great for a sequel though, maybe you should post it in the Warband suggestions thread.
I have just started playing the mod, but I have one small tweak request: A way to sell prisoners in every town.  I remember an early version of the game had a slave broker near the prison....sell to a guard?  Or as suggested in one of the tweak threads, sell to tavern keeper. (Or can you just tell me the line numbers so I can add the menu item myself?)
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