my virgin post (long)

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I am not a game maker but a mere a player, and I like to cheat, to save time. It has several months for me to play such game, and finally I purchased it. The game feels real, however, real sometimes good and sometimes bad. When I say bad I mean unnecessary----players will ignore the elements. These elements do exist in the real world but not good in the game. When I say good, it means amassing. I love it and hope it to be better.

Face design is excellent, yet I would like to see the body design. I am not sure whether the weight is useful. Maybe it can be a feature to affect the speed of people and horses. And the BMI affects the agility, or vice versa. Sounds too complicate? Then forget it. Let us focus on the body shape rather than the mass and quality. I would like to see a taller or shorter, fatter or thiner character. Scars due to wound in the battles may be a good idea. Players care these real features. I do not think age is important. Elf and other races are not important for me. Some players may like. And one or two more gender is OK.

Trading never brings experiences, and killing can. That is, when you increase your capital by trading, your trading skills remain but after killing some knights, you can improve it. It makes the capital accumulation in the early stage awful and tough. It also the incentive for me to cheat. Hard working in the big map and without reward in skills improvement on trading, riding, tacking, spotting, path finding, inventory management, and leadership. What a punishment for making such money! As someone said: “We Do Not Sow”. The honors belong those fight and and bleed. Although we must give fighters more, please leave beginners some. Or remove the trading features which may reduce the fun and development potential.

Weapon master is the worst attribute I met in the point distribution. It gives players less incentives to develop one weapon skill.

Shields recover after the battle so the shield skill is always useless. The lightest and worst one is 2.0 and it hardly to ruin in a single battle. Unless the weight is less and endurance drops, it is not a good idea to carry a shield, even though face 80 archeries----or make all of them in the field at the same time or my force can easily kill 20 of them by charging in a combat time. I did not find how tactics give me “starting battle advantages”. Can someone tell me? Inventory management is simply the inventory capacity, I think it can link to the strength directly.

Higher leadership skill seems cannot make my soldiers obey the orders quickly and firmly. They delay in action and I guess it is the computing problem. This skills give me more place to recruit soldiers but they consume the food so fast and I have to stop to feed them now and then. It seems impossible to rearrange food automatically. To have so many soldiers, my only advantage is to have more reinforcements. However, such tactic is one of the worst in war theory. Two groups of elite soldiers are much advance than five regular ones. Facing the most terrify undead armies, I have little chance. What's more, I have no right to decide who will engage the coming combat and the remains will not recover faster. The only good of leadership for me seems to reduce my army weekly cost. These are not real enough and I would like to see some improvements in version 1.0.

Backgrounds and Buildings
Nice days, grass, trees and rivers, yet the absent of calendar and seasons sad the background. No winds, no snow, leaves never turn red and yellow. It is good, players just demand more. I am greed, to achieve the effect , I do not want to sacrifice to many fps. If it has to, forget it.

In the combat, one interest thing is all fighters are so tough because they never put their weapons down although killed. Second, the bloody armors and arms never broken. It is unreal and can be good. If the armors and arms must deprecate, I mean broken slowly in many fightings, blacksmith is useful, I cannot run a blacksmith mod, for unknown reason, but I guess it is a good direct. I said slowly because too real can ruin the fun---- you have to go the smith after each battle, it is just time consuming. In the case the suggestion is accepted, please reduce the armor and weapon prices a bit. The combat is exciting and if it can have more demanded details, it will be batter. Powerful muscle arts are not necessary, beautiful movements are the least important. Keep it simple and real; then it will be wonderful. Stop here and will discuss it further in next topic.

The buildings seem very difficult to build. I have played the siege mod, and found it is indeed difficult. At most, you got 100 man, and each time you arrange 20 in the field, it seems no chance to break the barriers. I cheat and won. No F4, it will be difficult. And it is incredible fun! I do not think there is a change to break the iron front gate, and it is seems impossible to climb. Without siege weapons, the unreal fun has less attraction. Which weapons should not sell in the personal weapon market, right?

In the town, the talking bug seems inevitable. When finishing chatting and leave, we return to the town gate rather than the house gate so some mod makers prefer to place all people outdoor. Running in the street and and stairs are real but only and only if street combat will set in the game, it is just time consuming. In the story mod, I found indoor combat is possible, and have fun for limited space. So it is possible to fight in the street. It will be fun. In many towns, we cannot see irrelevant NPCs, well done! It is unreal but good. Yet, if we cut the useful information to pieces and scat them in the entire society or community, more NPCs is still a good choice. To support this idea, for those players have bad memories like me, a note to write down all important clues automatically is good, because they are complex and much longer than the quest content. In the town, the time stops, it is unreal, but I like it.

In the siege mod, I love the layouts of most shops. Some ugly, many outstanding. It tries to make the game real, I applicate it. But as I never hurt the people in my side by swing the sword, I do not think the goods and furnitures indoor will be broken in the battle. It costs lots of memory capacity and makes the game huge I guess. Will the immovability of indoor items sad some players? What I really care abut is the town functions. More fun, more things to do. The most time consuming activities are removed: eating and sleeping. It is also unreal and well done. I think the eating part is useful, at least in the RPG part. Parties do not camp in wild field, but buy a beer to everyone in the bar helps to get more information. I wonder the reputation and friendliness are good in information collecting. To balance the difficulties, information should be gather a bit harder, but not too hard. I think it has fun, just like renew the armor in blacksmith, not a time wasting. However, the fun very depends on the talent of game/mod makers. In fact, I am not suggesting a meal, but an alcohol consuming.

Gambling is what I hate, but lots players may like. May Casino be a place to go? Or as a sub function of tavern? Maybe, in the tournament will be health? Well, I just suggest more entertainments in the town. If possible, I would like to see some Festival celebration. What's more controversial idea: the sex, marriage, children and family. Our heroes are homeless...poor child...and has no girl friends and boy friends. It is nice if our poor heroes can purchase a house or own a castle. Wedding, so a church or temple (for other religions) may be necessary. In my opinion, Church can be a free hospital and donation helps improve reputation and resident friendliness. I do not know whether bank is a good idea, if it can help you to earn interest, why not? In the age of Crusaders, banks appear, and later in some city states, interest is possible. Anyway, golds are heavy to carry. To be real and to be fun (at least provide enough positive benefits), it is the key to avoid awful reality.

And the Sex. This element is too powerful and may shift the tone of a knight's tale. If I want some adult things, I can try the Singles. Why do I consider about it? And what can it beneficial to a fighter? To heal the wound? (joking) To represent the real life?(so there will be many crimes such as rapes. It is unhealthful!) As the devil test to players because sex are expensive and weaken the strength? (a venereal disease? ) To deep the potential of stories because more dark side and funs? (some nobles' sexy coquettes?) I do not know. Too real sometimes ruins the romantics----we all know our heroes are not, but fight in a relative wild, dark and tough life---- at least in the history, right? Yet, it is a game. This idea is sensitive, not because of the word sex, but it may change the style of the game. Higher rank in the army, win many battles, complete the quests, and let off the tension in card games and sexy bodies. I guess it closes to knights' lives. If we own a town, just some more things, collecting tax, parliament, court, jail, and voting are also possible. But I doubt the new laws, lex, and ius can reflect in the town's daily life. In fact, life changes, then new laws are required, such is common law. Playing as a ruler rather than a warrior redistribute the proportions of the fun. Fighting will be not the only fun source, political life is another. It require talents to link both to the repeating and endless quests. I know someone is working at it. Now I guess the fallen evil life----not just be the outlaws, join the dark force, but a real licentious and lewd life. As Borcha suggested? A chaos life.

So, in the town, we might go to the castle(include parliament, court and jail), home, tavern (include bar, casino, bank, and brothel), smithy, merchant, tournament, church (as the free hospital and place to donate, and maybe the library and college). And it is nice to see a square to hand outlaws, decapitate nobles, and burn witches. Since selling salves is not a profitable job, I suggest to rise the slave prices. To keep a large army, trading, complete missions, sell slaves, kidnap nobles' kids, rob anyone....varied choices is the base of happiness.

armors, weapons, horses
free markets will get rid of some choices in the competition. What horses and arms will you buy? One answer: the best. I feel that the less qualified armors and weapons are unnecessary. Yes, they are cheaper, but why not save more money to purchase the best----The reinforce and the balance ones? Even dukes and kings (i think queen is a good idea) have no interest in them. Two quality level is absolutely enough, but market price is not the only incentive for me to buy. To be faster, I ask the lightest one. The reinforced one should be heavier. For weapons, only the best have markets. Of course, the second hand weapon can have different qualities. I would like the idea of personal made products, some features, such weight, length, one-hand or two-hand or both. Horses, again, two levels are just enough: the best and the regular one.

Second, at last, all exchangeable items in all mods must be shared. It will sharply increase the fun in shopping time. Some items have not sharp colour in the shelf, I think it is a bug. I always cannot see them well. Third, Viking, Roman, Tucky, Chinese, and Japanese are welcome, yet I think some famous weapons such as Japanese's swords are highly overstate. Fourth, And almost all swords are not design to handle plate armors and any shields. I am happy to see them broken in such use. Only some special heavy swords are designed to do so. Fifth, Better armors and weapons are good incentives to attract player to complete quests. In the darkmod, it works for me. Finally, Firearms, please, never let it be. My bottom line is the first generation firearm. Keep its speed rate very low, and limit its range. If it must exist.

Cloths, I do not think they are same as armors. Separately, an independent seller will be better. It is for the political/social/sex life. Some sumptuous and luxury cloths, jacks, dresses, boots, shoes, and the likes, and even the jewels are acceptable. Further, musical instrument, paintings, drugs, pills, cures, books and furnitures may consider. Sounds like the Sims? Eastern and Western should be included. Some evil goods or even underground traders may be good ideas.

I hate magic in battlefields, but it can be any other place. Then it seems unwanted.
Quests and career
Kill, search and destroy, murder, kidnap, rescue, rape, execute, rob, steal, torment.....all are interesting. But supply horses, armors, and equipments are less fun. In the early stage, they are useful to get XP, and then they are time consuming. After a certain, we must get rid of it. I think it is very nice to reject the mission once you know what it is. I mean, do not accept it rather than admit a failure, just like in the lastday mod. The most expect quest is to tear down cities and destroy a kingdom. There can be a path to be a king or queen, or the dark side dominator.

And the career. To be a lord seems a little boring----when players find the formula. To make it fun, give them some sub career, name it: the future lords' habit. The reputation in the history will be the finial and highest achievement in the game. Judge by people, Statics and comments release. The habit----healthy or evil, affects the reputation. The final role, a powerful lord, or a warrior queen, is still busy, different self-achieved quests can do. Only retirement can end the game. As a lord, you can have more than one partners. And have posterity. They will compete, and you still have endless quests.

English is not my first language, I hope you guys can understand what I am talking about. I admit, I never read the rules in this page.
Welcome, stevenbear.

1. As you wondr, I don't think the idea of character weight will work. I think it'll complicate the mechanics too much. Many people like to have an option to choose their characters' body shape, but that means, sadly, devs have to make every single piece of armour and clothes for each shape and some coding. Scars and tatoo are very popular suggestions and e all hope to have them one day.
2. Trading don't give you any experience points I think it is because the game don't recognize 'trading' and 'selling loots'. Kill enemy, get experience points, sell loots to shop and get another experience points is not fair, in my opinion. However, you can try 'deliver goods' quest and you can get money and experience points as you perfectly know. Even in current situation, trading is useful. You can be very easily short of money if your horse is killed, or lost a battle. Also you need to risk defeat many, many times when you try to make money by battle alone. Trading doesn't give you money, but you'll get better equipment and since they are unbreakable (except horses), you can use it for your life and have better chance of surviving battles.
3. Weapon Master skill is very well done, to me. It not Dongeon Siege. So you can be all mighty Jack of the Trade if you like. Also if you want to put some point in proficiency, you have to spend your precious skill points to this skill.
4. Now Shield skill affects how fast the shield can be re-readied after blocking (I think?).
5. I think every two points in Tactics skill will increase advantage point by one. As far as I know, advantage points efects how many troops can be in the battle round and timing of reinforcement (low advantage makes reinforcement appears later. God, I can't write).
6. Leadership skill is just to increase the party slots and max size. I don't want to see my men asking me 'What, boss? I don't understand what you said.' just because my Leadership skill is low.
7. Auto-arranging food is very welcome feature indeed.
8. reinforcement idea is because 1) memory issue 2) gives player chance to flee. It is a good addition to be able to select which troop I'll bring to battle, though.
9. It rains. Also, the time passed very slowly in this game. I usually don't play a character more than 60days. Too much codings are needed to do these things, too.
10. I'm not for this breaking items. It seems you don't like the idea of your items eventually broken (that's why you said they should break 'very slowly' and 'too real can ruin the fun', didn't you?), so let it be simple - they don't break.
11. Do you mean, 'The buildings seems very difficul to assault', instead of 'very difficult to build'? But, that's how a fortification is supposed to be!
12. I think if siege tools (radders, rams, siege towers) are added to the game, they'll be props. In other words, fancy-shaped staircases to the wall-top.

let's skip few paragraphs...

13. For me your idea of 'only the best goes to market' too extreme. In real life, the opposite is true. Lords don't care about the quality because they need them in quantity. you might choose a chipped sword because it is the only one-handed sword available. I know you're talking about making two types of shops - first hand and second hand. But poor quality items always went to market, no matter whether it is second hand, or first hand.
14. I don't think the sharing of all items in every mod shouldn't be done. It is impossible. Also, not many people want to see a Katana popping up in Middle Earth.
15. Rest is... I do agree with most of them. However, it all depends on Armagan.

That's all I could think.
Don't worry of reading rules. there're only two. Be polite, use search.
stevenbear said:
Fourth, And almost all swords are not design to handle plate armors and any shields. I am happy to see them broken in such use. Only some special heavy swords are designed to do so.

Actually, swords did not become heavier in order to defeat plate. They became narrower, and stiffer, actually becoming less suited for cutting but all the more suited for thrusting. They became narrower to allow for a better grip around the blade itself, as half-swording became a necessity when facing enemies in plate harness. To defeat plate with sword, you do not penetrate it, but bypass it - by stabbing at the weak spots. This is half-swording became so important, because it allows for better control of thrusting attacks. So there are in fact many, many swords designed to deal with plate.

Now, as half-swording is not included in attack animations in M&B, we'll just have to pretend. that as you hack away at a black knight's breastplate, you're actually stabbing at the openings. In any case, even if you were to hack directly at plate, it would take a great deal of effort to break the sword. You'd break the sword sooner than you'd break the plate, sure, but a good sword is very resilient.

As for shields, shields are designed to handle weapons - not the other way around. When facing an opponent with a shield the preferred target is the man, not the shield. This is just as true in M&B.

Now, there is one element you cannot escape on a realistic battlefield, and that's grappling. Grappling, dirty fighting, biting, gouging, pushing, pulling, tripping, etc. etc. Without these things, with just hack and slash, overcoming plate and shields would be pretty impossible. So we just have to assume that these elements are included in the simple attack animations. To include realistic fighting as a playable option would be far too complicated to be enjoyable anyway, and I for one am perfectly happy with the simple attacks in the game at present.
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