My thoughts on This mod (RoY)

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Bank Robber

No mounts! Balanced Ranged fighting! Vikings! Ships!

I'm officially a fan!

A couple of bugs I noticed. One is at the arena where guys with two ranged weapons won't switch to their 2nd weapon after they run out of ammo with the first. For example javelin/bow. When the 7 javelins run out they just stand there doing nothing. Also some have javelin/javelin/shield and these won't switch either from their first stack of 7 javs to the 2nd with 50. To the 2nd case with  javs an easy fix I think would be to give them just the one bag of 50 javelins so they won't run out so fast.

Another thing is at vendors where ranged items have different amounts of items and sometimes it doesnt make sense. For example I saw a bag of javs with 7/7 javelins and then a large bag with 3/3 and another regular bag with 14/14.

Ahh yes and another thing. I love the new combat animations but in one of the overhead swings where you twirl your sword and then attack I think its a bit too slow.

Thats all I saw. Anyway I love this mod its the best and I love it!

If there are meant to be no mounts then I suggest that Nizar should have his horse removed. I recruited him, nicked it, and seem now to be the games only horse archer. :grin:
Make sure they don't cut down your horse though. They got some pretty long spears, them vikings. Especially in the weapon variety  :lol:
Tiberius Decimus Maximus said:
Make sure they don't cut down your horse though. They got some pretty long spears, them vikings. Especially in the weapon variety  :lol:

Eventually they might take it down. Til then I am ruling the roost. :smile:
tallefred said:
I completely missed that. Strange, I usually pick them up because I'm a pervert.

There are two types of perverts, ones that flirt, make and laugh at sex jokes and ones that flirt, and think their perverted.
I just contradicted myself.
I'm not actually a pervert. I usually pick up on those things though.

Goddamn it between this thread and the one about my avatar I think I've dug myself into a hole.  :grin:
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