My Swiss Kingdom idea.

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So , i was thinking about a Swiss Kingdom. They should have 1 town at start and 2 villages and 2 castles. And troops in castles and town. Castles ,villages and town should be on a free place on map. I alredy tought about soldiers. Here they are

Swiss archer:

Swiss peasant archer:

Swiss peasant:

Swiss heavy cavalary:

Swiss light cavalary:

My favourite unit is swiss light cavalary . :smile:. Maybe if you can , can someone make special swiss heavy armor to Swiss heavy cavalary? Because this tunic what he's wearing is very light. And suits more to archers and light units.  Thanks. I hope you will add this Swiss kingdom there. I have been played Hundred Years war from 0.903 M&B version. And this was the first mod what i played. (Native was first of course :grin:). And i love this mod very. Btw , i saw an little island in this mod and nothing is on this island. Only trees :grin:. It will be a great place. I understand that , The Hundred Years War was only between French and English , but there are many mercenaries in every tavern. And mostly i see Swiss units there. And they are really cool.

Me and my Swiss army preparing for English charge.
Results were : My army - 44 killed , 20 wounded
              Enemy army - 90 killed , 2 wounded
The Swiss were Famous for their Pikemen, they were extremely firece is combat, and were badly wanted for mercenarys, but they were basicly just peasents, who vollentered to fight for freedom of their country, not just levys, who were forced. They didn't have much calavy, and i don't know about ranged troops, but i know the town would be called "Bern".
Lord_killzor, not Swiss avalary
Ulrich von Liechtenstein said:
Lord_killzor, not Swiss avalary

i liked that, really nice dude
I dont understand why in Bern you put some random pavise and a M&B character...
And a puny boy in a tin armor
yeah, the crossbow.....ehhhh, Idk, it was the easist weapon to learn how to use, and they were peasents.

Edit: i see the Bear Herdical sign on though's LARP'ers, and on that M&B Characeter, that was the Sign of Bern, which in german means bear, i think. Trust me on this M2TW Stainless steel doesn't lie, it's EXTREMELY acurrute with dates, names, and people.

Edit2: Found out more, by pure accicdent, turns out that the Germans and swiss made their own Two handed swords (Zweihanders (modern name) called Dopplehanders (older name). so yeah, the swiss should have some good two-handers too.
If I added other factions, the Flemish would be one. They would be similar to Rhodoks, but only because Rhodoks are similar to them; as in, Pikemen, spearmen, crossbowmen, and town militia (who would flesh out any other units needed).

On a side note, I've been playing around with crossbowmen and crossbow damage, and I want to try some things out. Namely; making crossbows far more dangerous (one volley=armored guys dieing), but to counter that making crossbowmen absolutly horrible in melee. From the tests I've run, I like the outcome.
Llew2 said:
If I added other factions, the Flemish would be one. They would be similar to Rhodoks, but only because Rhodoks are similar to them; as in, Pikemen, spearmen, crossbowmen, and town militia (who would flesh out any other units needed).

On a side note, I've been playing around with crossbowmen and crossbow damage, and I want to try some things out. Namely; making crossbows far more dangerous (one volley=armored guys dieing), but to counter that making crossbowmen absolutly horrible in melee. From the tests I've run, I like the outcome.
Or you could make about as deadly as longbowmen. Maybe deal a bit more damage to compensate the lower fire rate.
That would be the idea. However, currently crossbowmen make formidable infantry in addition to being crossbowmen, which would unbalance things if all of a sudden one crossbow shot kills a guy. They would be the ultimate killing machine.
Llew2 said:
That would be the idea. However, currently crossbowmen make formidable infantry in addition to being crossbowmen, which would unbalance things if all of a sudden one crossbow shot kills a guy. They would be the ultimate killing machine.
Indeed. Crossbowmen weren't famous as killing machines.
What has Swiss kingdom common with Hundred Year Wars?  You should follow the history events, Llew2.  :???:
Llew2 said:
If I added other factions, the Flemish would be one. They would be similar to Rhodoks, but only because Rhodoks are similar to them; as in, Pikemen, spearmen, crossbowmen, and town militia (who would flesh out any other units needed).

On a side note, I've been playing around with crossbowmen and crossbow damage, and I want to try some things out. Namely; making crossbows far more dangerous (one volley=armored guys dieing), but to counter that making crossbowmen absolutly horrible in melee. From the tests I've run, I like the outcome.
wow, remember to add Knights, they had some at the battle of Pointiers, (King Philp II i think was in power, or it was one of the later kings of france, can't remember) at Pointiers, they fought againast france, allying themselves with The Holy Roman Empire, Rebeling french Nobles, and Nobles of England. But that's another story, anyways, they had knights, and the Flemish were allied to the english thoughout The Hundred Year war.
Jsay18 said:
Llew2 said:
If I added other factions, the Flemish would be one. They would be similar to Rhodoks, but only because Rhodoks are similar to them; as in, Pikemen, spearmen, crossbowmen, and town militia (who would flesh out any other units needed).

On a side note, I've been playing around with crossbowmen and crossbow damage, and I want to try some things out. Namely; making crossbows far more dangerous (one volley=armored guys dieing), but to counter that making crossbowmen absolutly horrible in melee. From the tests I've run, I like the outcome.
wow, remember to add Knights, they had some at the battle of Pointiers, (King Philp II i think was in power, or it was one of the later kings of france, can't remember) at Pointiers, they fought againast france, allying themselves with The Holy Roman Empire, Rebeling french Nobles, and Nobles of England. But that's another story, anyways, they had knights, and the Flemish were allied to the english thoughout The Hundred Year war.
Llew2 said:
Rad said:
What has Swiss kingdom common with Hundred Year Wars?  You should follow the history events, Llew2.  :???:
Chill out. If you read what I said, it would be explained.

For Historical Events you should add 2 other particpant on france Plain The Flander ( Flemish) And The Duchy of Burgundy or Britanny( if you want ) , The Burgundian should have cities like Dijon and Metz and some 1 or 2 castle and Flander From Brugge to Rehiem and English Have original land but take out Britanny(for France if you dont want to have Britanny Faction or let english have it ) and area from Tour to near Bordeux For france

The Britanny Are allies of the France While the Flander will be under Burgundy in 1384 both were allies of English if there a surrending system make Flander surrender sometime a mid the game to Burgundy(their fickle about france or english because they just wanted the low countries )  and i suggest making castle near Orlean for invading Orlean
Hrmm, if you added any more factions, I think Burgundians would be the way to go. (Start out against the English but currently neutral to the french) Swiss, flems... Naw, it'd take the focus off the main part of the HYW. Maybe simply more mercenaries or even just a faction with bandit-like parties but no leaders and no land. (ie Arverni in BoW.)
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