My suggestions

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Master Knight
Hey there, I am a total noob and just discovered the wonders of M&B. Instead of making seperate threads about my suggestions, I decided to pack it all in one. I have not read everything here, so if I have broken any rule or something, please tell me, be nice :wink: .
I suggest this game be expanded in the future, this game is soo addictive and fun, if it expanded....more provinces, multiplayer, new factions, etc. And at a full price, it would be even better, prehaps even go console :roll: this probally isnt gona happen, but it's a dream.

New lance animation-
I dont think the current M&B lancing animation is correct, I suggest it be changed. I learned that a medieval warrior when handeling a lance, would crouch it under his armpit and use his speed to charge, the current one is a spear stabbing least the jousting lance should have a new animation. Prehaps this is being worked on...

I think there shoudl be more rivers on the map, prehaps be a little more troublsome and more river bandits. Then, prehaps on some of the bigger rivers, there would be ferries, where you can pay a ferryman to go across the river instead of around it.
Then, at the 4 ways inn, there will be a guy called [insert name here] and when talked to, he will give you a quest to go and collect him somthing (wood or something) so he can build a ship, after this, you can ask him to join your party as a hero, then you can simply use that guy to go accross rivers.
Surely it cant be done, but if possible, could you like buy ships and go naval? Like on the coast or in the rivers, your on a boat, and you can control the boat to board or ram while shooting arrows at your enemy ( the boat is just like another ally, you cant really decide who to attack). The more boats you have, the bigger your navy. YOu;ll be fighting river pirates, sea raiders, swadian/vagir trade ships, swadian/vagir war navies, etc.

Multiplayer- too bad it's impossible

sieges- wasnt it said to be impossible?

Well, I think that's all my suggestions, you guys did a great job on the game. Responses please?

edit-oh yeah, forgot. I think there should be churches included in this game, religion played a huge part in the medieval era, prehaps churches should be in certain cities, and they will do you or heal you, something like that.
Couldn't you have read at least one sticky? Lances do get couched, just wait without pushing the mouse button as you ride a horse fast.
We appologize of course for the rudeness of some members like soup. Welcome to the forums!!! In response to your other suggestion, sea battles have been brought up before. I don't think its really possible (not sure if the engine is capable of what you suggest, but it would take too much time to code at the very least) to have ship battles exactly. But it would be easy enough to create the ability to set sail. And when fighting on a ship, the battlefield could be just two stationary ships with a couple planks connecting them. So maybe we'll see something like that in the future. Although if you're really into that type of ship battle idea, you should maybe check out Sea Dogs, Pirates of the Carribean, or Sid Meier's Pirates! Also, things like more factions and a larger more detailed world map are already in the works. I tend to think of the current world map as just something temporary, and would be very surprised if any of it was used in the final release.
Thank you DaLagga, I'll keep that in mind.
Can 'O' Soup-Well, I have read a few stickies....not much, I never thought that the running crouch lance did damage, I';ll have to try that.
my idea that i never got to say, was that instead of multiplayer a friend could play (using a joystick, hard to play i know) could play a co-op mode. with you making your guy and the second being one of the hero's (marnid, borcha) traveling with you, a split screen, and the single player making the choices (your friend could beat the **** out of you if he didnt want all his points into dex. :lol: ) some humourous stuff and tactics could be done.

Good to see you trying to contribute ideas you have for the game.

Don't mind the negative posts ... some of the older members get frustrated easily when new people don't read all the stickies and know exactly the way things work before posting.

A good list to reference your ideas with is located here. It is the common suggestion redirection sheet and is very easy to use, to look ideas up.

Take care and keep posting,
Listen to the wise word of Narcissus, o'Chilly5. And I didn't mean to be negative, but it is getting annoying and I've had an annoying late afternoon.
PrinceScamp said:
I am starting to get annoyed by the 3-8 new nooby threads everyday. No offence, but I am already pissed off.

If you are pissed off and hate the thread then why post here? What you have said has contributed absolutely nothing to the discussion.

"I am pissed off", "I had an annoying afternoon" is no excuse for flaming newcomers.
Dont forget people we once were new comers(i still am), and i like to see new posts, whether or not it's been said before as the new posts might have a cool twist to it. Like this for example, it has been said to have more rivers and bridges(or ferries) but not sea battles, and as Da lagga said
And when fighting on a ship, the battlefield could be just two stationary ships with a couple planks connecting them.

That could be done by mapping and would be cool(if you fall into the water you sink and drown) but i would like to see come cannon ship fights(i dont think it would be impossible, i didn't say it would be easy though). ie. Have a person piloting the ship like you do a horse...and people handling the cannons or arrows/javalins etc. So you all you flamers out there i throw poly-propelene oxide onto thee(find out yourself what it is :razz: ).

have fun...and keep the ideas commin.
And when fighting on a ship, the battlefield could be just two stationary ships with a couple planks connecting them.

Like Heroes of Might and Magic, yup, that's cool. With barrels and ropes and masts scattered around the place, it's fun.
Thumbs down for naval cannons instead, too modern for the setting, while ballistae and ship catapults can do the job. I think that a naval battle simulation would be a bit off the edge tough.
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