Hey there, I am a total noob and just discovered the wonders of M&B. Instead of making seperate threads about my suggestions, I decided to pack it all in one. I have not read everything here, so if I have broken any rule or something, please tell me, be nice
I suggest this game be expanded in the future, this game is soo addictive and fun, if it expanded....more provinces, multiplayer, new factions, etc. And at a full price, it would be even better, prehaps even go console
this probally isnt gona happen, but it's a dream.
New lance animation-
I dont think the current M&B lancing animation is correct, I suggest it be changed. I learned that a medieval warrior when handeling a lance, would crouch it under his armpit and use his speed to charge, the current one is a spear stabbing animation....at least the jousting lance should have a new animation. Prehaps this is being worked on...
I think there shoudl be more rivers on the map, prehaps be a little more troublsome and more river bandits. Then, prehaps on some of the bigger rivers, there would be ferries, where you can pay a ferryman to go across the river instead of around it.
Then, at the 4 ways inn, there will be a guy called [insert name here] and when talked to, he will give you a quest to go and collect him somthing (wood or something) so he can build a ship, after this, you can ask him to join your party as a hero, then you can simply use that guy to go accross rivers.
Surely it cant be done, but if possible, could you like buy ships and go naval? Like on the coast or in the rivers, your on a boat, and you can control the boat to board or ram while shooting arrows at your enemy ( the boat is just like another ally, you cant really decide who to attack). The more boats you have, the bigger your navy. YOu;ll be fighting river pirates, sea raiders, swadian/vagir trade ships, swadian/vagir war navies, etc.
Multiplayer- too bad it's impossible
sieges- wasnt it said to be impossible?
Well, I think that's all my suggestions, you guys did a great job on the game. Responses please?
edit-oh yeah, forgot. I think there should be churches included in this game, religion played a huge part in the medieval era, prehaps churches should be in certain cities, and they will do something.....like....empower you or heal you, something like that.
I suggest this game be expanded in the future, this game is soo addictive and fun, if it expanded....more provinces, multiplayer, new factions, etc. And at a full price, it would be even better, prehaps even go console

New lance animation-
I dont think the current M&B lancing animation is correct, I suggest it be changed. I learned that a medieval warrior when handeling a lance, would crouch it under his armpit and use his speed to charge, the current one is a spear stabbing animation....at least the jousting lance should have a new animation. Prehaps this is being worked on...
I think there shoudl be more rivers on the map, prehaps be a little more troublsome and more river bandits. Then, prehaps on some of the bigger rivers, there would be ferries, where you can pay a ferryman to go across the river instead of around it.
Then, at the 4 ways inn, there will be a guy called [insert name here] and when talked to, he will give you a quest to go and collect him somthing (wood or something) so he can build a ship, after this, you can ask him to join your party as a hero, then you can simply use that guy to go accross rivers.
Surely it cant be done, but if possible, could you like buy ships and go naval? Like on the coast or in the rivers, your on a boat, and you can control the boat to board or ram while shooting arrows at your enemy ( the boat is just like another ally, you cant really decide who to attack). The more boats you have, the bigger your navy. YOu;ll be fighting river pirates, sea raiders, swadian/vagir trade ships, swadian/vagir war navies, etc.
Multiplayer- too bad it's impossible
sieges- wasnt it said to be impossible?
Well, I think that's all my suggestions, you guys did a great job on the game. Responses please?
edit-oh yeah, forgot. I think there should be churches included in this game, religion played a huge part in the medieval era, prehaps churches should be in certain cities, and they will do something.....like....empower you or heal you, something like that.