My suggestions re: heroes, freed prisoners, and archer AI

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I love this game, it has the best sword combat since Blade of Darkness and Rune.

Here are the things that I would like to see changed:

When 'freed prisoners' are roaming the countryside, and you would like them to join you, you have to be able to take them all. Being able to choose from among them as you can choose directly after a battle would be really nice.

Party member heroes. It really takes me back to Fallout to have to talk to someone, then tell them I need to mess with their inventory, or see their stats. I'd like a way to get to that from the main party screen without having to screw around with dialogue trees. The system of having them hold something for you and then having to pay them for it back sort of stinks. I'd like to see you be able to differentiate between 'this is yours forever' and 'hold this for a bit ok' and 'you can use this for now'.

It steams my noodles when I see half of my party deaths coming from my archers shooting each other in the head. They shouldn't release a shot if it will hit a friendly target, and the game is perfectly capable of knowing exactly where each shot will go before it's taken.

Edit: I'd also like to see bodies floating in the water, slowly staining it red.
First, Welcome to the forum! Please read the stickied topics:

1) I agree, already suggested.
2) I agree, already suggested.
3) I agree, although occaisionaly archers might hit there own side King Edward Longshanks of England ordered his troops to fire on his own when fighting William Wallace.
I couldn't find any posts with those topics using the search function, but thanks.

I'm talking about archers at close range, not at a distance. It could only be in affect for maybe 15' around the archer, unless they're not supposed to have any spacial awareness for some reason.
Is it possible to, instead, make your units not to go in your archers' line of fire. I've killed a lot of my own troops when they decided to come up to me the second before I released the bowstring...
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