My suggestions for Pendor.

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Grandmaster Knight
I've been playing for a couple of days now and I have some suggestions to make, mostly to do with kingdom management but a couple of other things too.

Firstly, great work here. This is one of the great mods out there, both in scope and more importantly in flavour. I don't think there is a more fleshed out world in any other M&B mod. I didn't get much time to contribute during beta testing (which I'm hoping to make up for now I finally have a few days off), but I did get to see it all come together and the amount of work and thought that went in to it is just phenomenal.

That said, there's always room for improvement in anything, so on with the suggestions.

Kingdom management still needs work, although it's mostly the already reported bugfixes.

1. On the "assign castle etc." page would it be possible to add who owns the fief on the list, like (Marleon's - Lord Montewar)? Also to have it link back to the list rather than the great hall? Also, the ability to assign a fief from its management page would fit nicely with one of my later suggestions.

2. Getting lords is tough. Very tough. Could this be toned down a bit or (and this is my preference),

3. Titling of companions. In PoP I've developed a real attachment to some of my buddies and would like nothing more than to give Leslie Sarleon and have her run the kingdom's treasury, or give Sara the Fox that chance to outshine me that she keeps banging on about. It'd particularly suit the knightly types, giving them a chance to reestablish their orders.

This would aid the player in a few ways, and still leave enough room for limitation to avoid it nerfing the game too much.

Firstly it would give the player a lord or two early on in kingdom development. It'd also give you something to do with those quarreling companions (a nice touch there would be them refusing to aid each other on the world map if they have a poor relation to each other), and free up one of those pesky 31 slots, which given the diversity of troops in PoP is not to be sneezed at.

To limit them, you have them require certain cities (an ancestral knighthood seat, designated capital, close to their homeland etc.) or buildings (Market/treasury or other financial building for Leslie, training ground for Donovan, knighthood orders etc.) which gives you yet another incentive to plan your builds and conquests and goes one step further towards making Pendor the living, breathing land it's destined to be.

My favourite part of this idea is the whole immersive part of it. Sure I'm riding to battle with Lord Montewar, but who is he, really? Is he an *******? Is he nice to small, furry animals? Was he making it up about Lady Eloise being a slapper or am I in with a chance? I don't know. And because I don't know, I don't really care about helping him out against which ever pileup of Fierdsvein caught him this time.

But riding to save Kaverra from certain sacrifice at the hands of the three seers or relieving Sir Rayne before the besieging might of Ravenstern extinguishes the Order of the Falcon forever?
That, my friends, that I can fight for.

Crap, now I forgot what was next.

Oh yeah,
4. Improved lord dialogue so poor Lord Montewar gets to explain why Lady Eloise just slapped me, and so he doesn't get more prison love off the Fierdsvein. Just flavour really, something that would be nice, but is by no means essential. Actually, it could be a handy way to get better relations with lords. Find their jokes about squirrels and goose fat in poor taste? Tell them so. It'd also add some depth to the almost pointless castle Ladies. A few more companion interactions would be nice too.

5. More uses for buildings. A the moment, I'm not even sure what purpose most of them serve. I know they improve the economy, but from what I can figure, that's it.

I was thinking along the lines of having training grounds in castles allow you to recruit troops from the steward there, like in taverns in old M&B and occasionally adding a couple to your garrison from time to time (self interest there, it's been murder trying to keep up a stock of pendor recruits). Or maybe having craftsmen give the enigmatic increase in tradeable goods to goods markets as well as just a boost to the economy, or ports in seaside towns adding more opportunity to hire Barclay or Singalian mercenaries.

If we add the ability to choose a capital, add capital only buildings like a treasury (collects all taxes from your fiefs) or a chancellery (management of all fiefs). There's pretty much no end to what you can do with this.

Ok, non kingdom stuff. Not so much of this...yet.

1. Quests. The native quests, though much improved from dayes of yore ("No. Get your own damn 30 pitchforks.") are still somewhat lacking, and in some cases ("No. Post your own damn letters.") just irritating.

They could use some work, from "Who will rid me of these turbulent renegade knights?! 10 parties please." to rescuing Leslie's old business partner from a Jatu camp, to just getting rid of that damn letter quest, any improvement here will do.

Anyone who played the old Calradia at War will know what I mean. Fairly simply implemented (usually just "go kill these guys") but they did add quite a lot to gameplay for me. Or even Storymod style, though I hear that wasn't quite so simple to implement.

Umm, that's pretty much it so far, I'll probably sneak some more in with an edit when nobody's looking.

In closing, Prophesy of Pendor has got the one thing right that most mods don't; the setting is truly magnificent and that alone gives it the potential to be the best M&B mod of all time. Mod system limitations and human frailty not withstanding (you can only whip SD so much before he starts crying or gets over excited), the sky is pretty much the limit.

2. Airships.....

That would be an awesome idea to make some of your companions into Lords!  I have no idea if it's doable but it would be sweet to see Sir Rayne ridin' around all pimped out with a 200 man army with him.
Companions being lords has been done in Native Expansion, too. When they hit level 20 you can recruit them as such.
Rent a Knight said:
I've heard about that mod a lot but I've never seen it......

It's a great mod, with a lot of unique variety and look to it, but when it says it is for adults, it means it.  Just attack your first group of barbarians or amazons and you'll get an eyeful.

Still, has some great armor that Rosha's agreed to allow for public mods once he's got to version 1.0
€hr¡s said:
Companions being lords has been done in Native Expansion, too. When they hit level 20 you can recruit them as such.

Yes I've been playing Native Expansion too (still playing it occassionally) before I switched over here to PoP. It has a well-implemented kingdom management system and you can make lords out of your companions as well. To make it difficult to actually do this, you can only make them lords when they're level 20 (although some high-end and very expensive companions are already at level 20, so it's a great incentive to hire them).

In PoP this seems like a great idea to implement! While I would be hard-pressed to think of Leslie or Ansen becoming a lord immediately, it's not that hard and seems proper when it comes to Sir Rayne, Sir Roland, Sigismund, etc. When the "lesser" companions reach level 20, however, it would feel only proper that they have earned the right to be lords themselves, which adds to the role-playing and the sense of adventure and epic quest to retake Pendor.
Ares said:
I've been playing for a couple of days now and I have some suggestions to make, mostly to do with kingdom management but a couple of other things too.

Firstly, great work here. This is one of the great mods out there, both in scope and more importantly in flavour. I don't think there is a more fleshed out world in any other M&B mod. I didn't get much time to contribute during beta testing (which I'm hoping to make up for now I finally have a few days off), but I did get to see it all come together and the amount of work and thought that went in to it is just phenomenal.

That said, there's always room for improvement in anything, so on with the suggestions.

Kingdom management still needs work, although it's mostly the already reported bugfixes.

1. On the "assign castle etc." page would it be possible to add who owns the fief on the list, like (Marleon's - Lord Montewar)? Also to have it link back to the list rather than the great hall? Also, the ability to assign a fief from its management page would fit nicely with one of my later suggestions.

2. Getting lords is tough. Very tough. Could this be toned down a bit or (and this is my preference),

3. Titling of companions. In PoP I've developed a real attachment to some of my buddies and would like nothing more than to give Leslie Sarleon and have her run the kingdom's treasury, or give Sara the Fox that chance to outshine me that she keeps banging on about. It'd particularly suit the knightly types, giving them a chance to reestablish their orders.

This would aid the player in a few ways, and still leave enough room for limitation to avoid it nerfing the game too much.

Firstly it would give the player a lord or two early on in kingdom development. It'd also give you something to do with those quarreling companions (a nice touch there would be them refusing to aid each other on the world map if they have a poor relation to each other), and free up one of those pesky 31 slots, which given the diversity of troops in PoP is not to be sneezed at.

To limit them, you have them require certain cities (an ancestral knighthood seat, designated capital, close to their homeland etc.) or buildings (Market/treasury or other financial building for Leslie, training ground for Donovan, knighthood orders etc.) which gives you yet another incentive to plan your builds and conquests and goes one step further towards making Pendor the living, breathing land it's destined to be.

My favourite part of this idea is the whole immersive part of it. Sure I'm riding to battle with Lord Montewar, but who is he, really? Is he an *******? Is he nice to small, furry animals? Was he making it up about Lady Eloise being a slapper or am I in with a chance? I don't know. And because I don't know, I don't really care about helping him out against which ever pileup of Fierdsvein caught him this time.

But riding to save Kaverra from certain sacrifice at the hands of the three seers or relieving Sir Rayne before the besieging might of Ravenstern extinguishes the Order of the Falcon forever?
That, my friends, that I can fight for.

Crap, now I forgot what was next.

Oh yeah,
4. Improved lord dialogue so poor Lord Montewar gets to explain why Lady Eloise just slapped me, and so he doesn't get more prison love off the Fierdsvein. Just flavour really, something that would be nice, but is by no means essential. Actually, it could be a handy way to get better relations with lords. Find their jokes about squirrels and goose fat in poor taste? Tell them so. It'd also add some depth to the almost pointless castle Ladies. A few more companion interactions would be nice too.

5. More uses for buildings. A the moment, I'm not even sure what purpose most of them serve. I know they improve the economy, but from what I can figure, that's it.

I was thinking along the lines of having training grounds in castles allow you to recruit troops from the steward there, like in taverns in old M&B and occasionally adding a couple to your garrison from time to time (self interest there, it's been murder trying to keep up a stock of pendor recruits). Or maybe having craftsmen give the enigmatic increase in tradeable goods to goods markets as well as just a boost to the economy, or ports in seaside towns adding more opportunity to hire Barclay or Singalian mercenaries.

If we add the ability to choose a capital, add capital only buildings like a treasury (collects all taxes from your fiefs) or a chancellery (management of all fiefs). There's pretty much no end to what you can do with this.

Ok, non kingdom stuff. Not so much of this...yet.

1. Quests. The native quests, though much improved from dayes of yore ("No. Get your own damn 30 pitchforks.") are still somewhat lacking, and in some cases ("No. Post your own damn letters.") just irritating.

They could use some work, from "Who will rid me of these turbulent renegade knights?! 10 parties please." to rescuing Leslie's old business partner from a Jatu camp, to just getting rid of that damn letter quest, any improvement here will do.

Anyone who played the old Calradia at War will know what I mean. Fairly simply implemented (usually just "go kill these guys") but they did add quite a lot to gameplay for me. Or even Storymod style, though I hear that wasn't quite so simple to implement.

Umm, that's pretty much it so far, I'll probably sneak some more in with an edit when nobody's looking.

In closing, Prophesy of Pendor has got the one thing right that most mods don't; the setting is truly magnificent and that alone gives it the potential to be the best M&B mod of all time. Mod system limitations and human frailty not withstanding (you can only whip SD so much before he starts crying or gets over excited), the sky is pretty much the limit.

2. Airships.....

5. More uses for buildings. A the moment, I'm not even sure what purpose most of them serve. I know they improve the economy, but from what I can figure, that's it.
Basically, most of the unique buildings just improve prosperity. There are the unique ones, like Knighthood Orders, Sherrif's offices, and prospectors, but all the others are just +gold. One of the areas that I feel needs a bit of improvement, but SD is happy with the current state of affairs.

1. Quests. The native quests, though much improved from dayes of yore ("No. Get your own damn 30 pitchforks.") are still somewhat lacking, and in some cases ("No. Post your own damn letters.") just irritating.
One of the big things I wanted to see in 2.0. However, simply put, it would really involve rewriting most of the NPC dialogue, and the dev team just didn't have the time to do this and still get 2.0 out before christmas.

I wanted all of the elite companions (Sinclair, the knights, ect) to have their own quest that you would have to complete before you could recruit them, like you would have to go kill the Jarl that killed Sisigmund's wife and when you avenged her death he would offer to join you.
2. Airships.....
Dammit, now I can't stop imagining a Kingdom Under Fire version of Pendor where small Airships float around the battlefields raining arrows down on the troops below >_<;

Good ideas :grin: tho I'm guessing it will be a while before we see these areas expanded in game.
Since this mod is meant to be more immersive and a bit of a challenge I think I can understand why SD didn't use companion lords, however...

It would perhaps be nice to get a little love that way since I stupidly captured a castle before joining a faction or helping to weaken one faction a little first. Now I've captured my third castle I run out of cash simply from having to constantly defend sieges, followed by defending my fiefs from raiding and juggling fresh troops about; I have basically no time to sell loot, try to win tourneys or chase decent spawns, a little stressful no?  :grin:
A coop between PoP and Wedding Dance could be awsome. Rosha has some real nice elements when it comes to quests and a real nice storyline. Implementing the skeletons of the quests in wedding into PoP would be something.
As i was said, you can make your companions to lords (heck i knighted my own wife- yes you can marry - and the process is nicely worked out), you can get "Storm the dungeon" quests and so on. Its mostly the porn element in wedding that gets on my nerves. I mean, nudity, great  :mrgreen:, but nudity everwhere.....
Its mostly the porn element in wedding that gets on my nerves. I mean, nudity, great  :mrgreen:, but nudity everwhere.....

Boobies huh? :shock:

Is this for an older version of M&B? 

This game in general has some wonky animations.  I can only imagine what that looks like.
Nope, for 1.011

Boobs, you are thinking small... The guy changed the skins... There are two pure women factions, and the typicall fem-armour is the bikini cut, or even smaller  :???:

The link if you want to check it out, as i said, the storyline is quite nice.,58995.0.html
the funny part is, when your playing a male character and you wear a female armor your character suddenly grows boobs too. :mrgreen:
Yes, that is quite amusing. It reminds me of when I got a bit annoyed with constant defending I gave all my companions (and me) maiden dress armour and rode around being the fearsome cross-dressing army of the Kindom of Pendor (didn't go so well and I think I need help...  :???:)
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