SP - World Map My suggestion to make hideouts more fun.

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Yes that is actually very annoying. I wish they just destroy the hideout. It makes 0 sense to keep it there.
Also agree the hideout system is not half-baked, it's raw and not even 1% baked. Really needs a complete re-design
im pretty sure its just a copy and paste from warband
The most annoying thing in attacking hideouts is "follow" command, i.e. F1-F2, which is required to keep your troops all together to be more effective in close combat. Every time some of the troops or companions stays right in front of your (like1 foot distance in real life), and if you use a bow, it is really inconvenient, cause the guy gets a first shot. Sometime you are waiting and aiming the target, and that companion jumps in front of you unexpectedly at random time. "Follow" command has to be definitely "Follow", they shall stay around you but not in front of you.

I have found a solution to attack the hideouts, it seems - use rare "blunt" arrows with +2 damage, forest bandits get killed in two shots instead of 4 (using 150+ archery skill and the best bow in game steppe war bow -$62k+). With piercing +4 arrows they require 4 shots usually to be killed (taking in consideration their lack of armor) while my heavy armored troops get killed in two shots, and those bandits use regular arrows and simple low cost bows. I can imagine what archery skill those bandits shall have to be as effective as they are ...
I just want an option to attack hideouts in the daylight. I hate that I can't see a damn thing. I don't care if this means we lose the advantage of surprise -- I'm a giant army, if they are surprised by my attacks they're pretty rubbish bandits.
im pretty sure its just a copy and paste from warband
That's my thinking. Except that the order of your troops in your army doesn't seem to pick who comes with you, the whole thing is like Warband with a couple of tweaks. The Sea Raider lair is very similar to the Viking base map on Viking Conquest (with added caves). The problem is, bandit hideouts were one of the worst parts of Warband. It would be much better if it was either a mini siege or if you had a skill check (say roguery or tracking) and if you pass, it's an ambush battle, or if you fail they ambush you.

Also, is it just me, or is the loot level from bandit hideouts really low compared to Warband? They used to be a good way to get some mid tier armour for you and your companions, in Bannerlord I seem to get rubbish most of the time.
That's my thinking. Except that the order of your troops in your army doesn't seem to pick who comes with you, the whole thing is like Warband with a couple of tweaks. The Sea Raider lair is very similar to the Viking base map on Viking Conquest (with added caves). The problem is, bandit hideouts were one of the worst parts of Warband. It would be much better if it was either a mini siege or if you had a skill check (say roguery or tracking) and if you pass, it's an ambush battle, or if you fail they ambush you.

Also, is it just me, or is the loot level from bandit hideouts really low compared to Warband? They used to be a good way to get some mid tier armour for you and your companions, in Bannerlord I seem to get rubbish most of the time.

I had thought the same. Hideouts are places to use your roguery companion. And this, if they don't fix it, is mod meat. A mod that allows two options:

1- try a full assault. This option will have a failure rate, which can be high, and if you fail, the hideout will be abandoned.

2- that your roguery companion infiltrates a selected group of troops to catch them by surprise. Depending on the level of roguery, you will have more or less soldiers.

More options:

3- an interview with the bandit boss, if you want to rescue a prisoner, for example. Based on your charm, you can get the prisoner, or they can get pissed off and they can try to catch you, then you would have a mini-battle to escape alive.

4- You could try to hire them, directly through dialogue. Based on your traits (cruel etc) they may be interested in joining you.

I think it's a simple concept, and it would bring the hideout to life.
I have been using a mod that allows you to 'send troops' to deal with hideouts in combination with Bannerlord Tweaks which has a setting for how many troops you can take to a hideout and I find the combination removes most of the annoyance. I mean if the bandits in the hideout didn't clear off when my army parked in the field for six hours waiting for dark to launch our 'ambush' I don't see why I shouldn't just send in the lot and have done. All I want now is an option to 'hang looters' when I bring them back to a dungeon to discourage fresh hideouts from spawning.
I think the whole hideout thing needs a lot more work to really get interresting.

I agree with that so much... Maybe the duel with boss could remain too, together with signal light.
I see it like that - you have two options if you enter bandit hideout:

1. Fight them openly with your army.
They will just fight you at their hideout with all their troops, including boss. All things reasonable.

2. Ambush them at night.
That could be interesting and fun solution if you will be able to sneak past the guards and challenge the boss to a duel. Or fight his troops like now when you fail stealth, but there should be no silly teleportation and boy-meets-boy situation cutscene like now...
Bandit hideouts should literally be small scale siege battles. Unfortified walls or mounds, but with choke points and what not. They should be specific for their regions too. So short wood walls for forest bandits, small cave dens for mountain bandits, etc.

May be challenging at first as a small clan. But that would be accurate as it's a minor clan or random warband type of job. But of course as a large clan you would steam roll hideout bandits. But that's accurate too, as you and your larger party would be after bigger targets, such as castles and towns.

My playstyle generally incorporates the deceitful & bandit approach to most dialog & prisoner options. Kill everyone that will not join me while it is within my capability.

During later stages of early access & production, it would be awesome to see more work done with bandits and hideouts; and even make them a kingdom you could potentially join/ take over

Bandit (or mercenary) kingdoms
  • can create armies
  • new dialog options relevant to playstyle, join or die, etc...
  • heavily based on fear doctrine (stronger negative traits keep bandits in check out of fear of killing them? morale boost for bandit type troops)
  • nobles joined by offer can over time betray and desert if not kept in check. (nobles with positive traits more prone to leave)
  • can capture castles
  • can create outposts/ fortresses
  • can duel or face off armies of current leaders to gain control of settlements/ troops
  • increased chance of sneaking into enemy cities
  • can overthrown enemy gangs in cities and station troops in their place for small income gain

Hideout [makeshift camp style]
  • 20-30 defenders
  • as currently is, uncoordinated defenses littered over a vast area
  • can send troops (please, it's getting tedious at this point running around in hideouts)
  • can stealth attack at night
Outpost [cornidated camp style]
  • 40-80 defenders
  • (tents, small makeshift fences for livestock/ funnel defenses, cages for prisoners [props,] etc...)
Fortress [Siege style]
  • 120-200 defenders
  • perhaps similar to a Roman stylist encampment, (Palisade & sand walls/walkways with watchtowers facing various directions)
  • light siege equipment and ladders to gain entry
  • expensive, act as a village for bandits with the ability to recruit bandit type soldiers based on what region?

Just slappin some ideas into the mix. :smile:

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I just want an option to attack hideouts in the daylight. I hate that I can't see a damn thing. I don't care if this means we lose the advantage of surprise -- I'm a giant army, if they are surprised by my attacks they're pretty rubbish bandits.

There’s a mod for this on nexus, just removes the wait till night thing and lets you go right in. I still find them pretty boring but it is a major improvement over the night.
IMO, the obvious short-term improvement would be to simply allow you to hand-pick the troops your bring with you to the hideout. This has already been mentioned a few times and I totally agree. There are many advantages to this approach:
  1. It should be reasonably easy to implement. The UI for this already exists (it's basically the same as when you send a companion off on a quest), and it doesn't require the hideouts themselves to be redesigned.
  2. It provides a meaningful choice for the player. Loosing because RNG sent you off with 4 recruits just feels unfair. By giving the player control of the party composition, you introduce an interesting problem of finding the optimal troop composition for each type of hideout, constrained by what troops you have at your disposal at the moment. This is an interesting challenge for the player.
  3. It doesn't trivialize the hideouts late game. If you, for example, are allowed to bring your entire army to the hideout, they would be of no challenge whatsoever beyond the early game. 9 Legionaries vs 30+ Sea Raiders is still a decent challenge late game.
While the other, more ambitious reworks suggested in thread are all good and fine, I'd go with this suggestion because of its simplicity.
IMO, the obvious short-term improvement would be to simply allow you to hand-pick the troops your bring with you to the hideout. This has already been mentioned a few times and I totally agree. There are many advantages to this approach:
  1. It should be reasonably easy to implement. The UI for this already exists (it's basically the same as when you send a companion off on a quest), and it doesn't require the hideouts themselves to be redesigned.
  2. It provides a meaningful choice for the player. Loosing because RNG sent you off with 4 recruits just feels unfair. By giving the player control of the party composition, you introduce an interesting problem of finding the optimal troop composition for each type of hideout, constrained by what troops you have at your disposal at the moment. This is an interesting challenge for the player.
  3. It doesn't trivialize the hideouts late game. If you, for example, are allowed to bring your entire army to the hideout, they would be of no challenge whatsoever beyond the early game. 9 Legionaries vs 30+ Sea Raiders is still a decent challenge late game.
While the other, more ambitious reworks suggested in thread are all good and fine, I'd go with this suggestion because of its simplicity.
Yeah, I like this.
Duel with the boss was awsome I’m playing version 1:19:0 it’s set up nicely just needs more stealth options and a signal fire if ur caught and with death enabled more of a chance of u attack and less then if u duel bc who says there is honor amongst thieves
I have a fully competent army replete with veteran warriors and trained fighters. It's really annoying to enter a hideout and see that my tactically inclined character has selected the finest peasants and lowest-tier infantry to accompany them up against hardened fighters.

Pardon my language, but what in the blue **** is that all about?

by @Kreu2009

I think the whole hideout thing needs a lot more work to really get interresting.

Picture if you don't like reading:

Text for more in depth explanation:

1. Finding the hideout.

Right now its exltremly easy to find hideouts. You just want to visit a village and suddenly you spot a hideout at the other end of the forrest. I haven't even skilled scouting and i still randomly spot them everywhere. How does it come that nobody already destroyed them if they are that easy to find.

Finding them should already be the first part of the challenge and could offer some change from the constant hunting and killing bandits.
High bandit activity in a region would be a clue that a hideout is somewhere in that area. You can then find it by following tracks or a bandit party which is on its way to the hideout. Most bandit groups should visit the hideout from time to time to store their loot and to get new men.

2. Actions once you found the hideout.
Once you found the Hideout you now get two choices.

Option A: Try to sneak up
First you get to select units you want to come with you. It is totally up to you how many and which units you want to accompany you.
After you have done that you get placed on the first of two battle maps.
On the first Battle map are one to three scattered outposts each one having a big signal fire. 25% of the hideouts men power are at these outposts. Your job is to elimiate them without the bandits being able to light any signal fire.

If you get detected by bandits two different things can happen.
They realize they are not strong enough to take on your sneaky force so they try to light the signal fire and alarm the hideout that way.
They think they are strong enough to defeat your sneaky forces. In that case they attack you without trying to raise alarm. Of course if they realize they are losing the fight they will retreat and try to alarm the hideout.

By sneaking up the player needs to be able to position himself close enough to the signal fires to avoid it getting kindled by bandits. Even if you get spooted a bit earlier you should at least have a chance to kill bandits who run up to the signal fire with missile weapons.

Taking a lot of soldiers with you makes it more likely that bandits spott you early. Also they will always try to alarm the hideout instead of trying to fight you.
On the other hand taking to few men will make it difficult to actually defeat the outposts. So the player needs to carefully choose his companions.

If you fail:
The hideout gets alarmed. Read option B to find out the consequenzes.

If you are successfull you and your entire army will be placed on the second battle map. This time its the hideout. because no alarm was raised, the bandits are scattered. Their numbers are lower because you already killed some of them at the outposts. Your goal is of course to defeat the remaining bandits.

Option B: Attack without trying to sneak up
In that case your army gets spotted of course and the hideout gets alarmed.
Now two things can happen:

1. The hideout thinks it can defend your attack.
In that case all remaining troops from the ourposts retreat to the hideout. The bandits fortify it and the player has to fight some kind of siege battle against a fortified position.

2.The hideout thinks it can't defend itself.
In this case the bandits take their loot, scatter and flee in all directions. The player can now try to hunt down the biggest fleeing party and get at least some value that way. Of course the hideout being abandoned now, still has a small negativ impact on the bandit population in that area.

I know my suggestion is a lot of work.
But honestly right now the hideout attacks are very similar to warband and get boring really fast.
I think they are a great opportunity to mix up the gameplay.
With my suggestion there is the possibillity to get some kind of smaller siege battle very early in the game.


@Dejan can we claim ownership in future versions of Bannerlord over hideouts for early storage and crime and gang recruitment can u take the idea to devs? For me
I have a fully competent army replete with veteran warriors and trained fighters. It's really annoying to enter a hideout and see that my tactically inclined character has selected the finest peasants and lowest-tier infantry to accompany them up against hardened fighters.

Pardon my language, but what in the blue **** is that all about?

by @Kreu2009

I think the whole hideout thing needs a lot more work to really get interresting.

Picture if you don't like reading:

Text for more in depth explanation:

1. Finding the hideout.

Right now its exltremly easy to find hideouts. You just want to visit a village and suddenly you spot a hideout at the other end of the forrest. I haven't even skilled scouting and i still randomly spot them everywhere. How does it come that nobody already destroyed them if they are that easy to find.

Finding them should already be the first part of the challenge and could offer some change from the constant hunting and killing bandits.
High bandit activity in a region would be a clue that a hideout is somewhere in that area. You can then find it by following tracks or a bandit party which is on its way to the hideout. Most bandit groups should visit the hideout from time to time to store their loot and to get new men.

2. Actions once you found the hideout.
Once you found the Hideout you now get two choices.

Option A: Try to sneak up
First you get to select units you want to come with you. It is totally up to you how many and which units you want to accompany you.
After you have done that you get placed on the first of two battle maps.
On the first Battle map are one to three scattered outposts each one having a big signal fire. 25% of the hideouts men power are at these outposts. Your job is to elimiate them without the bandits being able to light any signal fire.

If you get detected by bandits two different things can happen.
They realize they are not strong enough to take on your sneaky force so they try to light the signal fire and alarm the hideout that way.
They think they are strong enough to defeat your sneaky forces. In that case they attack you without trying to raise alarm. Of course if they realize they are losing the fight they will retreat and try to alarm the hideout.

By sneaking up the player needs to be able to position himself close enough to the signal fires to avoid it getting kindled by bandits. Even if you get spooted a bit earlier you should at least have a chance to kill bandits who run up to the signal fire with missile weapons.

Taking a lot of soldiers with you makes it more likely that bandits spott you early. Also they will always try to alarm the hideout instead of trying to fight you.
On the other hand taking to few men will make it difficult to actually defeat the outposts. So the player needs to carefully choose his companions.

If you fail:
The hideout gets alarmed. Read option B to find out the consequenzes.

If you are successfull you and your entire army will be placed on the second battle map. This time its the hideout. because no alarm was raised, the bandits are scattered. Their numbers are lower because you already killed some of them at the outposts. Your goal is of course to defeat the remaining bandits.

Option B: Attack without trying to sneak up
In that case your army gets spotted of course and the hideout gets alarmed.
Now two things can happen:

1. The hideout thinks it can defend your attack.
In that case all remaining troops from the ourposts retreat to the hideout. The bandits fortify it and the player has to fight some kind of siege battle against a fortified position.

2.The hideout thinks it can't defend itself.
In this case the bandits take their loot, scatter and flee in all directions. The player can now try to hunt down the biggest fleeing party and get at least some value that way. Of course the hideout being abandoned now, still has a small negativ impact on the bandit population in that area.

I know my suggestion is a lot of work.
But honestly right now the hideout attacks are very similar to warband and get boring really fast.
I think they are a great opportunity to mix up the gameplay.
With my suggestion there is the possibillity to get some kind of smaller siege battle very early in the game.


Devs be like: "we don't plan on implementing this going forward 😊"
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