My Set of Suggestions

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This time i really didnt use the search option. I'll be listing a list of suggestions and im too lazy to search and find each and write there. (oh my. i guess i guaranteed my lynch :???: )
Here i go:
*People are all have the same height. While polishing the game i hope this is to be considered :smile:
*I would really like to have "Rest for x days" option for taverns.
*When i play a "part" of a battle, it may be nice if i could take prisoners and items from that part after playing the part not the whole war. Ermm.. What i mean is.. Lets say i have a war ahead and it'll be played in two parts. After the first part, if i leave the fight i dont take any items of prisoners unless i finish the second part. I think it'd be nice if i could do so. Think it as a hit and run tactic. Though i do know it sounds expolitable, i find it to my liking anyway:p
*For weaponry and armory, more level, skill and stat requirement would be better. I mean its not really hard to use a black plate armor. But it should be. Same goes for weapons. I think there should be "lines" for them. Like one handed polearms line. Starts with quarterstaff which has low requirements. Then the next one comes with highter requirements. This method is used in many rpgs and sounds very practical and realistic to me. Not everyone can use a greatswords, save for experts. Or for more realism we should be able to wield ANY weapon. But if we dont meet the requirements, then we would basically suck with that weapon:p
*For taking prisoners to sell or noblemen quests; -an option for attacking solo, -new script for ai on not attacking noblemen *a new command for combat: Take slaves" which causes your soldiers to use blunt weapons if possible or knock down as much as possible
would be nice
*On headshots with arrows/bolts; i think there should be two outcomes: either sudden death or knockdown; regardless of damage. Well any wound may be challenging but an arrow/bolt/JAVELIN/(oh my god)AXE in your head would probably be enough to stop your brain:p
*There could be more civil locations on map like "farm". There may be quests on them or sometimes they may be under attack or so..
*Additional properties for heroes may be added. What i mean is perks (as named in fallout/feats as named in d&d) that can be acquired every 5 levels or so..
*A loyalty system which could be something like...
a prisoner saved by hero gets + loyalty
(a new food slot comes for hired people) if hero eats the same food with the men they get + loyalty (they get - loyalty if he gives them worse food and nothing if they get better food)
bandit-class gets - loyalty
if hero is vaegir-ally vaegir soldiers get +, swadians get - and vice versa

so loyalty may cause the men to stab the player in the back. This may depend on their type:
Villagers may just go away, scared from all the war
Enemy soldiers (vaegir-swadians) may change alliance on a war against their own people
Bandits may damage all the army on night time and get away with a good money

positive loyalty may cause better morale. but i dont know how morale works and what it does:p

So these are what i think for now that popped in my mind. You can kill me now. :cry:

:oops: accidently sent the message from telling the loyalty system. my bad.
Maelstorm said:
Well any wound may be challenging but an arrow/bolt/JAVELIN/(oh my god)AXE in your head would probably be enough to stop your brain:p
most weapons would do that.
It's not entirely accurate when someone is wearing a Great Helm and you shoot an arrow at his head with a hunting bow. Unless you get through the eye slits, he's likely to live.
Maelstorm said:
*On headshots with arrows/bolts; i think there should be two outcomes: either sudden death or knockdown; regardless of damage. Well any wound may be challenging but an arrow/bolt/JAVELIN/(oh my god)AXE in your head would probably be enough to stop your brain:p
i like the way it is now. i've seen a human walking around with a long nail in his head. Leo Trotzky needed several hits with an axe on his head for to finally die a day later in a hospital. the brain consist of different areas of which not everyone is vital. something is responsible for memory, some for certain organs. the ancient scyths and egyptians had removed parts of brains for to cure pain and other illnesses. Besides, a headshot could the nose or the chin. I think there should be the possibility to deliver head blows with other weapons as well and that the current damage should be reduced.
I'd rather wish I didn't have to play M&B at 3.21 Frames Per Second....

I like this post, this post has things that arn't too complicated that make me wonder why people want to complicate the game. Yeah, i'd rather have different places to go to. I'd rather like to raid swadian towns. But also farms, outposts, forts and the like. I'd rather have WAY more swadian patrols, war parties and the like. Although I hate bandits, i'd rather they attack other people more then they attack me. They allways seem to chase you when you appear before other people.

What else...
zerck said:
Maelstorm said:
Well any wound may be challenging but an arrow/bolt/JAVELIN/(oh my god)AXE in your head would probably be enough to stop your brain:p
most weapons would do that.

Sure but there isnt a particular "headshot" effect for melee weapons. That is why i thought of ranged weapons.

Btw, i do like this way too. Its fun having people around with axes on their forehead:p (creepy when it happens to you though)
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