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Hey everyone when i get my Arm unwrapped i will take pictures of my Scar i will have.. See this is how i got it..,

Well one day me and my friend were just screwing around i had my Sword made of half iron an half steel, and his is full steel so we were screwing around in the forest - no homo - and hittin them gettin them stuck in trees and **** and i took out my axe.. and went to chop down this about 1 foot wide Pine tree im sittin there choppin away.. hes still screwing around with the Fire... ohh and socks are pretty cool when they are set on fire..

And i cut down the tree and we cut parts into it and made our selfs a firepit, Than i used my crappy bow thats pine wood 0_0 FAIL BOW! lol and used steel tipped Arrows with REAL!!! Feather Flights hoping that i would get a better shoot with it.. well at this time we were hunting Fish... YES WITH A BOW! ROFL we didnt have a spear.. so bows work just as good! rofl, and than i had got about 2 fish from a quite big lake.. On our custom built Outta logs and Rope Dock!

Than We cleaned them, ate them, and i do have to say.. they were quite good only if we had salt, ^_^ But now you all are thinking this isnt about a scar... Well it is now lol,
i went to climb up into a tree with full Leather Chaps and Vest i had tooken my hat off because it got hot with it being like 98 that day, and i climbed up this tree to get a good view it was about 100 foot i say... Well when i climbed up i was lookin around you know.. just enjoying the view eattin my fish and bread. Than when i went to get down... i slipped and My Sword i guess you would call it Slit My Left Arm down the side "I had it with out not outter guard.. just a rope around it to hold it onto my Leather belt" and of corse i cut myself.. so we had to use out 2009! not 1200, Phones! LOL to call a friend.. i did get a cool ride home with a horse ! even tho that i hurt myself that day was one of the funnest Medevil days with mah friend in a long time! Now i do have to say.. we would love to be more dressed medevil like.. But idk i really dont have any ideas on how to make my own " im cheap " rofl i mean ill pay for stuff from like a craft store just i dont wanna go out onto the internet and pay 600$s for a hood and cape.. - darkages on - lol

Sooo Hopes you liked my story/pain an on anyideas on our outfits or suggestions.. im thinking about gettin a new sword or MAKING My own.. lol ive done lots of metal workin in school but my teacher wont let me do any Weapons... FAIL teacher and so i have to do it at home so any ideas are welcome!
There are so many things wrong with that story it hurts.

You, my friend, are an idiot.
I come riding through the forest on a dirtbike being ridden by Redcoat. I'm in the sidecar, ****ing your girlfriend up the ****ter. while Okin is surfing on a trachcan lid that is tied to said bike. All is good in the jungleeeee.

Just out of curiosity, why would one want to make a weapon in shop class? Sure, I tried with my teacher in high school, but I made a drinking bar in half the time that was a lot more satisfying to make than a machete made of cheep steel (the teacher will charge you double for this **** alloy) a chunk of wood and a grinder/wool. Make the stereotypical table, trust me. you might actually end up using it sometime.
Wait, they actually allowed you to make any sort of sharp object at all? Over here, at least, they would arrest you and accuse you of plotting to kill the whole school.
Squirrelzz said:
Hey everyone when i get my Arm unwrapped i will take pictures of my Scar i will have.. See this is how i got it..,

Well one day me and my friend were just screwing around i had my Sword made of half iron an half steel, and his is full steel so we were screwing around in the forest - no homo -

-yes homo-

You're playing with ****ing sticks and bows and **** in the woods. What are you Polish toddler? Get a haircut and hit the gym.
You're name isn't Steven Wilson by any chance? :lol:

Reminds me of when me and my friend went down the back of his house, and sneaked into another house's back garden. We got logs and started rolling them downhill. Well, my friend, walked down the hill, and I didn't know, so I sent a log hurtling down the hill and hit him with it. I snapped his leg, and heard him cry out.

What made it more bizarre was that he thanked me! He got so much gifts and etc the pain was apparently worth it :lol:
I was gonna move this to Music/Books/Art based on the title, but having read that, I think Fun Stuff might be in order instead...

TheDrunkenMoron said:
I come riding through the forest on a dirtbike being ridden by Redcoat. I'm in the sidecar, ****ing your girlfriend up the ****ter. while Okin is surfing on a trachcan lid that is tied to said bike. All is good in the jungleeeee.

I never did!
we should hold a competition to see who can speak like that the have to use his first sentence to start the story, like this

Hey everyone when i get my Arm unwrapped i will take pictures of my Scar i will have.. See this is how i got it..,

I went to the store with my friend to buy some Coke -no homo- and we were laughing about **** and it was funny LOL so we got to the store and we bought some chips, and I said "let's buy some gambling cards" so we both bought like 3 and he didn't win any money LOL FAIL FRIEND, and I won like 50$, which I then spent on food ROFL.

So you're saying "WTF is the scar in the story" Well we were walking home and my friend tripped me and we got some Coke in the glass bottles! Not Plastic! GLASS!!! ROFL so I fell down and the coke broke and the scar is is so huge right now. ROFL FAIL!!!!

Something like that
Redcoat - Mic said:
You should put me in the story.
And I fight a bear and ****.
But then I fall off a cliff.

Ya'll are ****in funny.... it was a joke story due to someone elses post about a scar wasnt spose to make sence...

And Than Redcoat Came in as we were riding off on the horse with his Sword of light and chopped 4 bears at one time! OMG! than he did nothin no one else has ever done... HE shot a rabbit at 900 yards... WITH JUST A SPEAR!
Question remains, did you reload your spear after shooting a rabbit with it? (Actually, isn't that more Seff's kind of thing?)
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