
Hey everyone when i get my Arm unwrapped i will take pictures of my Scar i will have.. See this is how i got it..,
Well one day me and my friend were just screwing around i had my Sword made of half iron an half steel, and his is full steel so we were screwing around in the forest - no homo - and hittin them gettin them stuck in trees and **** and i took out my axe.. and went to chop down this about 1 foot wide Pine tree im sittin there choppin away.. hes still screwing around with the Fire... ohh and socks are pretty cool when they are set on fire..
And i cut down the tree and we cut parts into it and made our selfs a firepit, Than i used my crappy bow thats pine wood 0_0 FAIL BOW! lol and used steel tipped Arrows with REAL!!! Feather Flights hoping that i would get a better shoot with it.. well at this time we were hunting Fish... YES WITH A BOW! ROFL we didnt have a spear.. so bows work just as good! rofl, and than i had got about 2 fish from a quite big lake.. On our custom built Outta logs and Rope Dock!
Than We cleaned them, ate them, and i do have to say.. they were quite good only if we had salt, ^_^ But now you all are thinking this isnt about a scar... Well it is now lol,
i went to climb up into a tree with full Leather Chaps and Vest i had tooken my hat off because it got hot with it being like 98 that day, and i climbed up this tree to get a good view it was about 100 foot i say... Well when i climbed up i was lookin around you know.. just enjoying the view eattin my fish and bread. Than when i went to get down... i slipped and My Sword i guess you would call it Slit My Left Arm down the side "I had it with out not outter guard.. just a rope around it to hold it onto my Leather belt" and of corse i cut myself.. so we had to use out 2009! not 1200, Phones! LOL to call a friend.. i did get a cool ride home with a horse ! even tho that i hurt myself that day was one of the funnest Medevil days with mah friend in a long time! Now i do have to say.. we would love to be more dressed medevil like.. But idk i really dont have any ideas on how to make my own " im cheap " rofl i mean ill pay for stuff from like a craft store just i dont wanna go out onto the internet and pay 600$s for a hood and cape.. - darkages on - lol
Sooo Hopes you liked my story/pain an on anyideas on our outfits or suggestions.. im thinking about gettin a new sword or MAKING My own.. lol ive done lots of metal workin in school but my teacher wont let me do any Weapons... FAIL teacher and so i have to do it at home so any ideas are welcome!
Well one day me and my friend were just screwing around i had my Sword made of half iron an half steel, and his is full steel so we were screwing around in the forest - no homo - and hittin them gettin them stuck in trees and **** and i took out my axe.. and went to chop down this about 1 foot wide Pine tree im sittin there choppin away.. hes still screwing around with the Fire... ohh and socks are pretty cool when they are set on fire..
And i cut down the tree and we cut parts into it and made our selfs a firepit, Than i used my crappy bow thats pine wood 0_0 FAIL BOW! lol and used steel tipped Arrows with REAL!!! Feather Flights hoping that i would get a better shoot with it.. well at this time we were hunting Fish... YES WITH A BOW! ROFL we didnt have a spear.. so bows work just as good! rofl, and than i had got about 2 fish from a quite big lake.. On our custom built Outta logs and Rope Dock!
Than We cleaned them, ate them, and i do have to say.. they were quite good only if we had salt, ^_^ But now you all are thinking this isnt about a scar... Well it is now lol,
i went to climb up into a tree with full Leather Chaps and Vest i had tooken my hat off because it got hot with it being like 98 that day, and i climbed up this tree to get a good view it was about 100 foot i say... Well when i climbed up i was lookin around you know.. just enjoying the view eattin my fish and bread. Than when i went to get down... i slipped and My Sword i guess you would call it Slit My Left Arm down the side "I had it with out not outter guard.. just a rope around it to hold it onto my Leather belt" and of corse i cut myself.. so we had to use out 2009! not 1200, Phones! LOL to call a friend.. i did get a cool ride home with a horse ! even tho that i hurt myself that day was one of the funnest Medevil days with mah friend in a long time! Now i do have to say.. we would love to be more dressed medevil like.. But idk i really dont have any ideas on how to make my own " im cheap " rofl i mean ill pay for stuff from like a craft store just i dont wanna go out onto the internet and pay 600$s for a hood and cape.. - darkages on - lol
Sooo Hopes you liked my story/pain an on anyideas on our outfits or suggestions.. im thinking about gettin a new sword or MAKING My own.. lol ive done lots of metal workin in school but my teacher wont let me do any Weapons... FAIL teacher and so i have to do it at home so any ideas are welcome!