my political ideas

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My Political Proposal Part 1 (A Draft)

In the game, there will be 2 kind of government

1.) Republics/Democracies/Bureaucracies, etc. where one could apply in the national congress or serve as Prime minister
2.) Dictatorships/Monarchies/Sultanates, etc. where one could apply for the office of High Chancellor

I.) Elections
    A. elections would be held ever 2 years
    B. What impacts an election
        1.) Honor and Prestige can help but is not a requirement, what is really imperative is a good relation with the majority of
            a class:
            a.) mayors of towns or the people via their response to your presence within their town, bribery, or by quests (either or)
            b.) congress should general hold about 20-30 ppl (or even less than that) in order to win an election you must gain  a   
                a high influence in at least 3 towns for the majors might serve as delegates that speak on their towns behalf (see how
                bribing a lot of $$$$$ them could work?)
            c.)if three towns or 10 villages vote you through their mayor to be their representative then you can enter the national     
                republic :grin:

II.) Policies and revolutions
      A.) As part of the Congress you have the following powers
          1. to officially "advise" making or ending wars
                a.) you can assign missions for the marshalls and generals such "capture London" or "desist hostilities" or " plan for a
                    amount of money given to generals to raise armies.
                b.)Change's my plan for that:

Picture a number line

poor                                                                                                                                                            rich

This is not a game slider, just an illustration. Moving the X changes policies. But in the game we will not move the X(I'll explain latter)

Consequently where the X moves effects the policy. moving X to the right would lower the wages of ordinary soldiers, make construction cheaper, make the mayor's relation increase, and if far enough, restore feudalism to some of the villages(serfs).

moving the X to the left would increase construction costs with the exception of educational and health buildings, raise the cost of wages, but increase the stability of the nation and the overall happiness of the pop (less rebellion)

How you would change policy would  be to propose it to the speaker which could be found in a building in the nation's capital or even an invited assembly. When you press f near the Wigged speaker you will have the options of "moving X to the left or right or keeping it where it is"

Part 2 is coming soon... :grin: but pls read precisely.
Obviously, yes.

Nice ideas, but I really hate to break it to you... unless you're ready, willing and have the actual skills to program this yourself, forget it.  This would be a pretty major project; you'd have to rebuild a substantial number of Dialogues, Menus and Presentations to make this possible, and if you wanted to go beyond a superficial treatment (i.e., being "Prime Minister" just means Faction Leader and Marshall) you'd have to rewrite most of the strategic AI.

In short, this isn't a "talk about it" kind of proposal; start coding :smile:
xenoargh said:
Obviously, yes.

Nice ideas, but I really hate to break it to you... unless you're ready, willing and have the actual skills to program this yourself, forget it.  This would be a pretty major project; you'd have to rebuild a substantial number of Dialogues, Menus and Presentations to make this possible, and if you wanted to go beyond a superficial treatment (i.e., being "Prime Minister" just means Faction Leader and Marshall) you'd have to rewrite most of the strategic AI.

In short, this isn't a "talk about it" kind of proposal; start coding :smile:
Wait, so you're saying with enough skill and time something like this can actually be done?
aderemi123 said:
well i have a bit of training but how would i begin? what language is M&B written in and where can i get a copy of the transcript?
Get the module system from
Look at the forge, first of module system documentation
Spend a month doing tuts, little tweaks, learning, etc
Spend a year on creating what you propose (finished/polished)
you're saying with enough skill and time something like this can actually be done?

That said, Duh's right, it's a major project for a professional developer, probably at least 2 months to get the skeleton built and probably a year of open beta to get all the kinks out.

I rebuilt Warband's economic simulation, and that's relatively easy compared to this, because it would impact so much of the game. 

I'd really suggest starting with the simplest case; changing the names of the positions from King or whatever to Prime Minister or whatnot.  Then add a dialog option or three to "gather support" that can change the Lords' relationship with you (based on the code that already exists that can do that); then alter the code so that the Troop slot for the Faction leadership can be assigned to others via "elections".  Then code up a calculation of your support from voters vs. others.  Then code up an election.  That can more-or-less all be modifications of the process of determining who is Marshall.

The hard part is dealing with the AI side of things. 

Would Lords basically be just military leaders, subject to a civilian government... or are they powerful magnates who serve a dual role, or are they warlords only peripherally obedient to the weak central government?  Can they revolt, undermine your authority, and is there another group of leaders who you also have to appease?  The simulation of those kinds of dynamics is not an easy task. 

Moreover, in each scenario they'd have to have ways to compete with the player for "support", and naturally that gets pretty complicated very quickly.  For example, if the player has to visit locations to give speeches, do the Lords do so, or is it simulated?  How does the player know what the Lords are doing and what issues are subject to the voting process (talk about a can of worms there, lol)?  Do you simulate a pure parliamentary system on the British model, where the Government serves at the pleasure of the Parliament, or something more along American lines, where there are fixed terms of office?

The complexity of doing all of this is a major piece of game design work.  It'd be really interesting to have a mod where different structures of government existed and actually mattered, but the little details are going to be pretty painful. 

Anyhow, this can be done.  I thought about doing it, before I decided it was a waste of time to build something that complicated for free :razz:
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