SP - General My own suggestions - because criticism is wrong without solutions

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I have taken this from another post I had (in the general discussion area). But it is relevant to SUGGESTIONS:

- A lot of people mention faction snowballing. Probably because it is early access and hasn't been balanced totally yet. Perhaps a solution is wars of containment, where if a single faction becomes too powerful, others start uniting against them.
- Town/castle/village management could include a 'buildings' tab. Perhaps similar to the tab which shows the various notable NPCs, there can be another tab which shows buildings which exist (or can be built), what they produce, and who owns them. Best thing I can compare to illustrate my point is the settlement management in 'Total War' games. For example, a village which is located on a coastline might currently have 'Docks' which is owned by X landowner or merchant and generates X fish per day.
- The ability for top-tier units within your own force to 'promote' to companions and become party commanders or eventually even Lords. Obviously, they wouldn't have backstories, but they would still have randomly generated stats and names like any other character.
- Would anyone else like to see the ability for non-player driven rebellions caused by Lords having an extremely negative relationship with their ruler? Perhaps other Lords with similar dispositions would then join them.
- It would be great to be able to occupy bandit hideouts and effectively claim them. Perhaps new ones controlled by bandits could generate in random locations after enough time without one. Also, there should be an ability to attack hideouts in force, as many others have said, as it makes them unrealistically difficult.
- Anyone else like the ability to create your own caravan as part of the 'Clan' menu, without having to spend money at a merchant. I feel like if you have the money and the men, why can't you operate one yourself?
"- Would anyone else like to see the ability for non-player driven rebellions caused by Lords having an extremely negative relationship with their ruler? Perhaps other Lords with similar dispositions would then join them. "

This would be nice, but I think the kingdoms are too small to allow it. Losing 1-2 towns + 3-4 castles is a lot. However, I think this would be a cool way to help balance your first point, in that once a kingdom gets a certain size it becomes easier for these rebellions to occur as power consolidation becomes impossible, and angry lords decide they want to be rulers.
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