My Old Custom Troop Tree {Problem}

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Sergeant at Arms
Hey guys,

I've got a problem concerning my custom troop tree :

I made my CTT (custom troop tree) before there was the OSP addon. Now when i add to the code into the "troops.txt", they haven't got anymore the weapons wich I gave. Must I reedit all my CTT?
Do they show up in the troop editor? You will most likely have to remake your troops with the module system. I kept having issues with editing the .txt file and decided to just finally cave in and use the module system to guarantee that my troops would work properly. When I was using the unofficial troop editor it would sometimes give me weird errors on my custom troops, but if I reloaded the .txt file it would not give me errors. It might still have some odd bugs in it so I would advise against using it as a means to get your troops in to Custom Settlements. If you have any experience with computer languages it will be simple enough to switch over the the python code of the module system. Wickedshot also told us that those of us who worked with the module system for adding in our troops would run into less errors like the one you are running into.
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