My New Armor!!!

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My first time doing texturization for humanoids... Well, I spent like 1 1/2 days re-creating a whole new armor skin, roughly following what armagan had "meshed"... Armagan... I gonna kill you for making me spent so much time on one texture without a mesh editor :grin: J/K


Yeh, this is the armor i'm talking about... Got no nice uniforms from my closet, so i just grabbed the NPCC(National Police Cadet Corp) uniform I used for my co-curriculum uniform group back in high school, and started taking photos... Its short sleeve, so stretched it. The mesh does not support my pants, so i searched for a skirt in google and overlapped it with the original texture :grin: Used macromedia fireworks and mspaint for the job, and 3 other file conversion softwares.

Oh yah, there is another thing i have to say... Reduction in the texture details or dynamic lighting make it suck...
Sorry to say that, but it resembles me to much SS uniforms...
No, don't get me wrong, but for me it's SS-man just rised from the dead. Technically is done well, but...
Great work. Doesn't give me an impression of nazis, so I'd be very happy to use it if you ever make it available.
Well done, its good efford, but i don't like it for some odd reason, i'm impressed by you work, but i don't seem to like it.
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