My Models.. I hope in next vertion of game i could test them

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Here is some of my resent modles.


Mantlet for archers

THe axe looks best because it isnt perfect, a big mistake modelers do is that they make the objects too perfect and flawless when real weapons werent 100% symmetrical or smooth or whatever. Looking good
It would be awesome if every time a new model was generated in the world there was a little in-game mini edit automatically done to give it bumps and scratches and maybe gouges when it was generated.
Clap your hands, Peter!

By the way, the mantlet looks great. Can't see the AI using 'em right, though - it would end up an unbalanced player-only thing.
I not a programmer so not sure.

But you can have it as an object in some "town" lacation, I guess.

Like Fort location or some like that.
All Excelent Model's.

I particulary love the mantlet. Which should get more of model's like these to encourage armagan to include siege's :razz:
The mantlet could also be a random terrain feature, like trees and rocks. not sure about how it would work though. If it were broken, and there were models for broken wagons and carts and such, and the skeletons of long dead soldiers, they could very well be used as terrain details. Would give the feel of a war that has been waged for a long time.
Worbah said:
The mantlet could also be a random terrain feature, like trees and rocks. not sure about how it would work though. If it were broken, and there were models for broken wagons and carts and such, and the skeletons of long dead soldiers, they could very well be used as terrain details. Would give the feel of a war that has been waged for a long time.

Yea likec reat some town locaton. Like lets say its same besieging fort or small fortification of some solders or group of merchants.

So you came in and can see all the sort of seige objects, mantlet over there, catapult there, some scarpion mayb, etc....

So to make you feel like it is fortification, or that this town is ready to defent itself etc...
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