SP - General My list of suggestions

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After many hours into the campaign I have gathered a list of suggestions (that I will keep updating) for improving the experience. I include problems too that I supose are bugs or not yet implemented features or incoherent features.

  • Feedback Tracker
    • Replace forum for feedback tracking with a more advanced feedback tracker. I used one before for another game and was easier to search and manage feedback (suggestions, bugs, etc). I found a feedback tracker that is similar to the one I used: https://www.mantisbt.org/bugs/my_view_page.php
    • With this kind of tool it would be possible for me to split this monster thread of suggestions into individual reports
      And still be able to regroup all my suggestions in a panel with a simple query like "find me reports created by me" or "find reports created by me that are assigned/rejected/waiting/etc" or "find me reports created by me in 'trade' topic"
    • A single feedback report can be associated with multiple topics like "skills management", "smithing", "trade" for "workshop boss: character will develop trading bonuses for the specific good that is produced (eg I let character work in jewelry workshop after that I assign him as jewelry merchant because I know he will make better deals)"
    • This overcomes the problem with forum categorization system: you cannot link a post with multiple forums
    • This removes the problem for reporters with choosing the right forum for their feedback reports (they can just link reports with multiple topics)
    • Provides a better view of all reports related to a specific topic and reports will not get lost just because they were posted in the wrong subforum
  • Events
    • add more events like tournaments
    • feasts
      • as a noble you can send invitations to other nobles to come eat, dance, prepare next war, prepare a trade war with your merchants, etc
      • there can be some competitions: boardgame competition, dance competition, weapon mastery competition (eg who shoots bow or javelin with better accuracy), horse races, fox hunt, etc
    • tavern
      • pay for free drinks to increase settlement loyalty, increase relationship points with notables
  • Character Skills Management
    • skill upgrade based on activities
      • if I want a character to develop specific skills for a specific role all I need care about is assign that character a specific role and he will take care of finding activities for developing that role (if I don't assign activities myself)
      • eg: in the character skill management interface I set the "merchant" role for the character and he will seek to improve his merchant skills
      • this character can then ask me for money or troops to create a caravan himself, without having to micromanage him myself (go to a town, find merchant, select caravan, select companion for the caravan)
      • other examples: I place a character as governor in a settlement or as leader of a war party or as a caravan master or as a workshop boss they will improve their skills and perks related to that role (even if it is not their main role, assigned in the character skill managment interface: quatermaster, surgeon, scout, etc)
      • I can assign one of my family member or companion a "mounted archer captain" role and make him leader of a war party
        • this character will spend time training in a camp or castle to improve his "mounted archer" skills and recruit and upgrade troops to mounted archers
        • after he finishes creating an acceptable mounted archers party I can then call him to join my army (he will send me notification to inform me he finished the task)
      • role examples
        • workshop boss: character will develop trading bonuses for the specific good that is produced (eg I let character work in jewelry workshop after that I assign him as jewelry merchant because I know he will make better deals)
        • as boss of a smithy workshop, character will improve his smithy skills and unlock more advanced (ultra armor and weapons) as well as improve his trading skills in weapons/armor/equipement
          • I can also order my smithy boss to manufacture multiple weapons
          • this can be useful for gang leaders that always ask for one handed axes
          • manufactured weapons are stored in the settlement stash (aka inventory) and will be ready to equip new clan members
    • skill upgrade based on learning (characters learning from each other when in same party)
      • clan leader can assign young clan members to the "learning" or "wandering" activity
        • in this activity, the character seeking knowledge and skill upgrade will hang around with characters that are high on those skills
      • a character with a high level for a particular skill will slowly increase the level of the same skill in another character's whose level is lower in that skill
      • even if the low skill level character (aka "student") is not engaged in activities that increase that skill
        • eg: he is not assigned as the party scout, but will still increase his scouting skill level because
        • 1. he has many focus points on scouting
        • 2. he is in the same party with a character that has a higher scouting skill level
        • the higher the "teacher's" skill level and the higher the focus points of the "student" for that skill, the faster the "student" will increase his skill level (provided he has at least one focus point for that skill)
        • the more high level skill companions in a party the faster the "student" will level up
          • only "teachers" with higher skill level than the "student" will participate in raising the level of the "student"
      • other situations where characters learn from each other
        • party leaders in an army will learn from each other (this does not apply to companions in those parties, only to leaders since they are supposed to interact with each other)
        • waiting in settlements (castle/town/villages) with other nobles/wanderers/notables (a small amount of experience for each skill is gained per day from others)
      • with this implementation I can easily manage skill development for young clan members
        • assign a "skill path" for the young clan member
          • he will autonomously find companions that will help him increase skills defined in the "skill path" (whether it is inside a war party or waiting in a settlement)
        • a politician will seek to hang around with other characters that have high charm and roguery :wink:(he will travel around the map without a war party)
          • he will interact with other nobles and improve relationship with other clans while also improving his charm skill
    • define skill paths for characters (in the character skill management interface)
      • add filter option that will show only perks and bonus summary corresponding to a specific role (eg war party leader, governor, scout, etc) so I can easily plan the skill path my characters will take
        • I can choose from a a predefined "skill path" (or "role") in a list (eg "scout", "engineer", "quartermaster", "surgeon", "governor", "party leader", "merchant", "infantry captain", "archers captain", "mounted archer captain", etc)
        • I can create custom "roles" that can be slightly different than predefined ones
        • I can assign a character multiple roles ordered by priority (eg "surgeon" and "scout", "engineer" and "governor")
        • I see a summary telling me all bonuses the character brings for the specific role I select
        • all "governor" perks are highlighted, eg flashing
      • record my skill path for each character so character automatically activate the chosen skill path perks thus reducing micromanagement
  • Weapons
    • crossbow: characters should be able to use high tier crossbows without any skill (that's the reason why crossbows were popular at the time)
    • some clothes should be incompatible with weapons
      • eg: padded mittens and bows/crossbows/javelins should be incompatible (player cannot drag&drop on his body)
      • consequence: more realistic game, improves player immersion
    • some clothes/equipement should give weapons skill bonus (eg archer ring)
  • Settlement management
    • bug/missing feature: add a tavern to castle so I can get back the castle governor to my war party (I can only do this in towns, after I remove character from governor role he is available at the town tavern)
      • this seems to happen with "wanderers" since they are not allowed inside castle/town keeps
  • Party management
    • clan leader can choose for each party in his clan which unit upgrade paths can be used (eg upgrade basic archer to horse archer instead of foot archer)
    • clan leader can set a lower limit for party size than the max size enabled by the leader/quartermaster of that party (consequence: player gets 50 mounted archers instead of 100 which will take longer to recruit and train and are not needed)
    • player can assign companions to other parties of his clan so their war parties can benefit from companion skills
    • donate troops to caravan party
    • as clan leader you assign unit specializations to each war party
      • assign a clan member to party then assign "mounted archers" unit specialization, the party leader will develop horse archery skills and upgrade most recruits to horse archers (60% of party members)
      • if party leader is assigned heavy cavalry he will mostly recruit nobles from villages and towns and upgrade them to heavy knights
      • when clan leader goes to war he will assemble his specialized parties into one big army (infantry, archers, cavalry, etc)
    • recruit noble units in owned castles (the other parties cannot recruit noble units in castles I own)
  • Army Management
    • allow army commander to modify troop categorization (I infantry, II ranged, III cavalry, etc) for all parties in his army in same way as for his own party
      • eg all "vlandian sharpshooter" in all army parties will be selectable as "V skirmishers" instead of "II ranged" by default when the combat starts
    • let army commander, when accessing party screen, to switch the left pane between "dismiss troops", "party X troops", "party Y troops", etc (this way army commander can donate troops faster)
    • when moving army in town and walking in the streets I should have the option to ask my companions to follow me even if they are in their own party inside my army (this way I can engage a fight against gangs)
    • new feature: customize troop gear
      • eg player is ruler and in his kingdom there are settlements with ironmonger/tannery/wood worker (workshops involved in weapons and armor)
      • this unlocks possibility for ruling player to modify the standard equipement for each troop type of that culture
      • eg empire mounted archers (bucelarii) will have glaive instead of sword
      • if player chooses higher tier weapon/armor type than the default one for a specific troop type then the upgrade costs will be higher
        • if he chooses a lower tier weapon/armor type then upgrade costs toward that specific troop type are lower
    • upgrading to crossbows directly from recruit instead of going through archers
      • recruit => imperial crossbowman => imperial sergeant crossboman
      • instead of: recruit => imperial archer => imperial trained archer => imperial crossbowman => imperial sergeant crossboman
  • Clan management
    • clan leader can marry a wandering companion with a clan member and so the wandering companion becomes part of clan (counted as family instead of companion, a companion slot is freed) => this kind of marriage costs influence
    • player can switch to any clan member/companion (clan leader switches to AI control)
      • this allows player to test different specializations (master horse archer, master two handed infantry, master heavy knight, etc)
    • when a clan member or wanderer dies in my war party I get his expensive weapons and armor back
      • same when executing prisoners, I should have option to get their weapons/armor and inventory items
  • War
    • defense
      • clan members will defend their clan settlements first (even when numerically inferior with few chances of success)
      • second: they will defend their friends' settlements against raids/attacks (when numerically superior or balanced)
      • third: defend unfriendly clan settlements against enemy kingdoms only (not bandits) and only if they are numerically superior
    • attacks
      • clan leaders have possibility to coordinate attacks between armies (currently armies seem to attack isolated from other armies in the kingdom)
      • some armies should dedicate to defending and other to attacking
    • raids
      • reduce systematic raiding of villages by AI clans after a settlement is conquered by an enemy kingdom
        • the idea is not to self degrade your own kingdom economy since that settlement may be re-captured back and you dont want to capture it back with raided villages
        • only start systematic raiding by AI-controlled clans after a good amount of time has passed since the settlement has been lost
    • incoherent behaviour, village raid battle simulation: some units start close to enemy villagers in the middle of the village while the rest of the troops start away, this does not seem coherent, all my rading troops should start away from village center, away from enemy troops
    • executing prisoners should make character "cruel" not "dishonest"
      • After starting a systematic khuzait prisoner execution to stop their invasion against the empire I noticed I dropped from Honor level 2 (Honorable) to Honor level -2 (Devious) and some time later I got Cruelty -1
      • Executing prisoners should only make your character cruel and make the ofended clans execute your clan members when captured as prisoners
  • Peaceful activities
    • clan family members without party wander around and improve relationships with other clans and seek marriage
    • quests
      • when a notable has an issue to solve, player can assign an existing party to it, instead of companions and troops from his own party
  • Influence mechanics
    • make influence gain more difficult/realistic/intuitive
    • influence should depend on number of towns, size of army, size of clan, number of friends, difficult battles/sieges won, number of caravans/workshops, etc
    • after influence consuming actions are executed, influence is not lost, it stays at the same level
    • to avoid, abuse, add a recharging time
      • eg I have 100 influence, I use 2 actions and I am left with 40 influence => If I stop using my influence it progressively goes back to100
      • If I lose a town/battle/friend then my influence drops to 60 and I am no longer able to execute actions that have an influence cost above 60
  • Bartering
    • add possibility to add prisoners to bartering (enables prisoner exchange between kingdoms at war)
    • when capturing an important enemy (influent clan leader or kingdom ruler) you can force him to give you a settlement in exchange for life
      • if he accepts, then you get the settlement but relation gets worse with this noble's clan
      • to avoid abuse, and allow player to conquer all the map: add this option only if the prisoner hasn't been able to escape from prison for a month
        • the more time you can keep a prisoner the more you can ask for his freedom
        • since prisoners escape frequently and kingdoms switch between war/peace frequently there shouldn't be any abuse of this prisoner/settlement exchange possibility
  • Relationship (friendliness score)
    • should slowly increase with members in the same party/army over time
    • implement possibility to become companion of other nobles and other nobles become companions (thus increasing the friendliness score)
    • this is where npcs traits and pesonalities would really have an impact
      • if you are a generous character you will have a harder time to create a relationship with an greedy one (its not impossible its just harder)
      • on the other hand a generous character will have a relationship buff with other generous characters
  • Marriage
    • steal the bride
      • add option in conversations so player can convince a woman (or man when player character is woman, I'm sticking to some classic arrangement here) to leave her clan (marry the player without having the player pay a dowry to the clan ruler)
      • the higher the individual relationship score with the woman and the higher the player's charm then the higher the chances of this "bride theft" to succeed
      • this is interesting when player wants to marry someone from a clan but the relationship with the clan is very low (clan ruler would never accept the marriage)
        • if the bride theft succeeds then there will be a penalty with the bride's clan (even war if the two are in separate kingdoms)
    • making heirs
      • if a husband has high relationship score with wife there will be a medium bonus to probability of pregancy (even if husband is not close to wife)
      • if husband waits in the same settlement as wife there will be a high bonus to probability of pregancy
      • if wife is a war party leader then there should be no probability of pregancy (could be less fun for some players but more immersive/realistic)
  • Smithing
    • "curious smelter" and "curious smith" perks enable a 10%/20% chance per day to unlock a smithing capability for a weapon that is in the inventory (complements the current capability of unlocking parts while smelting)
    • when smelting a dagger I should get parts of this dagger unlocked instead of something completely different (eg two handed level 5 sword)
    • consequence if above is implemented : to be able to smith higher level weapons I first need get my hands on one (eg: from tournament prizes, after-battle looting, hideout looting, etc)
    • player can craft high tier weapons and offer them as gift to other clan members with "bartering"
      • market price shouldn't be the only parameter that determines whether gift will be appreciated or not
      • the weapon tier should be also considered (eg tier 6 is more appreciated)
      • weapons made from level "5" parts are more appreciated than lower levels
      • noble materials (eg thamaskene steel) are more appreciated than common materials (eg wrought iron, wood)
        • consequence : more realistic game, improves player immersion
    • new feature : order weapons at the smithy
      • if i don't have smithing skills but I am very rich I can order fine weapons to be made specially for me (let's say 100K denars minimumfor a two handed sword)
    • new feature: armor shop
      • player cannot make armor himself as with smithy
      • armor shop generates ultra armor that can be bought on the market
      • player can also order specific armor to be made for him and his clan members
      • when combined with tannery and wood worker shops in same settlement it enables the finest armor/shield/bows to be made available on the settlement's market
        • lots of equipment specialized caravans and nobles from far away lands will make the trip to my town
  • Trade
    • specialized caravans
      • eg: horses, armor/weapons, raw materials (wood, flax, wool), refined materials (clothes, beverage/oil/wine/beer)
      • player can attack one such caravan and get hands on a few high tier armor/weapons, high tier horses, expensive/rare clothes (that can make for a valued gift)
      • the idea is to enable the possibility to introduce rare items (rare level 5 weapons, armor, clothes, etc) and a way for player to get them
    • incoherent behaviour: I can sell two handed cleaver (level 4 blade) for 100000 denars while two handed spatha (level 5 blade) is 20000 denars (it should be the opposite)
  • Perks
    • Nomadic Traditions (Riding): reduce (or cancel) herd penalty to party speed (instead of increasing speed)
    • One Step Ahead (Tactics): bug/broken perk, I cannot choose where my troops start before battles
    • Horse Archer (Riding): gives melee cavalry damage bonus instead of a bonus to mounted archers
    • "Curious Smelter" and "Curious Smith" perks enable a 10%/20% chance per day to unlock a smithing capability for a weapon that is in the inventory (complements the current capability of unlocking parts while smelting)
  • Skills
    • increased roguery should lower chance of getting relationship penalty with the raided settlement's clan
      • simulates a party that is raiding without a banner so villagers can't know who raided them
    • increased roguery should allow a party to disguise in a neutral clan party and get away from being spotted in enemy lands
      • this could allow player to move troops in the back of the enemy kingdom and make raids
      • also allows player party to get his tracks lost and stop being chased by an enemy party (high roguery skill lowers the scouting skill of the chasing party)
  • Inventory / Character equipment
    • when character has no clothes for "war mode" on him use clothes assigned in "civilian mode" if any (instead of being naked)
    • when character has no clothes for "civilian mode" use clothes assigned in "war mode" that are compatible with civilian context
    • same behaviour for character's horse (I don't need assign 2 horses, one for civilian mode and one for war mode)
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this character can then ask me for money or troops to create a caravan himself, without having to micromanage him myself (go to a town, find merchant, select caravan, select companion for the caravan)
adding to this depending on their skill lvl on that specific skill you would get buff or penalties. for example if you give a companion the task to get better at trade but he has very low trade, some events could spawn making his decisions to have low mild or heavy penalties on your treasury.

clan leader can choose for each party in his clan which unit upgrade paths can be used (eg upgrade basic archer to horse archer instead of foot archer)
to add to this it would also be nice to be able to control how big that party can be as long as it doenst surpass the capacity given the stewarship and leadership of the companion. like maybe i just want my companion that can muster 100 men to just have a party of 50 men.

clan leader can marry a wandering companion with a clan member and so the wandering companion becomes part of clan (counted as family instead of companion, a companion slot is freed) => this kind of marriage costs influence
this could also cause a relationship bonus or penalty, dependeing on the targeted npcs traits.

Relationship (friendliness score)
  • should slowly increase with members in the same party/army over time
  • implement possibility to become companion of other nobles and other nobles become companions (thus increasing the friendliness score)
this is where npcs traits and pesonalities would really have an impact. if you are a generous character you will have a harder time to create a relationship with an greedy one. its not impossible its just harder.on the other hand a generous character will have a relationship buff with other generous characters. something like that.

  • when capturing a noble, force him to give settlement in exchange for life
  • if he accepts, then you get the settlement but relation gets worse with this noble's clan
this is the only thing i do not agree with. capturing comanders is really easy right now, its actually a given with that kind of power you would get the whole map in just a few wars.

overall i really like these ideas!
Thank you for your comments, I took them into consideration when updating my post with new suggestions. Let me know more so I can add/improve the list.

I also added a poll to know how many and how much agree with these suggestions.

Comment on Prison Mike's post

adding to this depending on their skill lvl on that specific skill you would get buff or penalties. for example if you give a companion the task to get better at trade but he has very low trade, some events could spawn making his decisions to have low mild or heavy penalties on your treasury.

this could also cause a relationship bonus or penalty, dependeing on the targeted npcs traits.

I don't think it is good idea to implement penalties. It is safer to implement only "bonuses" and implement penalties only AND only for game balance (there should be a clear use case that explains why a penalty is needed).
I thought polo was the sport of kings.
Never heard that. always heard horse racing called that.. I am sure horse racing came first lol
Horse racing has a long and distinguished history and has been practised in civilisations across the world since ancient times. Archaeological records indicate that horse racing occurred in Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Babylon, Syria, and Egypt.[5] It also plays an important part of myth and legend, such as the contest between the steeds of the god Odin and the giant Hrungnir in Norse mythology.
I'm sorry, but I'm just gonna leave this here.

I mean you could have created about 20 threads with your suggestions, just counting your headlines. Skimming your suggestions there are some, I'd support and some I'd definitely oppose. But to that, I would usually quote each of them and then answer them, which would make my post gigantic.
I also refuse to answer the poll, because I don't think it serves a purpose.

The thing is. TWs spokesperson(s) here made it clear, they are reading in the forum. But you know, your first post ist so long and hard to read, it creates an inhibition threshold. It's touching multiple issues in the game, which are not connected.
I clicked the thread, but declined to read it a couple of times, before skimming it today. I'm on vacation time during a pandemic right now, I do believe I've got a bit more time on my hand, then the devs have. So if I'm not reading through your monster post, I'd be surprised if TW did.

Please consider splitting your thread.
I'm sorry, but I'm just gonna leave this here.

I mean you could have created about 20 threads with your suggestions, just counting your headlines. Skimming your suggestions there are some, I'd support and some I'd definitely oppose. But to that, I would usually quote each of them and then answer them, which would make my post gigantic.
I also refuse to answer the poll, because I don't think it serves a purpose.

The thing is. TWs spokesperson(s) here made it clear, they are reading in the forum. But you know, your first post ist so long and hard to read, it creates an inhibition threshold. It's touching multiple issues in the game, which are not connected.
I clicked the thread, but declined to read it a couple of times, before skimming it today. I'm on vacation time during a pandemic right now, I do believe I've got a bit more time on my hand, then the devs have. So if I'm not reading through your monster post, I'd be surprised if TW did.

Please consider splitting your thread.

I understand your point. But I still consider keeping this "gigantic thread" or "monster thread" with all my suggestions since it is easier for me to keep track of my suggestions.
The second reason is I believe that TW devs will do read this weekly updated list of suggestions if there are enough players who will vote that they agree with 80% or more of the suggestions.
The idea behind this is that I think players with similar playing styles will regroup around a list of suggestions. So instead of multiple individual "contextless" suggestions we would see "monster suggestion threads" that each represent a playing style which the suggestions are related to. And by doing this (creating a "playing style context") it would help TW devs better understand why these suggestions were made in the first place, why they are important for the "specific playing style" and if they cannot implement it exactly as requesrted, at least TW devs will hopefully get the point and come up with an alternative implementation that will suit the players expectations.

For this idea of "monster thread of suggestions arund a playing style" to work I will integrate whatever ideas you guys will add in replies to this post and which I agree with more or less.
Maybe we should let TW devs tells us what they think (instead of speaking for them).
Please develop your suggestion. How would it improve gameplay? have you encountered any problems with 84 days a year ?
Personally I haven't noticed there were 84 days in a bannerlord year.
Just don't want to see time go too fast
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