Well i been playing the game for a long long while( done a ton of all night sessions) and ive thought of a few nifty lil ideas..
I think there should be like a blacksmith somewhere, and you take him items like iron, furs etc and he crafts you armour shields etc.
I think there should also be more weapons avaible, and the thrown weapons and arrows/bolts should have stackable quivers, so you can buy like 4 packs of 24 and merge them until u have a stack of say 200, its annoying as hell mid battle having to run to your stash just to get get more arrows.
It would also be superb if in mid battle , you could ditch your weapons and grab ones from fallen soldiers, for instance an archer with a crossbow as his 2nd wep comes up single handed vs a few people with swords and shields, he can ditch his bow and pick up a new weapon from the ground, and use that then get his stuff back at the end of the bout.
Having a training ground would be cool, so you can have your army fighting itself to get experience and train up, Equipping heros would be a superb bonus too.
More character classes would be sweet aswell, also maybe a way to define your own class, like allocate a set number of attributes, skill points and weapon points at the start and the player can allocate them and then save them as a new character class so that when they start again, they can just use that class.
Ive noticed you cant get calvary archers as part of your forces they would be an excellent idea .
Maybe you coudl add in a tactics bit, so before you go into a fight, you can setup a certain tactic, such as boxing the enemy in, splitting up their forces, flanking them etc..
My brother found out theres a level 50 cap aswell, maybe that could be upped to say 75? as at lvl 50 you can only really get 70 odd units.
i think thats it for now, might edit this later
I think there should be like a blacksmith somewhere, and you take him items like iron, furs etc and he crafts you armour shields etc.
I think there should also be more weapons avaible, and the thrown weapons and arrows/bolts should have stackable quivers, so you can buy like 4 packs of 24 and merge them until u have a stack of say 200, its annoying as hell mid battle having to run to your stash just to get get more arrows.
It would also be superb if in mid battle , you could ditch your weapons and grab ones from fallen soldiers, for instance an archer with a crossbow as his 2nd wep comes up single handed vs a few people with swords and shields, he can ditch his bow and pick up a new weapon from the ground, and use that then get his stuff back at the end of the bout.
Having a training ground would be cool, so you can have your army fighting itself to get experience and train up, Equipping heros would be a superb bonus too.
More character classes would be sweet aswell, also maybe a way to define your own class, like allocate a set number of attributes, skill points and weapon points at the start and the player can allocate them and then save them as a new character class so that when they start again, they can just use that class.
Ive noticed you cant get calvary archers as part of your forces they would be an excellent idea .
Maybe you coudl add in a tactics bit, so before you go into a fight, you can setup a certain tactic, such as boxing the enemy in, splitting up their forces, flanking them etc..
My brother found out theres a level 50 cap aswell, maybe that could be upped to say 75? as at lvl 50 you can only really get 70 odd units.
i think thats it for now, might edit this later