My ideas for Mount&Blade

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First of all I wanted to say the game is fantastic.Great 3d engine which ofcourse needs a little updates(but hey there is no ideal engine).Walking - it's nothing big though , and jumping too , but hey forget this.I wanted to write other things.
They are - I love this game for it's orginality.I love that here aren't some monsters ( haven't seen any) It is so great.I have never saw games like this...All i want for it is :
explore bigger landscapes ( i mean big lands not seperated) I can just walk for miles in that cool view.Not walking with small man , i know it's as it system but it would look grater then.
Let us build castle
Give us more medieval time armor ( haven't seen platemail but maybe the age of game is not built around the age.)
Crafting - It would be great if i could go to mines and work(long) and get some ores from which later i could get iron metal for armor or sell ores.Or do lumberjacking and then make something from wood.
I would like to see Ships or boats.The water engine ingame is brilliant.
I would like to see this game as MMORPG ... actually this is my Primary suggestion and wish ... I can imagine how it was , going in war with others if my mens were real persons ... and i could built my castle ... rule the world ..

thank you developers that you created this game.And sorry for my english - me not english :???:
Yeah, I think allowing the player to be able to build his own castle would be pretty awesome. You could go even further into by raising soldiers at your castle to defend it, and being able to research better weapons and armor for your soldiers to wear (like standard issue gear thats given to all soldiers). And through those kinds of armor, you could almost customize how your army looks (so you could look like Barbarians, or armor clad knights).

I definitely think you should try to make a multiplayer feature. It would be so awesome to test your strength against a friend.

By the way, I think this game is incredible.
and it would as so be cool if you could rise to power in one of the army's and maybe be able to take it over in a 1 on 1 fight with the king.
Lots of good ideas. And by the way, there is platemail armor. I particularly want to see a crafting system. One of my favorite things to do in ANY MMORPG is crafting. Granted, this isn't online, but still. But as i've said before, if WoW, EQ2, Ryzom or other MMO games had this style of combat, nobody would play anything else.
There is one real pearl in what was said here (sorry, guys, but everything else was mentioned before... look for previous threads to find out what was developers' answer) - crafting!
That is what is really missing in this game - an ability to make your own weapons, arrows, armors... TO TRADE your own-made war equipment! That would be great! Just imagine - you buy ore at the ore mine, go to your own smithy in some town (it could be built or bought), spend some time there and produce a well-done chainmail that you immediately sell to some local trader.
For example, each item requires:
a couple of basic materials,
skill (blacksmith for metal items, leatherworking for leather ones etc.)
place (smithy, carpentry, ...)
So, production of chainmail would cost you:
4 pieces of iron ore
some additions to ore (if you want to make it sturdier or lighter)
a Blacksmith skill = 5
2-3 days
1000 gold

Or, crafting could be done in the same way it was done in Evil Isles (great russian game :lol: ) - you have an item's "scratch", and this item could be made from any material that fits the scratch's material type (stone, metal, leather, fur and so on), so that the same chainmail's scratch could be made of bronze and of mithrill. Each armor type has different scratches it could be made of (full helmet, open hemet, roman helmet, saracene helmet and so on, which have different defence values, different quantity of materials needed to craft it, and so on). So, for example, if Full helmet's scratch defence value is 10, and the material's quality it is made of is 1.4, the resulting defence rate would be 10*1.4=14.
This system (after a few tweaks) would look nice in MnB, imho.
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