My humble opinion

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First of all I want to say that I really like this mod, there are few thing that I find weird/strange/bad or plainly stupid but all in all I REALLY appreciate work of people who made this mod.
The thing that made me want to play this mod was setting. Most of the mods just expands Calradia (which, you probably agree with me, is totally unbelivable, lifeless and boring) or sets game in some fantasy setting made by amateurs (which most of the times is even worse than vanilla setting). You didn't try to make you'r own new world and that's a very good thing because you would fail miserably at it just like all other modders who sets the game in worlds made up by themselfs.
So that's the end of introduction and let's continue to suggestion part.

After few days of playing I have found out that there are some unique items in game (Sutton Hoo helmet, or something that looks like vendel with aventail, for example) worn by AI Lords. It's good thing that not every item is avaible for a common man, but after gaining some consiredable wealth I wanted to have some insanely expansive and kick-ass looking helmet. They are not avaible in shops of course, and only way to get them is to (probaly, I don't know for sure) beat the **** out of some Lord and loot his equipment... and so I did but none of beaten lord items were avaible to loot after battle. Let's say that I was just unlucky, but why not make few really skillful blacksmiths in larger towns that can make you such helmet, or chainmail, or forge you a sword, for a really large amount of gold?.

Ailan said:
Too long, didn't read.
Then keep quiet.

Anyway: Items can be looted from lords, incl. their armour but it's very difficult. Increasing looting skill helps.
The items available in shops is not of the same high quality because it wouldn't be realistic.
The special weapons and armour for some lords would have been made especially for that one person.
That said I do find that some helmets for purchase are super cool and some armour is top of the line  :smile:
Adorno said:
Ailan said:
Too long, didn't read.
Then keep quiet.

Anyway: Items can be looted from lords, incl. their armour but it's very difficult. Increasing looting skill helps.
The items available in shops is not of the same high quality because it wouldn't be realistic.
The special weapons and armour for some lords would have been made especially for that one person.
That said I do find that some helmets for purchase are super cool and some armour is top of the line  :smile:

Thanks for answer, I'v got a bad feelings that my looting skill may not be high enough to loot lord equipment.
After some religious "dispute" with christian priest at one of the Irish court (which stoped to be dispute and startet to be war really fast) I was finally able to get a really nice set of chain mail from one of the lesser Irish lord, too bad it wasn't his golden helmet.

I wonder if captured lords will stay forever in my dungeon if I reject every ransom proposition...

What would be nice is, 2-3 'unique' items (possibly based on historic items?) that could be purchased from an 'armorer' character on commission.

You could find the armorer in the court of a king. 

You would pay him an obscene amount of gold (at least more than a 'lordly' version of the same tier item). Time would pass (some weeks months?) and then you'd have your unique helmet/shirt/sword/etc.

It has always bothered me that I cannot commission lordly armor. Instead I have to travel all around the world to find something suitable 'off the rack'. I have this problem IRL with shoes, don't need it in a sim...
Puritan said:
What would be nice is, 2-3 'unique' items (possibly based on historic items?) that could be purchased from an 'armorer' character on commission.
Good idea. Although I think the option should arise after becoming a lord and/or having your first castle/town.

Puritan said:
... I have to travel all around the world to find something suitable 'off the rack'. I have this problem IRL with shoes...
I hear ya sister!  :lol:
Adorno said:
Puritan said:
What would be nice is, 2-3 'unique' items (possibly based on historic items?) that could be purchased from an 'armorer' character on commission.
Good idea. Although I think the option should arise after becoming a lord and/or having your first castle/town.

Puritan said:
... I have to travel all around the world to find something suitable 'off the rack'. I have this problem IRL with shoes...
I hear ya sister!  :lol:
I'd imagine a master armorer would gravitate more toward a king, and I also like to be 'nomadic' for much of the game, but you all are the ones coding it...

Do you also have 'sideshow bob' feet?  :grin:
I really would like an option to access my prisoners inventories, so that I can take their armor and items once they're imprisoned and use it for myself  and my followers instead. Shouldn't something like that be relatively easy to add as a talk feature?
Waffenbaum said:
I really would like an option to access my prisoners inventories, so that I can take their armor and items once they're imprisoned and use it for myself  and my followers instead. Shouldn't something like that be relatively easy to add as a talk feature?

No offence but that would probably be a bad idea..
I mean King farm anyone?

Beside just get yourself / your follower a high looting skill, that should work fine.
Puritan said:
What would be nice is, 2-3 'unique' items (possibly based on historic items?) that could be purchased from an 'armorer' character on commission.

You could find the armorer in the court of a king. 

You would pay him an obscene amount of gold (at least more than a 'lordly' version of the same tier item). Time would pass (some weeks months?) and then you'd have your unique helmet/shirt/sword/etc.

I like the way they have it in Eagle and Radiant cross mod - you can loot an epic item after battle, they have only weapons there, but it could also be some armors.
Mh. The rescue in the Middle Ages including weapons and armor of rescued. If we add loot here for you, you only need get prisioner to king for get easy expensive objects  :grin:

We can add a special (or two: one in Britannia and other in Ireland) merchant with historical/expensive items. It is good idea.
Other option can be quest system for get it, like Beowulf quest.

Maybe there could be a merchant called a "King's Outfitter" or similar who could hold all the special items that the lords and regents wear, such as crowns. Of course they would be very expensive, but when you own all of Ireland, all of Scotland and half of England, it doesn't seem right not having a crown and some nice clothes  :wink:
i just want to express my opinion about installer..i just love it because its faster and you will no longer get treads about how you install this or you dont have to guestion if its installed correctly i wish more mods would use installers :razz: sorry for bad english
My humble opinion is that...
Shields are too damn indestructable! They should be hacked too pieces, after all they were made by very thin planks of wood. Shields should even break from a few hits from ahnd-to-hand weapons.

And another thing, they should harder too parry with javelins, spears and axes sticking out of them!

Otherwise I love this mod, very exiting times the 7:th century. I love the dark ages :smile:

Gutshot said:
My humble opinion is that...
Shields are too damn indestructable! They should be hacked too pieces, after all they were made by very thin planks of wood. Shields should even break from a few hits from ahnd-to-hand weapons.

Lads if we keep using the "humble opinion" term this mod might soon look like this:  :lol:

On the topic found this nice excerpt on Saxon shields circa 6.AD
Traditionally shields were made of linden (Lime) wood although other timbers may also have been used such as Alder and Poplar. These timbers are not very dense and are light in the hand. They also have a characteristic in that they are not inclined to split unlike Oak. Also, the fibres of the timber bind around blades preventing the blade from cutting any deeper unless a lot more pressure is applied. Round shields seem to have varied in size from around 45 - 120cm (18" - 48") in diameter but the smaller and more manageable 75 - 90cm (30" - 36") is by far the most common.
It is true that oak splits easy unlike many other woodtypes, but they were very thin and light often 5-8 mm thick. The rules of holmgång specify a number of shields most often 3 you were allowed too use. And I sincerely doubt that these rules were not used because they break easy. If you can deflect the blows with the shieldboss it will hold together longer. And I had a Linden shield once that broke by a blunted axe only after a few fights. That can be because I'm not an expert woodworker :smile: or bad at deflecting blows.

Shields in this mod are a bit too good, while thrown weapons aren't really good enough. I shouldn't be able to run round with 6 or 7 javelins sticking out of my shield - it should break with a couple of good throws. Obviously, resisting one handed weapons is easier, but shields need to be a little weaker.
Interesting video about viking battle (dark ages shieldwall battle):

It is Moesgaard, at Denmark (Adorno, i dont know if you have saw it, it is cool)

3 points:

-Shields take a lot of hits, but they resist.
-Strong charge of infantry men for try break enemy line, but they fail.
-Import, like they guard distances and try attack with spears (and that they play only a bruise. you imagine in the dark ages when they risked their lives). There are a man with sword (near camera) and he cannt advance near enemy and attack.

others samples

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