My horse has slowed down!!

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Been playing M&B recently and got to level 7, went to my next battle and found that my horse is much slower and can barely gallop as fast as it did before.

I have tried taking off my armour but it makes no difference so it can't be encumberance.

Any idea what the cause is?
'Lame' to be more precise with respect to the game terms. And it will eventually heal after 30 days, iirc. After it is healed it will lose any modifiers like 'Spirited', Heavy', but also 'Swayback' (sp?) and will just be a normal horse of its kind (Warhorse, Saddle horse, Sumpter horse, ...)
I have found this feature somewhat frustrating as well. What purpose does it serve? It seems to be mostly just a money sink to get players to buy a new horse every now and then and I plan to start keeping a spare horse or two in my inventory just to combat this problem on long missions far from friendly territory. 30 days to me may as well be permanent, I wish there was a way to take my horse back to town for 'repairs' rather than going vendor hopping for a merchant that has the one I want.

On a side note, I have tried 'horse jacking' enemies in battle when mine goes lame, but it doesn't seem to always work. I've been able to do it sometimes (usually when my horse has died), but other times I'll run up to the horse only to have it start fading away without getting the 'mount' popup at all. At first I suspected my riding skill might not be high enough, but at one point I actually saw a popup that told me my skill was too low, so it doesn't seem this is the case all the time. Any word on this? Does your horse have to be dead to steal one from your fallen enemies? I don't remember any problems with this in the arena when you start on foot.

The bad news is that even when I did manage to 'steal' a horse in battle, my inventory after the fight always went back to my old 'lame' horse I was trying to replace. I'd like to be able to keep stolen horses, but it seems you just have to get lucky and have one show up in the loot screen, which seems to have nothing to do with actually taking the horse and using it during the battle.
I twould be nice if there would be some "horse hospitals" where you could cure your horse for some money.
No, your horse doesn't have to be dead to be able to steal someone else's. There is a bit of randomness to it, but if you kill a mounted enemy while you're on foot his horse will usually stay unless the max horses possible on the map has been reached. So again, its pretty random, but if you dismount and enemy while you're on foot you stand a greater chance of being able to take his.
Vachir said:
I have found this feature somewhat frustrating as well. What purpose does it serve? It seems to be mostly just a money sink to get players to buy a new horse every now and then and I plan to start keeping a spare horse or two in my inventory just to combat this problem on long missions far from friendly territory. 30 days to me may as well be permanent, I wish there was a way to take my horse back to town for 'repairs' rather than going vendor hopping for a merchant that has the one I want.

I would have to disagree. Having consequences to the horse makes a rider think twice before charging into a horde of enemies. I think it is pretty prudent to have spare horses, not only to combat crippling, but to make carrying cargo easier (more horses in your inventory, the faster you go while loaded down). When you go to the Merchant and trade in your lame hunter for a normal one, think of that is the "hospital" and the difference in price is the veterinarian's fee :smile:
also if you have a horse in your inventory you always go faster the same amount. So if you had one lame supter horse in your inventory you would go the same speed as if you had a spirited courser in your inventory.
jrawlings said:
Vachir said:
I have found this feature somewhat frustrating as well. What purpose does it serve? It seems to be mostly just a money sink to get players to buy a new horse every now and then and I plan to start keeping a spare horse or two in my inventory just to combat this problem on long missions far from friendly territory. 30 days to me may as well be permanent, I wish there was a way to take my horse back to town for 'repairs' rather than going vendor hopping for a merchant that has the one I want.

I would have to disagree. Having consequences to the horse makes a rider think twice before charging into a horde of enemies. I think it is pretty prudent to have spare horses, not only to combat crippling, but to make carrying cargo easier (more horses in your inventory, the faster you go while loaded down). When you go to the Merchant and trade in your lame hunter for a normal one, think of that is the "hospital" and the difference in price is the veterinarian's fee :smile:

I don't know about thinking twice, the whole point of a war horse is charging into a horde of enemies. If anything I try to be careful so my horse doesn't take damage during combat because if he dies I'm usually in quite a bit of trouble. There don't seem to be permanent consequences to other inventory items besides horses, though I guess you could count the horse as more of a 'unit' like your non-hero party members, but even they fully recover from injuries unless killed.

What I mean about 'repairs' is that I would much much rather pay at the nearest merchant to get my 'spirited hunter' (whatever) back than to trade mine in for whatever he happens to have, and if I really want the exact same horse type, go searching from town to town until I find another vendor selling one. Maybe the merchant that sells horses could sell an item that auto-heals your horse (keeping the same pre/postfix) when you leave town. I don't mind the money sink so much, but I really wish there was a way to keep my horse with it's exact stats intact through injuries.
Horses get crippled, sometimes easily, anmd blades are (spposedly) sharp. It's reality, and it takes time to heal a horse unless you use magick but there is no magic in this game.
it's fine to have horse get crippled:
After all, a knight is no more really a knight without his horse.
you should not take needless risks with it :smile:
Toppo said:
I twould be nice if there would be some "horse hospitals" where you could cure your horse for some money.

Hahahahaha I wish I could find a copy of that Far Side cartoon :grin:
May be the horse gained weight from too much oats?

Fresh grass from the slopes near Rivacheng is best but alternate with variety of turf also found near Zenar and the Salt Mines.
If winter ever breaks in Tulag, the long grass found there is one of the best.
A lame horse should need to be put out of its misery i.e. killed so keeping it in the inventory to heal up for a month seems OK. A horse that could never be hurt or killed would ruin the game because you need the risk to enjoy winning, like gambling.
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