My head is smaller than my body...?

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I know this is in the wrong spot, or something. Anyway...

I have problems with my head size vs body size. Or is it just the armor I'm wearing?
I don't know, everything just looks un-proportional. Then I look at some screenshots,
and those guys look perfect!

Not fair >=[
I assume you're a cartoon mouse.
The approx ratio of a healthy human would be a 1:5/1:6 ratio. Meaning that your body should be 5-6 times taller then your head.

But yes, I've noticed that the heads look a bit small.. But you often have armour who build up around your neck, so you sort of lose those few cm/inches.
stygN said:
The approx ratio of a healthy human would be a 1:5/1:6 ratio. Meaning that your body should be 5-6 times taller then your head.

But yes, I've noticed that the heads look a bit small.. But you often have armour who build up around your neck, so you sort of lose those few cm/inches.

Actually, from top of head to chin, it should be between 1/7th and 1/8th your total height on a healthy, active human adult (which we presume the hero/ine to be.)  In comics and anime, they increase the body so the ratio is closer to 1/10th.

I haven't bothered checking the model, but it seems mostly normal to me, perhaps a little on the large size (indicating a lower average height, which fits the time frame.)
kaeldragor said:
Actually, from top of head to chin, it should be between 1/7th and 1/8th your total height on a healthy, active human adult (which we presume the hero/ine to be.)  In comics and anime, they increase the body so the ratio is closer to 1/10th.

Lord Samuel said:
kaeldragor said:
Actually, from top of head to chin, it should be between 1/7th and 1/8th your total height on a healthy, active human adult (which we presume the hero/ine to be.)  In comics and anime, they increase the body so the ratio is closer to 1/10th.


exactly what i had in mind!  :mrgreen:

That must be Hylain cleverly concealing his identity by claiming to be Stewie from Family Guy. No doubt plotting to take over the world.  :lol:

But in all seriousness... the games head looks perfectly fine in comparison to the body.
@ Kagelor.

1:5 - 1:6 = 1/6th - 1/7th. So, lets just imagine I never mentioned 1:5... Cause 1:6 to 2:15 is the most correct answer.

Scroll down a bit and you'll see the picture. Its not super accurate, but good enough for me.

So yeah, 1:5 was far off, but 1:6 was dead on.

(When I write 1:6 I of course mean that 1 body (just the body) is equal to 6 heads, so that you eventually end up with 7 heads. So 1:6 and 1/7th is the precise same thing)
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