My glorious kingdom.

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Greetings, ZirzoR here.

I'm at day 600+ and i must say its still fun to play this lovely game, i own most of sarleon atm, i own 3 large cities, 5 castles, and alot of villages i must say, i currently  have 5 lords with me wich i have given 1 city and the rest of the castles, so i own 2 cities for myself.

The fierdsvan has been killed, and also sarleon has fallen of the pin, I'm at war with all 3 current factions ( im must say its quite challenging atm :grin:) The empire the most visicous atm, large troops and huge castle garrisons, they havent been at war with anyone, so they are picking on me atm and i dont like it :sad:

the ravenstern and D'shar and pretty easy to handle since they are almost out of troops cus i keep killing them, the only challenge i get from them is if they gather 10 lords and thier king and try to take my city, (wich they do sometimes and i win anyway :grin:)

In my cities i have Range of the clarion call "love Heavy horse archers" and the amazing knight of the ebony gauntlet, Awesome in sieges to defend and attack.

i'm planning on getting silvermist rangers later on so i can get some rapid firing troops.

right now my limit on troops in my party is 260, and i've filled it with cobra warriors,heretics,lots of adventurers and knighthood troops, and some reqruit and such to train so i can garrison later on.

my kingdom is starting to take shape and i must say that i love this game, and i just cant wait for the warband version wich runs smoother and doesnt get the RGL errors when to many troops on screen, so i can higher it up to about 500 :grin: atm i only got 200 :sad: over that and i get RGL error cus i'm to happy about not lowering graphics :razz:

please share your kingdoms and how far you've gotten. my char is "equipment, Noldor noble armor, Thick golden great helmet " i think" noldor longsword, noldor bow,Large barbed arrows. noldor leather boots, and thick scale gauntlets and a thick enchanted noldor shield Holds forever almost :grin: and about 7 companions with almost the same gear, very good indeed.

sharing is caring!

MvH ZirzoR
Hmm- ok, might be fun... I took a break from playing for a couple weeks. Back for a little while again. Right now its day 204 and my character owns Dagon Castle and Ravenstern. Lords under his command control Mysthorn, Stouthart, and Fenbray Castles as well as Senderfall city. A couple lords have villages as well but so far only have 6 lords as vassals. Worked my way up under Sarleon until became marshal then led their armies against Ravenstern taking numerous castles and then losing a few while biding time. Led the capture of Senderfall first, then got together 8 lords plus Ulric and captured Ravenstern which I asked to be bestowed... denied and the reformation of Pendor was announced. The first 20 days were tough as Ravenstern tried to retake its castles and towns plus roving Sarleon armies. However once made some Sarleon lords vassals the pressure from them dropped off and recaptured all the weakly held Sarleon conquests. Currently slowly advancing against Ravenstern.

My character is level 34 specializing in throwing weapons and lancing but developing 1 hand. 18-21-21-15 Throwing 356 Polearm 322 One Handed 226 the rest avg 150.

Gear; Noldor Spirithorse(currently riding swaybacked until it is maimed) Thick Mercenary Helm, Lordly Dark Mail Hauberk, Lordly Scale Gauntlets, Noldor Leather boots, Fine Noble Barclay Sword, Thick Order of the Dragon Kite Shield, 2 Balanced Jarids. Alternate weapons- Balanced War Spear, Heavy Fierdsvain War Axe. 55-63-55 Ec- 37.3

5 Highest Skills; Training 9 (book), Looting, 9, Surgery, 8 (book), Weapon Master 7, then three skills at 6- PS, Riding, IM.

Honor- 62, Party Size, 192

Best troops- 12 HA, 44 Adventurers, 14 Heretic Magnus, 46 Halberdiers, 45 Ravenstern Rangers. Less than 10 of other top roster elites, 16 Fierdsvain Armored Axemen is next best tier along with the remnants of a Mettenheim Mercenary company.

Companions average level 19 with 9 companions and only Sir Alistair as a sir.
I take my time... I make sure I only go after my first castle on days 200-300 and when I do take it, I make sure it's a castle it was recently taken so it has very little troops inside.
You seem abit inmature for my taste Dargor, saying your all that and everything :razz: go play some online warband with some real good people if you want a challenge, this is for talking about your kingdom and how you run it and defend it, not braging about how you are uber leet at horse archery.

No offense.

MvH ZirzoR
I used to play 143% difficulty. the problem is there were some people saying with the no quitting without saving they were getting run time errors at day 550, so I had to go back and start a new one without that.

It's good Dargor can rule Pendor on day 600 on this difficulty, it's a good accomplishment, congratulations, you just don't need to be bragging about it because it's not a battle of speed, and if you want a good challenge, go play an infantry archer or a dedicated infantry soldier on PoP (good luck with that). Better yet, go play Warband and you'll soon realize a human player is much better than the AI.

Cutting down horses has always been one of the standard options vs Khergits or these damned Jatu. Just kite the army close to a hostile village (Sarleon or Ravenstern) and start looting it - the Jatu will join the farmers. Since they like them so much they´ll leave their horses.

Which´s rather sad for them because you keep yours.

Another funny abuse of a gameplay oversight.
noosers said:
Cutting down horses has always been one of the standard options vs Khergits or these damned Jatu. Just kite the army close to a hostile village (Sarleon or Ravenstern) and start looting it - the Jatu will join the farmers. Since they like them so much they´ll leave their horses.

Which´s rather sad for them because you keep yours.

Another funny abuse of a gameplay oversight.

Aha... excellent... well deserved abuse since the Jatu armies in my games tend to spawn more than other armies... or at least, they survive longer and get bigger and bigger, it's crazy.
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