My English Homework....

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right i was told to right a horror story and i cant write for **** so me and my friend decided i should write about drug abusing vampires, witches, werewolves and oompa lumpas.... imo its the worst thing ever written so i thought id show you guys... feedback is greatly appeiciated how ever good or bad

Horror Story

It’s a cold autumn night in Transylvania at the Graveyard. The wind whistles through the trees as they dance around the edge. There is music playing. Loud Gothic music. Leaning on some gravestones were some Vampires and Witches taking some Crack and smack. By this time of night both races were pretty out of it and hungry for some blood. Suddenly a vampire, called Juno, ran out of the forest shouting
‘Dudes, Fresh blood!’ There was a sudden roar of joy among the crowd as he continued.
‘I spotted some werewolves in the forest about 500m away! They look stoned out of this world!’
‘Sweet’ said a vampire, ‘Lets go’ and half of them ran out into the forest to surround them and scare them back into the graveyard. Juno waited at the graveyard for them. Before a fight there was always a huge silence in which the air feels electric. Then through the blissful night air came a load cry as the vampires lured the werewolves towards the graveyard. All at once about 50 werewolves spilled into graveyard, about half of them tripping bright colours and odd patterns fell over as they failed to see any of the gravestones.
A swift gush, and the vampires were all over the werewolves like a plague over a third world village. There was a huge amount of fighting everywhere when suddenly a siren could be heard.
‘Crap, it’s the damn police’ said Juno. Right enough, 3 police cars pulled up next to the graveyard, got out an shouted…
‘Oi! Freaks, stick your paws or hands in the air!’
There was an awkward silence in which the vampires, witches and werewolves had stopped fighting and just looked in stupefied awe at the police.
‘Um… I know you guys owe use vamps money but if you help us kill them humans that will be debt paid’ said a vampire.
‘Sure! It would be our pleasure!’ they replied.

But before they lunged at the human police, there was a loud high-pitched singing in the background; sounding like it was coming from all directions…
The vampires and witches burst into laughter and the werewolves and humans looked scared.
It was the umpa lumpas and they had come to wreak havoc!
They came out the trees and stood on the wall of the graveyard and danced… There yellow hair, turquoise skin and pink dungarees with a skull on the front all looked very mesmerising as they did there thing.
It went on for about 10 minutes and after a while everyone was getting very bored!
‘um… don’t you think this is a tad monotonous?’ said Juno to the oompa lumpas. They turned and looked at him. Scowls on there tiny faces, they leaped at him and tore off his head.
‘Holy $£%@’ cryed a policeman, and he ran back to his car only to be meeted by hundreds of oompas on the bonet who ripped him apart limb from limb and ate him.
Everyone tried to run away but they were all attacked by the acid abusing oompas and eaten.

The End
The funny bit is this is my GCSE year... for those outside the UK my big exams that basically decide my future.. (A-levels t3h irrelivent :p) so things like this just show off my... creativity
If I ever presented a paper like that to my teacher she'd feed me to the polar bears behind the school. And you are british? ****no, this isn't real.
Read the first sentence and then got bored, great job! (ehm...)

You'r teacher must be so proud of you.. :smile:
Creative tho A+
Jezz i'll never become a teacher..
Could be fun tho, messing around with kids. :twisted:
Worbah said:
If I ever presented a paper like that to my teacher she'd feed me to the polar bears behind the school. And you are british? ****no, this isn't real.

worbuh... if you dont beleive me i will scan in the copy that has been marked on

.:EDIT:. when i hand it in... on monday but i dont know when ill get it back
meh, i was planing on working with computers when i was older and already iv got a predicted grade for ICT as an A* so im not too worried about English, btw im not always writing like this but....i thought id test the teachers reactions...
i mean... whats the worst that could happen :wink:
no, i refuse to redo it.... theres no point, my college isnt like a normal school... its for specials :wink: for example, unlike most english schools its no uniform, we are told, basically demanded to call the teachers by their first name and in english we have talks about drugs/bullying/misc. stuff all the time anyway and my teacher aint the kind to give me a detension for it anyway :wink:
Man that was so scary I wet myself!

By the way when the ninjas came and totally flipped out?!? You don't seem to mention that part in the story.
Since we're talking about english homework. Here's mine.

Darce looked around the grounds of the Sach-Chiast church. Nearly everyone were wearing the blue-green uniform of an EST Officer. Not for security, though, they were invited. Darce wore the black-red armor of a DSC Warrior.

Sure. He wasn't expecting any combat. He just couldn't be bothered to get formally dressed. Ghorak wore the armor simpily to avoid looking out of place. Captain Nyev was only there to buy the Majestic frigate.

Darce used the time passing by to reflect on past memories, in an attempt to keep him from dying of boredom. Leaning against the wall with his eyes closed, he thought about the trip. Seeing the white, majestic city surrounded by nothing but trees. The place was a paradise....If you liked trees.

He opened his eyes, hit by the blunt force of the fact that he had not eaten since breakfast. Darce was savagely hungry. To the right stood Ghorak, who's one word answers and anti-social demeanor disrupted any means of communication. "Having fun?" he asked, clearly having milked the situation of any entertainment value. "Sure." Answered Darce, whom clearly did not desire the invitation to conversation. Darce, however, had to bite the bullet.

" You know," continued Ghorak. "Theres a buffet at the Sashai. "Really?" Responded Darce, whom did not wait for a confirmation. He turned, and ran towards the Sashai.


An hour passed, and Darce was happily full. The buffet was stocked of many treats that would make a vegetarian vomit. Darce was not a vegetarian. Darce was impressed, so far. The Shian sure know how to party. In the Wedding Pedestal, Darce and ghorak stood side by side. Nyev stood behind.

Seeing three misfits in one place produced a storm of speculation, as they all just stood before the wedders arrived. Such time beforehand allowed high-hearted conversations with the High Commanders. But time it now, and the two wedders get onto the walkway. The Lady Javiar wore a large flowing robe that had the holographical illusion of water. Dhimian wore a posh black-green suit, with a matching pair of trousers. The couple walked slowly across the walkway, whilst the music echoed through the church. A minute passed and Darce was already day-dreaming about sheep.

The words came to Darce in blahs. "Blah blah bluah....Blah...Blag blah blah" and the like was all the words Darce could hear. The green rolling hills of Sheepland were absorbing his understanding of reality.

However, before Mimi jumped over the 67th fence, Darce was surrounded by screams and insulting language. Darce snapped to attention, to catch the body of a priest fall downwards from the walkway. Darce swung his pistols to bare.

"Whoa, what's going on?" Shouted Darce, attempting to shout through all the screams. "Assassination attempt, urgh." Responded Ghorak, next to him.

An explosion rocked the church, and several gold-coloured figures fell from the roof. Droids, they were, but Darce didn't care. To Darce, they're target practice.

Darce swung his pistols to the droids, snapping each triggers quickly. The droids fell to the hail of gunfire that came from Darce, and the church entrance where the wedders escaped with the security officers. Darce understood his current objective. He, Ghorak and Captain Nyev had to escape, hopefully with the wedders and leaders alive. "We've got to make our way to the starport!" Shouted Ghorak, as they ran towards the church entrance. 


Darce was blinded by smoke. The tops of fire could be seen over the tips of the city walls. The droids must have set fire to the surrounding forest, using the smoke to blind the escaping ships. Droids moved from the left and the right, shooting red bolts almost blindly. The EST officers held positions behind the hovercars and makeshift barracades, popping out to fire. Outnumbered and outgunned, they'd be taken down soon. Ghorak was the first to respond.

Ghorak swung his assault rifle to point, letting a trail of blue-green light stream to the oncoming enemies, taking them down easily. They had to fight their way to the starport to get to a frigate. Ghorak walked down the walkway, directing fire in all directions. Darce's stream of fire took down all droids in sight. Nyev was left in the dust, only taking accurate shots to the well-fortified droids. The rest of the surviving security personell followed them, covering the flanks and elsewhat. The group continued onwards, smashing any droid in view. Red bolts and Blue-Green bolts filled the air with gunfire, whilst large red balls smashed into buildings, exploding on impact. The starport was near.

At this point, Darce had already caused 230,000 credits of damage. "My Majestic frigate is here. Let's take it." Shouted Nyev, firing a shot at a droid on the roof of a nearby building. The group ran towards the starport, guns ablazing still. Darce ran through the starport, clearing a way towards the Majestic frigate. Droid forces were already converging on the starport and Darce needed a ride out.

I'm crap at storytelling.
I wrote this a few years back, if I'm not mistaken. The amount of words our essays are allowed to have is restricted, god knows why. This one had a limit of 150. The subject we had to write about was mankinds future.

What Is The World Coming to?

I have no idea. My guess is that the inevitable end is near, and unless man wakes up and smells the fallout our grandchildren will probably see it. I'm a somewhat pessimistic person at times. I believe that Mother Earth is going to give her ungrateful children a lesson that isn't easily forgotten. Should we survive to remember it.Two other possibilities are that mankind either wakes up before drowning in it's own greed and stops warring and polluting, and attempts to heal this scarred planet. Choice number two is that mankind (well, it's wealthier members) find another planet to defile with it's presence.
Our problem is that we are more willing to sacrifice our lives than our lifestyle. Listen to the politicians: "We are not willing to compromise the American way of life." These are, more or less, the words of George W. Bush. And he is right. The fear of losing our material possession is great, for without all we have gathered around us we might see how hollow our lives are.
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