My D'shar vet archers are using sword and shield??

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I have about 30 D'shar vet archers.  I got them because they are archers.  Problem is they arent arching :sad:  They are packing swords and shields.  Is there any way to make my archers actually start arching?
Let me understand this, your D'shar vet. archers ONLY carry swords and shields or they have bows and arrows too?
I ask you cause mine have a full complement of composite bows and D'shar arrows + their sword and shield for CQB and yours should be like that too or very close at least else there is something wrong with your mod.
One way to check and see if your archers have all their toys with then is to engage battle with some low slow foes. This lets you check on your boys.
Have your DVAs form a line (3 for archers and F1 for hold position) and they should stand with their bows at the ready or already firing if the bandits are in range. Press F5 (stop/start firing order) to make them stop firing and they should switch to their CQB equipment, press F5 again and they shold revert to their bows and arrows.
BTW I like to have archers hold their fire until the enemy is well within range in order to maximixe accuracy and cause as many enemy casualties as possible before my melee units begin to dance.
Hope this helps.

Rollotamasi said:
I have about 30 D'shar vet archers.  I got them because they are archers.  Problem is they arent arching :sad:  They are packing swords and shields.  Is there any way to make my archers actually start arching?

Are you on the 1.21 version?  I know that this was an issue with an earlier release.


This has happened to me as well. Im on the .21 version also. It's odd - the veteran archers join the battle as infantry and not archers, most only have sword and shield but usually a couple of them have bows too, the ones with bows also count as infantry also for some odd reason...  :???: They are idiots and not veterans at all.... THEY LIE!
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