My couple of suggestions

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1. Make a warning before you tell your squad to attack the enemy without your help, since most times this will result in almost certain casualties for your team even when the odds are overwhelmingly in your favor. I think it should ask "are you sure?" before it goes through.

2. In addition to #1 above, I think that the option to send your troops on to battle without your support should provide an outcome closer to what actually happens if you enter the battle and stay completely away from the enemy yourself. I have had 20 hired blades take on 5 river pirates and still taken casualties, which is simply not realistic.

3. I think that Flails should be added to the game--either a spiked ball (doing piercing damage) or a round ball (blunt damage) attached on a chain to a short metal handle. It would provide about 20% longer reach than a spiked mace, and would have a benefit against shields (because the ball wraps around the shield to strike the weilder). It would probably have a lower attack speed since it is somewhat unweildy in combat.

4. I personally feel that, if the enemies use it against me in combat, I should get to claim it for myself after defeating them. Weapons, armor, shields, and mounts--I feel deprived if I see a mounted enemy wearing armor and wielding a sword get knocked off his horse and after the battle all there is for loot is a woolen cap.

5. What about the option to share quest experience with your troops?

6. Some indoor adventures would be very cool. Maybe storming a castle with your troops attacking the outside, while you sneak in with your NPC buddies and try to get the main gates open. Or possibly you have to fight your way up to the top of a tower, taking on the bandit lord's guards as you go, until you make it to the top of the tower and kill the Lord himself personally.

7. It would be quite useful to know where the enemies are on the fighting map instead of having to follow my troops, since they seem to know exactly where the enemy appears the second that they show up.

8. I assume it is in the works, but some benefit/loss from morale would be nice.
Rasputin said:
1. Make a warning before you tell your squad to attack the enemy without your help, since most times this will result in almost certain casualties for your team even when the odds are overwhelmingly in your favor. I think it should ask "are you sure?" before it goes through.
There should be verification dialogue for saving, exiting without saving, and exiting with saving.

2. In addition to #1 above, I think that the option to send your troops on to battle without your support should provide an outcome closer to what actually happens if you enter the battle and stay completely away from the enemy yourself. I have had 20 hired blades take on 5 river pirates and still taken casualties, which is simply not realistic.
I agree it should simulate the battle, though, the outcomes wouldn't be much better.

3. I think that Flails should be added to the game--either a spiked ball (doing piercing damage) or a round ball (blunt damage) attached on a chain to a short metal handle. It would provide about 20% longer reach than a spiked mace, and would have a benefit against shields (because the ball wraps around the shield to strike the weilder). It would probably have a lower attack speed since it is somewhat unweildy in combat.
I just think they should be a regular weapon.

4. I personally feel that, if the enemies use it against me in combat, I should get to claim it for myself after defeating them. Weapons, armor, shields, and mounts--I feel deprived if I see a mounted enemy wearing armor and wielding a sword get knocked off his horse and after the battle all there is for loot is a woolen cap.
Yes, and equipment would have to be devalued to balance it out and you'd simply have more crap to carry.

5. What about the option to share quest experience with your troops?
Though you'd get much less, right now it's between your heroes.
About picking equipment from the fallen ennemies :

Then you should have to pay to equip your troops too - you can go all the way up from crappy peasant to full-blown knight with a 40K worth of hardware at the cost aof a measly 50 recruiting wage and about 300 (if not less) for weekly wages during their training period.
Manu said:
About picking equipment from the fallen ennemies :

Then you should have to pay to equip your troops too - you can go all the way up from crappy peasant to full-blown knight with a 40K worth of hardware at the cost aof a measly 50 recruiting wage and about 300 (if not less) for weekly wages during their training period.
See, then we're just getting into hanging ourselves because the game is so bad. Keep the loot tables random, armor gets trashed(are we to assume I slipped my blade through his greaves every time?), Is custom fitted (why not? It will shut down this idea), and I don't think any RPG had complete loot where it didn't totally unbalance everything.
I agree with you on that point - and recovering each and every sundry item from the ennemy would severly taw the inventory of any xharacter.

Sicne I work with some troops, I consider that what don't shows up in the loot was either picked by the troops for themselves or for sale, or picked up by the local scavengers before I got it.
What about a repair cost for armour for you to wear it, this subtracks for selling cost to. If you go to a smithy you could fix the armour for about 20% of its selling cost. (normal selling cost)
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