My best friend died today

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The first time I saw him was when I was attacked by steppe bandits. He tried to trample me but ended up with a lame status, even though both his legs seem just fine. Wherever I go, I always bring my lame courser. I even unmount before fighting so no harm will come to my horse.

Today my lovable lame courser was beaten to death. After the fight he wasn't in my inventory anymore. He was whacked dead by a group of peasants wielding clubs. Those animals! I was only looting them. Why did those animals have to MURDER MY HORSE IN COLD BLOOD?!

So I replaced my buddy with another courser. I took steps to ensure the horse became lame, just to remind me of my old horse. Ah, the memories it brings.
amondrubee said:
The first time I saw him was when I was attacked by steppe bandits. He tried to trample me but ended up with a lame status, even though both his legs seem just fine. Wherever I go, I always bring my lame courser. I even unmount before fighting so no harm will come to my horse.

Today my lovable lame courser was beaten to death. After the fight he wasn't in my inventory anymore. He was whacked dead by a group of peasants wielding clubs. Those animals! I was only looting them. Why did those animals have to MURDER MY HORSE IN COLD BLOOD?!

So I replaced my buddy with another courser. I took steps to ensure the horse became lame, just to remind me of my old horse. Ah, the memories it brings.

I knew horses could go lame, but they can die too? ;'(

I'll never go cavalry again, to save myself from the pain.
I think they can only die when they're lame. If you don't want to lose your horses then don't ride them while they're lame.
When my good ol' hunter dropped dead on the battlefield, i nearly fainted in shock. had no idea they could die. Now, if i use a horse, it's either a warhorse or charger. Nothing less, as they have decent chances of being taken down mid-battle... not only leaving me emotionally distraught, but also surrounded by angry opponents.

Never worried much about my horse.

If a Champion Charger gets lame, i got 5 spare.. Lol XD.
my starter horse died 3 days ago. the only thing on my mind when i saw the text: Your horse fell to death. was "hmm interesting" then i stepped on a loose horse just running around with hes owner probably lying dead somewhere.

my only worlds to that horse was "wanne take revenge?"
I'm a Nord. We eat the horses you Khergits, Vaegirs and Swadians send us. Just gotta take the rider off, an axe and a few moments la di dah.
PAdrian800 said:
Kraven said:

Never worried much about my horse.

If a Champion Charger gets lame, i got 5 spare.. Lol XD.

I never found a Champion charger yet??? where did you get them from???

I would say Kalnia's mouth. He may spit them out unknowingly while he's sleeping, then Kraven steals it.
When my first horse died, I ran up to a hill, told my army to wiat there, and then ran around killing everyones horse singlehandedly, even ones without owners.  To this day, not a single enemy horse/riderless horse ives  thruogh a battle
Native Expansion mod is an absolute ***** for horses! I decided to persevere at learning how to shoot a bow from horseback as a Khergit after I lost several good horses in a row when I tried doing a cavalry charge. I fell foul of the braces spears.
Still... couched lance is awesome when it works! :grin:
Lord Kinlar said:
I think they can only die when they're lame. If you don't want to lose your horses then don't ride them while they're lame.
Getting clobbered by a lance'll take out ones that aren't too - found that out the hard way. :sad:
PAdrian800 said:
Kraven said:

Never worried much about my horse.

If a Champion Charger gets lame, i got 5 spare.. Lol XD.

I never found a Champion charger yet??? where did you get them from???

I just check the horse merchant everytime im in a town, then woopti suddenly one pops up XD.
Just have another horse on hand and use the lame one as a pack horse for world map speed until it heals. I tend to keep a couple types of horses in my inventory depending on the enemy I intend to fight; why lumber around on a Charger if you're fighting Khergits? If you can be nimbler and more lethal on a Hunter which can still do the job, you might as well put your denars somewhere else. It's more fun to zig-zag and dodge arrows than to ride a horse-tank and not catch anyone.
In a inattentive moment i rode in some lucky Rhodok Spearmen and he killed my spirited courser.

It's a shame. After I put an arrow through his head for this wretched action and some more arrows in his dead body, I was very sad. This horse has carried me for a long time.

So, after I won the battle I went to the nearest town to buy a new horse. And what did I find: a champion courser.  :grin:

Good man, this Rhodok stick wielding peasent...  :lol:
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