Muslims in Europe

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So i was hangin around on youtube. And there it was... Muslims shouldn't be allowed to enter Europe, people like Geert wilders etc. So I was just wondering what people around the forum thought about the fact that a lot of Muslims move to Europe.
When I read the comments on youtube I useally see negative reactions on the Muslims.
Should Muslims stay where they came from? Should they stop spreading the word of Allah? Should they have less rights then Atheists and Cristian's who were born in Europe?
Each forum goes trough this fase. Please answer as honesty as possible but don't start insulting others.

Every other religion spreads itself like a cancer. Islam is just another piece of the pie, and so let it be.
Yeah, no one is going to answer this seriously as it can get into racism quite quickly. It also has a smattering of religion. Abandon thread methinks.
If most of the information I've been given is correct, and I think it is, then it's definitely an area of concern. I've been led to believe that some federal entity in Germany said that in 50 years they were prepared to become the "Muslim State of Germany" or similar. And before someone gets all faux intellectual on me, wanting to preserve yourself, and by extention your people, your culture, is the most natural thing in the world. I believe some grand Muslim leader spoke about how Islam will take over the world as prophesized, not by weapons but with babywagons (or whatever they're called in English.)3

EDIT: Honestly though, ethnicity is more of a concern for me than culture and religion.
Bugman said:
Yeah, no one is going to answer this seriously as it can get into racism quite quickly. It also has a smattering of religion. Abandon thread methinks.
I always found discussions about the Islam interesting. I wanted to start one here.
I guess it was kinda stupid since the guys up here like to joke around about every topic.
uncreative said:
If most of the information I've been given is correct, and I think it is, then it's definitely an area of concern. I've been led to believe that some federal entity in Germany said that in 50 years they were prepared to become the "Muslim State of Germany" or similar. And before someone gets all faux intellectual on me, wanting to preserve yourself, and by extention your people, your culture, is the most natural thing in the world. I believe some grand Muslim leader spoke about how Islam will take over the world as prophesized, not by weapons but with babywagons (or whatever they're called in English.)

Yeah, oddly enough what you've been "lead to believe" is bull****.
It makes no difference what some radical Muslims claim, some radical Christians claim Jesus is going to come around any time now and kick some ass.

Keep yer allah out of our europes seeeee?
The most sinister Mr. Pavlov and The Pavenis said:

Keep yer allah out of our europes seeeee?
Yeah.. I expected that after seeing your name in the bar that shows you who's on this thread.
Chechen! said:
The most sinister Mr. Pavlov and The Pavenis said:

Keep yer allah out of our europes seeeee?
Yeah.. I expected that after seeing your name in the bar that shows you who's on this thread.

damnit, I'm getting predictable  :lol:

should have made a gif shaking my penis like i initially wanted. No one would expect that.
Muslims, Christians, whatever. I don't have a problem with muslims, they are not the kind of people that goes around and try to convert people generally. I have several muslim friends, so no problems so far anyway.
The thread is pointless, as it's not a good thing to seperate the people who are following a different religion. Not every Muslim (or anyone else) would intend to spread his religion by going there. Besides, who would be harmed when someone shares his/her belief with others peacefully? It goes with any other people with a different belief.
Chechen! said:
Should Muslims stay where they came from?

Muslims can go wherever they want.

Should they stop spreading the word of Allah?

Um... no? Crusades much?

Should they have less rights then Atheists and Cristian's who were born in Europe?

Dude they're all people. People are people regardless of who or what they worship.

Except the scientologists. They should just be rounded up and shot. Service to humanity.

Each forum goes trough this fase.

I don't know WTF type of forums YOU frequent, but this one is accepting of all people, regardless of ethnicity, nationality, religious belief, or sexual orientation.

Zaro said:
The most sinister Mr. Pavlov and The Pavenis said:
should have made a gif shaking my penis like i initially wanted. No one would expect that.

I dare you.

Perhaps with "Muhammad" written on the shaft?

I can see it now "Tonight on FOX 5 at 10, man with stupid haircut in America says his penis is the great muslim prophet muhammad, muslims riot in Denmark"

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