Music selection.

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I really love old heavy metal, not speed metal, but the old stuff :twisted: 1980s Dio, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath and so forth :twisted: the stuff that went so well with a case of beer, bag of dice and a group of my best D&D buddies. Well here is my request, and I hope it's not too much work to implement....

I would like a screen in the options where I can specify my fave songs to apply to the different themes in the game. Since MP3 is the format that isd being used anyway, why not let us specify which songs are for fighting, which for travel etc.

I can rename my music files to what the game looks for I guess, but thats pretty weak. How about a simple config screen to let us substitute the tunes we want? Dont get me wrong I think the music is ok, but I think some pounding bass lines and screaming guitar would suit me more while I run round the battle field.

BTW, I just put in about 10 hrs on this game today, this is the most fun I have had since Halflife 2.

The music in the game is already excellent, but i was thinking. Maybe you could just replace the files with the ones you want to play at a particular part? Rename them to match the currently existing ones. I know, sounds like it wouldn't work, but worked in Morrowind. I must say it was hilarious to walk into a dark musty cavern, listening to the muffled groans of beasts from within the deepest recesses of the cave, and the sound of water gently splattering against the rocks... Then, all of sudden, the hampster dance starts playing!!! ha! Was quite funny. In any case, i think its worth a shot.
You can copy your mp3s to the music folder, and rename the files or alternatively edit the file Mount&blade/data/music.txt . (The first line is the number of MP3s to load. Each line has a file name and a flag. Flags mean the following:
1: Play in map mode
2: Play in battle mode
3: Blay both in map mode and battle mode)
Yeah, I know I can rename the files, I'll probably do that tomorrow. But if we had a screen that let us specify what we want for each of the themes (maybe even a range of music files for each theme, so the same one isnt always playing in a given situation), we could change them without any trouble when we get bored of them. or just go back to the default ones.

Sorry Armagan, I was posting while you were replying. :oops:

Thanks for the heads up on the Music Mod file. Ok, the file editing will do I guess, but can we specify a list of music files for each theme? If I could get a range of songs per theme by seperating the file names with a "_" or something like that I would be a very happy camper.

It's not all that urgent. Replacing the names seems to work well.
At the moment I have;

  • Ambushed - Wagner 'O Fortuna'
    A Losing Battle - Gustav Holst 'Mars'
Kynes said:
It's not all that urgent.

I agree, I never intended that it should be done pre V1.0. But it woud be nice to have in later. We dont need a config screen either I suppose, just a thought.

I just renamed them to match the old titles..

right now ive got

O Fortuna (its Orff, not Wagner)
Conan theme (anvil of crom)
Conan theme (riders of doom)
an mp3 from a conan game

mp3 from conan game, bit gregorian sounding.
some other stuff I found, dont remember.
Conan - Anvil of Crom
Conan - Riders of Doom
Conan - The Sword Maker
Conan - Theme Song
Conan - ... hell every single one from the soundtrack
You can have the songs playing on winamp. Have the Global Hotkeys enabled. Then you can switch the songs with ctrl+alt+Page Down/up.
O Fortuna (its Orff, not Wagner)
My mistake. I have Flight of the Valkyrie replacing one of my other songs. And yes I also use one of the songs from the Gladiator soundtrack and Black Hawk Down and Backdraft and The Rock (long live Hans Zimmer).
i play the soundtracks for LOTR: ROTK and Casshern, both are awesome peices of music and suite medievil warfare perfectly
I'm using just 4 songs, two from the Knights of the Temple soundtrack (thx to whoever made that M&B tribute movie), one from the LOTR soundtrack, and one original one (the Reluctant Hero, i think)
nightrunn3r said:
I'm using just 4 songs, two from the Knights of the Temple soundtrack (thx to whoever made that M&B tribute movie), one from the LOTR soundtrack, and one original one (the Reluctant Hero, i think)

thats me! the movie! thanks for appreciating it

which songs did you use??

on topic

i change theme sometimes iuse songs from the gladiator soundtrack sometimes from kingdom of heaven and knights of the temple, it depends on how i feel, i dont wanna mix em up cause they have different styles... it feels annoying to listen to a song that doesnt really fit with the song that was played before it
Am I the only person who likes listening to music that doesn't match the time frame in any way? Depeche Mode all the way.
[bulletproof] said:
Is it that hard to run a standard media player in the background and alt tab to it to select new music?

No I guess not, but they did go to the trouble of putting themes music for different situations, I was just looking for a little variety.

Seems like they could have avoided any music at all, if that's the common attitude. If you are worried that much by simple suggestions like this then I guess I'll keep my mouth shut.

armagan said:
You can copy your mp3s to the music folder, and rename the files or alternatively edit the file Mount&blade/data/music.txt . (The first line is the number of MP3s to load. Each line has a file name and a flag. Flags mean the following:
1: Play in map mode
2: Play in battle mode
3: Blay both in map mode and battle mode)

Ok, I have used 13 different songs, I changed the first line (which was originally "8") in the data music file to reflect the number of songs I added used but I get NO music at all. I moved all the original music files to a seperate folder in the music file folder.

I noticed the original music files seem to have no spaces in the filename? Is it required that all the file names have no spaces in them? Is it possible to use more than 8 files? I am investigating this further myself, but maybe this is worth adding to the FAQ or something.


Seems to be working now. I renamed the files without spaces and its all good.

There could, however, be a hunting/fishing ability (not a skill) of some sort that would add some meat (or fish while you´re travelling near water) into your inventory at random times while travelling.
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