Multiple Save Game Slots

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So we dont have to worry so much about our save game becoming corrupt. Ive started 3 games and had each of the save games become corrupt after hours of play. Its just a wee bit frustrating to lose so much and have to restart.
I play on realistic so it would not matter, but I don't get corrupts (luckily). But I second that anyway for the public best.
if you get that problem repeatedly, i'd reccomend making manual backups before each m&b session. you jut copy and paste the files in C:razz:rogram FilesMount&BladeSavegames . you should also keep one version of the savefile back. just rename the 'copy of sg0x.wsg' file to 'sg0x.wsg.backup' or something.
KeithN said:
So we dont have to worry so much about our save game becoming corrupt. Ive started 3 games and had each of the save games become corrupt after hours of play. Its just a wee bit frustrating to lose so much and have to restart.

I had the exact same problem. Try turning your max fps down to 70-85 , I had mine on 150 , And it would crash - sometime's 1-7 time's an hour. Since i turned it down to 85 , I havn't had 1 crash all week.
whts the tempature in your house?

mine computer crashes sometimes in the summer cause it gets so hot

but never in the winter
same idea as Berny, but can you say at least the speed and brand of your processors? that makes even more difference than ambiant temperature. i have an old comp with a duron that didn't quite reach 2 gig, and i could run that thing even on the hottest days of california summer. my house would be at around 105 degrees, and the computer never had any problems. i wouldn't think of doing that with my new(er) pc that has a p4 thats around 20% faster. if your computers are p4s of any speed, i think you should check for cooling problems, like restricted airflow to the case or dustbunnys. yes, something as mundane as a dustbunny can cause large problems for computers. i almost broke my graphics card because i didn't remove the dustbunnys from the fan for nearly a year.
Just a minor addition to the save game idea. When a game is saved, can we not have it name the file after the character? It's impossible to know which is which when moving saves around.
actually, you can. the savegames have their numbers arranged in a format like a numerical matrix. basically, this is the format of english. left-to-right, top-to-bottom. if your savefile is in the middle-right box, its filename is sg04.swg
compfreak said:
same idea as Berny, but can you say at least the speed and brand of your processors? that makes even more difference than ambiant temperature. i have an old comp with a duron that didn't quite reach 2 gig, and i could run that thing even on the hottest days of california summer. my house would be at around 105 degrees, and the computer never had any problems. i wouldn't think of doing that with my new(er) pc that has a p4 thats around 20% faster. if your computers are p4s of any speed, i think you should check for cooling problems, like restricted airflow to the case or dustbunnys. yes, something as mundane as a dustbunny can cause large problems for computers. i almost broke my graphics card because i didn't remove the dustbunnys from the fan for nearly a year.

I'll take a look at that. I dont see how it wold corrupt my save games though.

I had the exact same problem. Try turning your max fps down to 70-85 , I had mine on 150 , And it would crash - sometime's 1-7 time's an hour. Since i turned it down to 85 , I havn't had 1 crash all week.

I never reach max FPS, so I dont think that would matter. :oops:

I'll see what happens when I turn it down anyway.
KeithN said:
I'll take a look at that. I dont see how it wold corrupt my save games though.
it doesn't corrupt the savegame directly, but computers crash and components screw up when they get too hot. if the heat is affecting the hard drive, that could be what is corrupting the files. they are being writting while the media is in adverse conditions, so they may not be perfect. of course, this is just a guess. and cleaning your computer once in a while is a good idea anyways. one catch though: once you start cleaning, you'll probably think 'hey, q-tips are perfect for this.' they work, but don't get the cotton clogged in anything. its hard to take out.
compfreak said:
KeithN said:
I'll take a look at that. I dont see how it wold corrupt my save games though.
it doesn't corrupt the savegame directly, but computers crash and components screw up when they get too hot. if the heat is affecting the hard drive, that could be what is corrupting the files. they are being writting while the media is in adverse conditions, so they may not be perfect. of course, this is just a guess. and cleaning your computer once in a while is a good idea anyways. one catch though: once you start cleaning, you'll probably think 'hey, q-tips are perfect for this.' they work, but don't get the cotton clogged in anything. its hard to take out.
Whooaa, dudes, careful there. Look up some sites on PC maintainence first for good tips (q-tips? careful!). If you're not carefull you can easily do more harm than good.

Plus, we're assuming it is a problem with overheating which it isn't obvious to me - and I work in the field.

Is the original poster playing for hours (and thus a potential overheating problem) without saving in between which would more likely cause a crash than later on (say the next day) cause his saved games to become corrupted (and thus more likely be a software problem?). It's hard to diagnose without specific tech info and so much is interrelated in anycase.
i'm just posting a guess. i thought Berny might be onto something with the heat, so i asked KeithN about the processor. his reply made me think i was right, and i told him what i've done before. do you really need a maintinence guide for hardware? the main thing is keep it dust and static free, and i see no reason q-tips wouldn't work for that. you're right that i should have asked how long he was playing for. there i simply failed to remember something important.
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