Multiple mods

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Alright, so I'm really loving this game and all the support it gives to modifications. I just need help figuring out a way to have a number of mods installed on it. Specifically, I want to run two different mods, but since one (a clash of kings 1.2) runs on patch 1.158, and the other (Brytenwalda 1.40) runs on patch 1.153, Brytenwalda isn't showing up in my modules as something I can run. I know what the issue is here, brytenwalda isn't compatible with 1.158, but would there be a way to set up two different entities of warband running the two necessary and respective patches of warband? And if so, how would I do that? I guess I just don't want to have to destroy one for the sake of the other.
jacobhinds said:
Even mods made on 1.143 will still work on the current version. There's no need to create multiple entities because the changes made after 1.143 don't affect the engine,
Are you sure? I installed Acok first and then brytenwalda second, acok shows up in the module drop down in the launch screen but brytenwalda doesn't. I guess I'll just have to have another look at how I installed them, maybe I didn't do brytenwalda right
Weird, it apparently installed itself into a copy of my warband modules on its own in my program files, while my actual application files for warband were in x86. Thanks for the help
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