Multiplayer tournaments

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I know there's another thread, but by now they're talking about muffins in there >_>

So i was thinking since people talk about how hard it would be to do a massive ultiplayer thingy, but could it be possible to make a multiplayer tournament mod? Would be nice to have some deathmatches or small sieges with archers or just plain CTF. I understand it would take ages to turn the whole game into a multiplayer experience, but don't you think the tournament mod would be pretty realistic to try?
Same thing, really. Not going to happen.

It doesn't sound like something a third party could do, and the developer already said he's not going to go that route. Besides, if armagan got the tournament running that way, it doesn't seem that far a stretch to expand it to the rest of the game - and people would start badgering him even more about adding it.
Yaayayaya! "Another"! Multiplayer thread...just what ive been waiting for.

If you feel like making a multiplayer mod for us all , then go ahead . Im guessing you will volenteer to pay for the server's , do all the coding , and basically reconstruct the game for us to.
Right. Ever heard of "connect by IP". If you plan to make a useless... in your standards probably a witty comment, please, do it properly.
What does that last post have to do with anything? "Connect by IP" still needs to have some system coded to get information flowing between the two computers, so the only way to make a multiplayer mod will be somehow 'hacking' the data from the internet/LAN to the game. That would be lots of code to write, you'd have to reverse-engineer the game to find out where the data even goes, and it's generally just too difficult. There cannot be a multiplayer mod in this game without someone very devoted spending weeks or months on it. So if you want to spend that time and make a mod, go right ahead. But don't expect anyone else to make it.
I personally don't see the crime in discussion what could be in multiplayer- the more ideas the better, even if they aren't used, at least we still have them floating around :smile:.
It was a reply concerning that server part. Still, like i said, even if it's OFFLINE, it would be nice. Now if you're done with the useless banter, do talk about an OFFLINE, tournament. Of course there is one, but it doesn't mean it has to be just 1-3 men/women killing each other.
actually a mp mod might be possible, they managed to do it with morrowind (though it required a separate program running in the background).. i doubt that anyone would consider it worth the effort though.
Eventually, someone who made the multiplayer morrowind mod will stumble onto this, and BAM! New Multiplayer M&B. Or something.
You beat me to the comment i was going to post, clearly it is possible but it would take a good deal of effort and frankly i wouldn't know where to start. It would be interesting though......
Well if you wanted to "discuss" multiplayer why make a new thread when there's like 5 already...

Armagan has already said he is not going to try to put it into M@B.

If you want it that much you can wait untill M@B2.
There IS a way to make a "multiplayer" mod.

Create 2 armies, an army for each player.
Make players take turns in battling them. Like 1st player battles the 2nd player's army, and then the 2nd player fights the 1st player's army until someone's army is destroyed. Player's fall in the battle doesn't mean complete defeat, just end of his turn and then the remaining armies appear on the next player's turn to battle.

But there is a catch that the actual player character has only fists as weapons, so he would have to use army commands to gain victory over the enemy army (so that the player itself can't single-handedly destroy the other army).

For this mod you don't have to code 2 separate player characters. Just make the armies change leader on each player's turn.
The same character can be played by both players since stats don't matter in commanding, and the stats can be set to specific numbers so no one has an advantage.

The armies could also be customized by players in means of unit type and tactics.
This mod could just be played on a single computer by 2 or more people (you could create more armies for player 3 and 4, so there could be a 2 vs 2 match ;P)

I have not made this mod and no one else has, but here's an idea for someone :smile:
Read the forum rules. DO NOT NECRO THREADS, OR POST SOMETHING 3 TIMES. 1 time is enough, and you don't have to necro.
Roikku said:
Well not my fault there's many dead multiplayer threads out there  :roll:

That is not a reason to necro, neither it is to post the same thing more than once.
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