Multiplayer Standard Combat Poll

How should the melee combat (at least the recommended option) be in a multiplayer game?

  • Auto-parry, normal speed

    Votes: 13 15.5%
  • Auto-parry, faster speed

    Votes: 14 16.7%
  • Mouse-directional parry, normal speed

    Votes: 29 34.5%
  • Mouse-directional parry, faster speed

    Votes: 28 33.3%

  • Total voters

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Master Knight
I guess most people will prefer mouse-directional, but which speed? And are there people who would like to see auto-parry in multiplayer? Is there someone out there who actually KNOWS which will be the standard options?

My vote: mdp, faster speed.
Surely it will go at whichever speed the player is going? Doesn't the speed in game just mean the AI speed?
The speed influences how fast all combat actions occur.  To me on fastest it looks unrealistic, so I don't use it. 
Currently, on fastest looks quite realistic, but in multi it will go faster though. Now, if an ai attacks, he raises his weapon, pauses for a moment, then swings (at a realistic speed on faster). But in multi, the pause won't be there, so there it might look a bit freaky. So actually I'm doubting myself between them. But mouse-directional is a must.

But you are right that the attack abortion of ai looks rediculously fast sometimes, especially when you are fighting in a training field vs a claimant (20 AGI, >200 weapon proficiency). They stop their attack mid-swing several times per second. But take into account that that won't happen in multi either.
AvaRice said:
Options will vary from server to server.
Yea but probably one option set will be used as recommended, and because of that used by most servers (probably >75%). That's the use of this poll.
Then people would start searching for rooms at which the owner features auto block? all those options.. for a player to find the perfect room it will take alot of time. (making one is a option but that would also mean A lot of people will make A lot of rooms with few people in them).

Of course they are going to implent a filter of some kind?
killer-blead said:
Then people would start searching for rooms at which the owner features auto block? all those options.. for a player to find the perfect room it will take alot of time. (making one is a option but that would also mean A lot of people will make A lot of rooms with few people in them).

Of course they are going to implent a filter of some kind?

Yeah a filter seems the obvious solution.

Most admin problems like these will be solved at beta if they haven't already been.
Factoring in the issue of lag I think that mouse directional parrying will not be a viable option for most games. I predict that the most common setting will be auto+normal speed.
I think for a game like this to go multiplayer, shields and other effortless-parrying techniques need to be severely nerfed.
It would seriously ruin the game if players could perfectly parry each other's attacks without much effort - close combat engagements would simply look ridiculous.

And YES, shields and auto-block is effortless lameness. I won't tell someone what to do in their single player game, but for multiplayer, the standard should definitely be faster + manual block.

Of course, being able to customize it on the server side would be nice, but again, the standard settings should definitely be the most challenging and fast-paced settings, to encourange competitiveness and fun, intense multiplayer matches.

P.S - shield system definitely needs to be improved.
captain lust said:
Yeah I agree with Dao but I think lag could be an issue.

Every millisecond lost could be fatal. The servers will have to be fast.
Mabye there can be an option that the admin can change combat speed in-game, so when it gets too laggy, he can slow the game down a bit. I hope most servers will put the player limit at 32 though. 64 is more epic, but it will be too laggy to play properly.

For the shield problem: maybe two handed weapons need to have the ability to bash away your foe's shield when sufficient damage is done. It's not broken, so he can pick it up again later, but this way duels won't last for hours. It doesn't have to be 2handed weapons, but probably that will be the only ones able to do the damage required. Maybe it's not realistic, as men usually have a firm grip on their shield, but it would make it more fun. Shields will mainly be used by beginning players with one handed weapons, cavaliers, since they are not in constant combat, and experienced footmen to protect themselves against arrows.

Also I think crossbowmen like the rhodoks shouldn't have shields. Archers and xbowmen should easily be beaten by infantry unless they are much better than you in melee.
if they do the xp thing for levels, it should be you get more if you use block by mouse movement (if you use a 2h weapon and have been blocking, but not xp everytime you block)
killer-blead said:
captain lust said:
I know it's a bit elitist (ish) but it would be good if there was a ping limit on some servers so everyone has a good connection.
not with punkbuster  :shock:
punkbuster is damn annoying.

lol. Fine.

Couldn't there just be a restriction on the server.

Something like this:

need a certain ping to join server.

If your ping averages above a certain level, for a period of time, then you are booted.
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