Need More Info Multiplayer Battle Class Costs Do Not Match Money Being Taken

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Summary: The costs being displayed for each unit on battle are the "cost" XML attribute of each MPClassDivision node in mpclassdivisions.xml. On the server if a unit has a "battle_cost" value, that is what will be deducted. If your client thinks you have enough, and the server thinks you need more odd things start happening visually to the client.
How to Reproduce: Join any Battle server and find a unit that has a "battle_cost" defined in mpclassdivisions.xml. Your client will show the cost of the unit as the "cost" value instead of the "battle_cost" value from the xml
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Hey, i will forward the issue to the devs. Meanwhile can you please share a video of these visualy oddities with us so we can further inspect the issue?
I think we narrowed down the problem. Without "SingleSpawn true" in the config, it shows the incorrect prices. Once that line was added, battle was showing the correct prices. Here is a video on my server running without the SingleSpawn item in place:

The client shows 140 in the menu, but takes 150 gold. When you get to a point that the client thinks you have enough gold for a class, and the server thinks you don't, you can still select that class and it shows the lowest tier troop for that faction
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