Multi-sided combat...

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Lord Blade

When I'm working for one side, and I see a group from the enemy side fighting something like bandits... I shouldn't be forced to not intervene.

I'd like to choose what to do. Maybe help the soliders fight the bandits (thus raising my reputation with that faction).
Or help the bandits kill the soldiers (because they're the enemy... plus, bandits should be a faction too:smile:).
Or maybe attack both (if I'm feeling brave).
Well, bandits will be a faction in the next version(s). Remember Dhorak keep? That's bandit's outpost... that will suit all your dirty needs, I'm sure. :smile:
I think fighting on all fronts would be awesome, but I'd be worried that the AI would default to 'everyone attack the pc' mode, instead of attack everyone equally.
Well, I don't think so. After all, vaegirs prefer attacking swadins then you (I play for swadians).
Kherjit raiders are however, somehow hell-bend on killing you, and noone minds them - but I guess it's more of a bug.
Hehe, silly Khergits. Emphasis on the 'gits' part.
It just takes so long to kill 50 of them, eventually riding around in circles shooting arrows at guys gets boring :razz:
Agreed - it annoys me to see that I have to wait for the battle to be over to join it - when I could easily annihilate both parties and take twice the loot.
uly said:
G36E said:
Don't we already have a 3-way battles suggestion? Which degenerated into a multi-way battle suggestion?,41027.0.html
Degenerated?  Why not developed?  Expanded?
Anyway the conclusion there seemed to be that 4+ way battles would be extremely rare if impossible, so 3-way and multi-sided probably mean the same thing in reality.

Because it didn't go according to plan. And yes, what you said.
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